Appartement & Loft (Vente)
180 m²
/ 103371558
ERA Gold is pleased to present you a penthouse for sale in a luxury residence - next to Vitosha metro station, South Park and Loven Park. The apartment offers amazing panoramic views of Vitosha Mountain from every room and spacious and bright spaces with high ceilings. Distribution: Large entrance hall with direct access from the elevator, living room with kitchenette and dining room 50 sq. m. m., corridor to 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with toilet and spacious terraces with exceptional views, overlooking the city and the mountains. Details: - Direct access from an elevator - High ceilings over 3 meters - Heating with an individual French gas boiler De Dietrich, Italian radiators Global and a complete system with reversible air conditioners De Dietrich, installed in the apartment - Terraces with double floor and decking - Basement 4 sq. m. A luxury residential building that includes shops, offices, 11 residential floors and two underground levels of closed garages at prices of 38,100 euros. A luxurious façade and representative common areas with an entrance hall with a concierge lead to luxury elevators, allowing a direct connection between the garages and the apartments. The presence of a concierge, professional live security and video surveillance at the entrances and the adjacent terrain contribute to the quality of everyday life. Monolithic concrete anti-earthquake structure, masonry with brick 'Wienerberger' with a thickness of 25 cm and additional cladding, with sound insulation between the apartments. The internal partition walls in the apartments are soundproofed, also with 'Wienerberger' brick, finished with white latex painted plaster and floor screed. All prices include VAT! CreditERA provides free consultation and assistance in financing your chosen property from all leading banks in the country and will negotiate the best conditions for you! Offer 4004683
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ЕРА Голд има удоволствието да Ви представи петнхаус за продажба в луксозна резиденция - до метростанция 'Витоша', Южен парк и Ловен парк. Жилището предлага невероятни панорамни гледки към планина Витоша от всяка стая и просторни и светли пространства с високи тавани. Разпределение: Голямо входно антре с директен достъп от асансьор, дневна с кухненски бокс и трапезария 50 кв. м., коридор към 3 спални, 2 бани с тоалетна и просторни тераси с изключителна гледка, с поглед към града и планините. Детайли: - Директен достъп от асансьор - Високи тавани над 3 метра - Отопление с индивидуален френски газов котел De Dietrich, италиански радиатори Global и цялостна система с обратими климатици De Dietrich, монтирани в апартамента - Тераси с двоен под и декинг - Мазе 4 кв. м. Луксозна жилищна сграда, която включва магазини, офиси, 11 жилищни етажа и две подземни нива от затворени гаражи на цени от 38 100 евро. Луксозна фасада и представителните общи части с антре с портиерна, въвеждат към луксозни асансьори, позволяващи директна връзка между гаражите и жилищата. Осигуреното присъствие на портиер, професионална жива охрана и видеонаблюдение на входовете и прилежащия терен допринасят за качеството на ежедневието. Монолитна бетонена антиземетръсна конструкция, зидарията с тухла 'Wienerberger' с дебелина от 25 см и допълнителни обшивки, със звукоизолация между апартаментите. Вътрешните преградни стени в апартаментите са шумоизолирани, също с тухла 'Wienerberger', завършени с боядисана в бял латекс мазилка и подова замазка. Всички цени са с включен ДДС! CreditERA предоставя безплатна консултация и съдействие при финансиране на избрания от Вас имот от всички водещи банки в страната и ще договори най-добрите условия за вас! Оферта 4004683
ERA Gold is pleased to present you a penthouse for sale in a luxury residence - next to Vitosha metro station, South Park and Loven Park. The apartment offers amazing panoramic views of Vitosha Mountain from every room and spacious and bright spaces with high ceilings. Distribution: Large entrance hall with direct access from the elevator, living room with kitchenette and dining room 50 sq. m. m., corridor to 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with toilet and spacious terraces with exceptional views, overlooking the city and the mountains. Details: - Direct access from an elevator - High ceilings over 3 meters - Heating with an individual French gas boiler De Dietrich, Italian radiators Global and a complete system with reversible air conditioners De Dietrich, installed in the apartment - Terraces with double floor and decking - Basement 4 sq. m. A luxury residential building that includes shops, offices, 11 residential floors and two underground levels of closed garages at prices of 38,100 euros. A luxurious façade and representative common areas with an entrance hall with a concierge lead to luxury elevators, allowing a direct connection between the garages and the apartments. The presence of a concierge, professional live security and video surveillance at the entrances and the adjacent terrain contribute to the quality of everyday life. Monolithic concrete anti-earthquake structure, masonry with brick 'Wienerberger' with a thickness of 25 cm and additional cladding, with sound insulation between the apartments. The internal partition walls in the apartments are soundproofed, also with 'Wienerberger' brick, finished with white latex painted plaster and floor screed. All prices include VAT! CreditERA provides free consultation and assistance in financing your chosen property from all leading banks in the country and will negotiate the best conditions for you! Offer 4004683
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Type de bien:
Appartement & Loft
180 m²