Fonds de commerce (Vente)
925 m²
/ 100498441
16910 State Highway 14!!! Prime Commercial Property near Mojave Airport – High Foot Traffic, Excellent Investment OpportunityThis exceptional commercial property offers a prime location with incredible potential, situated in a bustling wing of a shopping center. Located close to the Mojave Airport, this property benefits from a steady flow of foot traffic generated by a variety of factors, including nearby Tesla charging stations, which attract travelers en route to Las Vegas and other major cities. The proximity to high-demand retail and dining options, such as Stater Brothers, McDonald's, Starbucks, and popular Thai restaurants, further boosts daily foot traffic, making this an ideal location for a variety of businesses.This property stands out as a versatile investment, surrounded by a mix of established businesses within the strip center. The nearby gas stations and convenience services ensure a constant stream of visitors to the area, enhancing the visibility and success of any business situated here.With ample parking, including access to Tesla charging stations, and a strategic location in a growing area, this property is perfect for investors seeking a high-traffic, high-potential space. A confidential offering memorandum is available upon request. This is a must-see opportunity – take a drive by today to explore the possibilities.
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16910 State Highway 14!!! Prime Commercial Property near Mojave Airport – High Foot Traffic, Excellent Investment OpportunityThis exceptional commercial property offers a prime location with incredible potential, situated in a bustling wing of a shopping center. Located close to the Mojave Airport, this property benefits from a steady flow of foot traffic generated by a variety of factors, including nearby Tesla charging stations, which attract travelers en route to Las Vegas and other major cities. The proximity to high-demand retail and dining options, such as Stater Brothers, McDonald's, Starbucks, and popular Thai restaurants, further boosts daily foot traffic, making this an ideal location for a variety of businesses.This property stands out as a versatile investment, surrounded by a mix of established businesses within the strip center. The nearby gas stations and convenience services ensure a constant stream of visitors to the area, enhancing the visibility and success of any business situated here.With ample parking, including access to Tesla charging stations, and a strategic location in a growing area, this property is perfect for investors seeking a high-traffic, high-potential space. A confidential offering memorandum is available upon request. This is a must-see opportunity – take a drive by today to explore the possibilities.
16910 Rodovia Estadual 14!! Propriedade comercial privilegiada perto do Aeroporto de Mojave - Alto tráfego de pedestres, excelente oportunidade de investimentoEsta excepcional propriedade comercial oferece uma localização privilegiada com um potencial incrível, situada numa ala movimentada de um centro comercial. Localizada perto do Aeroporto de Mojave, esta propriedade se beneficia de um fluxo constante de tráfego de pedestres gerado por uma variedade de fatores, incluindo estações de carregamento Tesla próximas, que atraem viajantes a caminho de Las Vegas e outras grandes cidades. A proximidade com opções de varejo e restaurantes de alta demanda, como Stater Brothers, McDonald's, Starbucks e restaurantes tailandeses populares, aumenta ainda mais o tráfego diário de pedestres, tornando este um local ideal para uma variedade de negócios.Esta propriedade se destaca como um investimento versátil, cercado por uma mistura de empresas estabelecidas dentro do centro da faixa. Os postos de gasolina e serviços de conveniência próximos garantem um fluxo constante de visitantes na área, aumentando a visibilidade e o sucesso de qualquer negócio situado aqui.Com amplo estacionamento, incluindo acesso a estações de carregamento Tesla, e uma localização estratégica em uma área em crescimento, esta propriedade é perfeita para investidores que buscam um espaço de alto tráfego e alto potencial. Um memorando de oferta confidencial está disponível mediante solicitação. Esta é uma oportunidade imperdível - dê uma volta hoje para explorar as possibilidades.
16910 Státní silnice 14!! Prvotřídní komerční nemovitosti v blízkosti letiště Mojave – vysoká návštěvnost, vynikající investiční příležitostTato výjimečná komerční nemovitost nabízí vynikající polohu s neuvěřitelným potenciálem, situovanou v rušném křídle obchodního centra. Tento hotel se nachází v blízkosti letiště Mojave a těží ze stálého provozu generovaného řadou faktorů, včetně nedalekých nabíjecích stanic Tesla, které přitahují cestující na cestě do Las Vegas a dalších velkých měst. Blízkost maloobchodních a stravovacích zařízení s vysokou poptávkou, jako jsou Stater Brothers, McDonald's, Starbucks a oblíbené thajské restaurace, dále zvyšuje každodenní návštěvnost, což z něj činí ideální místo pro různé podniky.Tato nemovitost vyniká jako všestranná investice, obklopená směsicí zavedených podniků v rámci striptýzového centra. Nedaleké čerpací stanice a služby zajišťují neustálý proud návštěvníků do oblasti, zvyšují viditelnost a úspěch jakéhokoli podniku, který se zde nachází.Díky dostatku parkovacích míst, včetně přístupu k nabíjecím stanicím Tesla, a strategické poloze v rostoucí oblasti je tato nemovitost ideální pro investory, kteří hledají prostory s vysokým provozem a vysokým potenciálem. Na vyžádání je k dispozici důvěrné memorandum o nabídce. Jedná se o příležitost, kterou musíte vidět – projeďte se ještě dnes a prozkoumejte možnosti.
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Fonds de commerce
925 m²