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Bourgas - Appartement & loft à vendre

140 000 EUR

Appartement & Loft (Vente)

Référence: EDEN-T98917308 / 98917308
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Pre-Sales! Start of construction - January 2025 Implementation - 36 months. No maintenance fee! We present for sale a two-bedroom apartment of 144.79 sq.m with a private yard, in a new nine-storey building of a modern complex, quality new construction in Burgas. The concept of the complex is based on the principles of quality and comfortable living, with amenities for the needs of a modern family, in a calm and landscaped living environment. The property is located on the 1st floor facing south, with its own yard of 40.77 sq.m. Distribution: entrance hall; living room with kitchen; two bedrooms; two bathrooms with toilet; warehouse; spacious veranda; yard. It is issued in the degree of completion according to BDS. The total number of properties is 255, divided into 3 entrances, each with two high-speed elevators. All objects are carefully designed: with regular shapes and maximum functional distribution of the premises. The larger dimensions of the building and its convenient location on the terrain allow for a variety of types and layouts of apartments: one-bedroom apartments with an area of between 60 and 70 sq.m. two-bedroom apartments with an area between 72 and 145 sq.m. First-class construction. Parking on the territory is provided with 30 ground floor garages, 60 underground parking spaces and 205 outdoor parking spaces: garages at prices from 21,000 euros; underground parking spaces at prices from 12,000 euros; open parking spaces at prices from 8,900 euros. Location The location of the complex is convenient and strategic: in the district. 'Izgrev', near Mall Plaza and Kaufland. This is the most actively developing area at the moment, promising to compete with the rest of Burgas with a number of advantages: quick and easy access to the main roads, completely new infrastructure, a high degree of comfort for residents, new technologies, more green spaces and a healthier environment. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: LXH-123738 Tel: ... , 056 701 465 Responsible broker: Teodora Ivanova Voir plus Voir moins LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Предварителни продажби! Начало на строителството - януари 2025 г. Реализация - 36 месеца. Без такса поддръжка! Представяме за продажба тристаен апартамент от 144,79 кв.м с частен двор, в нова девететажна сграда на модерен комплекс, качествено ново строителство в Бургас. В концепцията на комплекса са заложени принципи на качествен и комфортен живот, с удобства за нуждите на едно съвременно семейство, в спокойна и озеленена среда за обитаване. Имотът е разположен на 1-ви етаж с изложение юг, със собсвено дворно място от 40,77 кв.м. Разпределение: антре; дневна с кухня; две спални; две бани с тоалет; склад; просторна веранда; двор. Издава се в степен на завършеност по БДС. Типове жилища Общото количество на имотите е 255, разделени в 3 входа, всеки с по два високоскоростни асансьора. Всички обекти са внимателно проектирани: с правилни форми и максимално функционално разпределение на помещенията. По-големите размери на сградата и удобното ѝ разположение на терена позволяват обособяването на разнообразие от типове и планировки на апартаментите: двустайни апартаменти с площ между 60 и 70 кв.м. тристайни апартаменти с площ между 72 и 145 кв.м. Първокласно строителство. Паркоместа Паркирането на територията е обезпечено с 30 партерни гаража, 60 подземни паркоместа и 205 открити паркоместа: гаражи на цени от 21 000 евро; подземни паркоместа на цени от 12 000 евро; открити паркоместа на цени от 8 900 евро. Локация Местоположението на комплекса е удобно и стратегическо: в кв. 'Изгрев', близо до Mall Plaza и Kaufland. Това е най-активно развиващата се в момента зона, обещаваща да конкурира с останалите части на Бургас с ред предимства: бърз и лесен достъп до основните пътни артерии, изцяло нова инфраструктура, висока степен на комфорт на живущите, нови технологии, повече зелени пространства и по-здравословна околна среда. Сградата е със смесено За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: LXH-123738 Тел: ... , 056 701 465 Отговорен брокер:Теодора Иванова LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Pre-Sales! Start of construction - January 2025 Implementation - 36 months. No maintenance fee! We present for sale a two-bedroom apartment of 144.79 sq.m with a private yard, in a new nine-storey building of a modern complex, quality new construction in Burgas. The concept of the complex is based on the principles of quality and comfortable living, with amenities for the needs of a modern family, in a calm and landscaped living environment. The property is located on the 1st floor facing south, with its own yard of 40.77 sq.m. Distribution: entrance hall; living room with kitchen; two bedrooms; two bathrooms with toilet; warehouse; spacious veranda; yard. It is issued in the degree of completion according to BDS. The total number of properties is 255, divided into 3 entrances, each with two high-speed elevators. All objects are carefully designed: with regular shapes and maximum functional distribution of the premises. The larger dimensions of the building and its convenient location on the terrain allow for a variety of types and layouts of apartments: one-bedroom apartments with an area of between 60 and 70 sq.m. two-bedroom apartments with an area between 72 and 145 sq.m. First-class construction. Parking on the territory is provided with 30 ground floor garages, 60 underground parking spaces and 205 outdoor parking spaces: garages at prices from 21,000 euros; underground parking spaces at prices from 12,000 euros; open parking spaces at prices from 8,900 euros. Location The location of the complex is convenient and strategic: in the district. 'Izgrev', near Mall Plaza and Kaufland. This is the most actively developing area at the moment, promising to compete with the rest of Burgas with a number of advantages: quick and easy access to the main roads, completely new infrastructure, a high degree of comfort for residents, new technologies, more green spaces and a healthier environment. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: LXH-123738 Tel: ... , 056 701 465 Responsible broker: Teodora Ivanova LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... predpredaj! Začiatok výstavby - január 2025 Realizácia - 36 mesiacov. Žiadny poplatok za údržbu! Predstavujeme na predaj dvojizbový byt s rozlohou 144,79 m² so súkromným dvorom, v novej deväťpodlažnej budove moderného komplexu, kvalitná novostavba v Burgas. Koncepcia komplexu je založená na princípoch kvalitného a komfortného bývania, s vybavením pre potreby modernej rodiny, v pokojnom a upravenom životnom prostredí. Nehnuteľnosť sa nachádza na 1. poschodí orientovanom na juh, s vlastným dvorom s rozlohou 40,77 m². Distribúcia: vstupná hala; obývacia izba s kuchyňou; dve spálne; dve kúpeľne s WC; sklad; priestranná veranda; dvor. Vydáva sa v stupni dokončenia podľa BDS. Celkový počet nehnuteľností je 255, rozdelených do 3 vchodov, každý s dvoma vysokorýchlostnými výťahmi. Všetky objekty sú starostlivo navrhnuté: s pravidelnými tvarmi a maximálnym funkčným rozložením priestorov. Väčšie rozmery budovy a jej výhodná poloha v teréne umožňujú rôzne typy a dispozície bytov: jednoizbové byty s rozlohou od 60 do 70 m². dvojizbové byty s výmerou od 72 do 145 m². Prvotriedna konštrukcia. Parkovanie na území je zabezpečené 30 prízemnými garážami, 60 podzemnými parkovacími miestami a 205 vonkajšími parkovacími miestami: garáže za ceny od 21 000 eur; podzemné parkovacie miesta za ceny od 12 000 eur; otvorené parkovacie miesta za ceny od 8 900 eur. Umiestnenie Poloha komplexu je výhodná a strategická: v okrese. "Izgrev", neďaleko Mall Plaza a Kaufland. V súčasnosti ide o najaktívnejšie sa rozvíjajúcu oblasť, ktorá sľubuje, že bude konkurovať zvyšku Burgasu s množstvom výhod: rýchly a jednoduchý prístup na hlavné cesty, úplne nová infraštruktúra, vysoký komfort pre obyvateľov, nové technológie, viac zelene a zdravšie životné prostredie. Pre viac informácií nás kontaktujte a uveďte referenčné číslo nehnuteľnosti. Povedzte, že ste videli reklamu na tejto stránke. Referenčné číslo: LXH-123738 Tel: ... , 056 701 465 Zodpovedný maklér: Teodora Ivanova
Référence: EDEN-T98917308
Pays: BG
Ville: Burgas
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Appartement & Loft
Surface: 144
Etage: 1


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