Maison & Propriété (Vente)
/ 92342069
Just South of Lander, Wyoming. The Day Ranch is comprised of 280+/- acres along with a BLM lease for horses/cattle, a 3 bed 2 bath home, shop/barn, loafing sheds, Live Water from Willow Creek and Beason Creek, water rights and so much more! Live water throughout the entire Ranch makes it ideal for grazing, along with irrigated ground on both ends of the Ranch. The land is gently sloped with lush creek bottoms and red rock outcroppings. Beason Creek flows in on the North end of the Ranch and Willow Creek flows in through the South end. They then converge together on the far east end of the Ranch. The home on the property is a cozy 1836 sqft. 3 bed & 2 bath built in 2014 and has a private well. The home is equipped with forced air heat/ac along with a wood stove for those cold winter nights. There is barn/equipment storage building 40x48 with oversized sliding doors. This Ranch is a recreational haven that borders public lands with access to Table Mountain and beyond to National Forest. The Ranch offers excellent Mule Deer, White-Tailed Deer, Elk, and Antelope hunting along with multiple species of Upland Birds. The Ranch does meet the qualifications for Land Owner Tags. Hunting Units Elk-28, Deer-92, Antelope-65. Historically this Ranch has been used for grazing horses and cattle (May-Oct). With live water throughout the entire property it helps make your grazing rotation a breeze not having to worry about where they might be getting water. This property is currently in a Conservation Easement with the purpose of preserving and protecting natural habitat and natural ecosystems and the continuation of ranching and agriculture purposes. Located approximately 10 miles South of Lander Wyoming just off of Willow Creek Road at the base of the foothills of the Wind River Mountains.
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Just South of Lander, Wyoming. The Day Ranch is comprised of 280+/- acres along with a BLM lease for horses/cattle, a 3 bed 2 bath home, shop/barn, loafing sheds, Live Water from Willow Creek and Beason Creek, water rights and so much more! Live water throughout the entire Ranch makes it ideal for grazing, along with irrigated ground on both ends of the Ranch. The land is gently sloped with lush creek bottoms and red rock outcroppings. Beason Creek flows in on the North end of the Ranch and Willow Creek flows in through the South end. They then converge together on the far east end of the Ranch. The home on the property is a cozy 1836 sqft. 3 bed & 2 bath built in 2014 and has a private well. The home is equipped with forced air heat/ac along with a wood stove for those cold winter nights. There is barn/equipment storage building 40x48 with oversized sliding doors. This Ranch is a recreational haven that borders public lands with access to Table Mountain and beyond to National Forest. The Ranch offers excellent Mule Deer, White-Tailed Deer, Elk, and Antelope hunting along with multiple species of Upland Birds. The Ranch does meet the qualifications for Land Owner Tags. Hunting Units Elk-28, Deer-92, Antelope-65. Historically this Ranch has been used for grazing horses and cattle (May-Oct). With live water throughout the entire property it helps make your grazing rotation a breeze not having to worry about where they might be getting water. This property is currently in a Conservation Easement with the purpose of preserving and protecting natural habitat and natural ecosystems and the continuation of ranching and agriculture purposes. Located approximately 10 miles South of Lander Wyoming just off of Willow Creek Road at the base of the foothills of the Wind River Mountains.
Jižně od Landeru ve Wyomingu. Denní ranč se skládá z 280 +/- akrů spolu s pronájmem BLM pro koně / skot, 3 lůžky 2 koupelny, obchod / stodola, povaleče, živá voda z Willow Creek a Beason Creek, vodní práva a mnoho dalšího! Živá voda v celém ranči je ideální pro pastvu, spolu se zavlažovanou půdou na obou koncích ranče. Půda je mírně svažitá s bujným dnem potoků a červenými skalními výchozy. Beason Creek přitéká na severním konci ranče a Willow Creek přitéká přes jižní konec. Poté se sbíhají na vzdáleném východním konci ranče. Dům na pozemku je útulný o rozloze 1836 čtverečních stop. 3 postele & 2 koupelny postavené v roce 2014 a má vlastní studnu. Dům je vybaven nuceným vytápěním vzduchem/klimatizací spolu s kamny na dřevo pro chladné zimní noci. K dispozici je budova stodoly/skladu vybavení 40x48 s nadrozměrnými posuvnými dveřmi. Tento ranč je rekreačním útočištěm, které hraničí s veřejnými pozemky s přístupem ke Stolové hoře a dále do národního lesa. Ranč nabízí vynikající lov jelenů, jelenů běloocasých, losů a antilop spolu s několika druhy horských ptáků. Ranč splňuje kvalifikaci pro Land Owner Tag. Lovecké jednotky Elk-28, Jelen-92, Antilopa-65. Historicky byl tento ranč využíván pro pastvu koní a dobytka (květen-říjen). Díky živé vodě na celém pozemku je střídání pastvy hračkou, protože se nemusíte starat o to, odkud by mohli brát vodu. Tato nemovitost je v současné době ve věcném břemeni ochrany za účelem zachování a ochrany přírodních stanovišť a přírodních ekosystémů a pokračování rančerských a zemědělských účelů. Nachází se přibližně 10 mil jižně od Landeru ve Wyomingu, jen kousek od Willow Creek Road, na úpatí podhůří pohoří Wind River.
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Maison & Propriété
171 m²
1 129 073 m²
Salles de bains: