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Parrano - Maison & propriété à vendre

250 000 EUR

Maison & Propriété (Vente)

terrain 8 850
Référence: KPMQ-T1742 / 8306
On the hill of Parrano, an independent villa, near the village of approximately 200 sqm which is spread over two levels, of which only the first floor is habitable. The ground floor of approximately 100 sqm consists of a large garage, warehouse rooms and a rustic tavern/lounge with fireplace; via an internal and an external staircase you access the first floor, consisting of an entrance hall, a large living room with fireplace and balcony, large kitchen, hallway, three double bedrooms and a bathroom. The first floor is habitable and is in vintage 80's - 90's style and therefore in good condition although improvements could enhance the property even more. The property is completed with a beautiful garden and agricultural land of approximately 1 ha, with approximately 60 productive olive trees. Panoramic with 360° views of the houses of the village and the hilly profile facing the sunset. Possibility of building a swimming pool and purchasing additional agricultural land of approximately 0.5 ha, with the possibility of building other volumes.Habitable and ready, it does not require major work other than small arrangements/modernizations and adjustments to best enhance the property. On the ground floor rough and rustic rooms to be transformed into a tavern or similar. Thanks to the completion area, further extensions or other constructions are possible also having a building lot; naturally requesting the relevant and possible permits.The property is served by all the main utilities such as water from a private well that is located on the land next to the family. The water supply however if desired could be connected to the public aqueduct that is located near the property as well as the methane gas. Currently the heating is with an independent boiler fueled by wood but it can be replaced or integrated with a gas boiler. Possibility of reactivating/connecting the telephone with an ADSL line and installing solar panels and making a heated swimming poolThe house is perfect as a holiday home in a beautiful village in the typical Umbrian countryside. It enjoys significant privacy and the agricultural land surrounding the land with around 60 productive olive trees allows for the creation of a fantastic personally produced oil. All these characteristics, which make this property an interesting opportunity to spend pleasant weekends or weeks in perfect relaxation together with family or friends in a context of uncontaminated nature but easily reachable from the main communication routes. The property also lends itself as an interesting investment thanks to additional parcels of building land of approximately 0.5 ha.The property is in Umbria on the border with Tuscany, located about 1 km from the village of Parrano, on top of a hill with a panoramic position, convenient and not far from the essential services that the town offers, reachable on foot. Not isolated and easily accessible by asphalt road and a very short white stretch. 10 minutes away, the center of Fabro Scalo, with all services, the Rome-Florence motorway exit and the train station that connect central Italy and its airports.The Great Estate group carries out a technical due diligence on each property acquired, through the seller's technician, which allows us to know in detail the urban and cadastral status of the property. This due diligence may be requested by the customer at the time of a real interest in the property.The property is registered in the name of a natural person(s) and the sale will be subject to registration tax according to current regulations (see private purchase costs). Voir plus Voir moins Auf der Anhöhe von Parrano befindet sich diese kleine, freistehende Villa in der Nähe einer Ortschaft und mit einer Fläche von etwa 200 Quadratmetern, die über eine charakteristische Treppe mit einer runden und überdachten Terrasse mit Panoramablick erschlossen ist. Die zweistöckige Villa besteht aus einem Erdgeschoss von 100 qm, wo sich eine große Garage, Abstellräume und eine rustikale Taverne/Wohnzimmer mit Kamin befinden sowie eine interne Treppe, die das Haus nach oben direkt mit dem ersten Stock verbindet. Zu diesem Stockwerk führt jedoch auch eine Außentreppe mit einer halbrunden Loggia mit geschwungenen Säulen, die einen ganz besonderen, überdachten Balkon mit Panoramablick bilden. Der helle und praktische Wohnbereich besteht aus einem Eingangsbereich, einem großen Wohnzimmer mit Kamin und Balkon, einer großen Küche, einer Diele, drei Doppelschlafzimmern und einem Bad. Die Wohnung im ersten Stock ist im Stil der 80er/90er Jahre eingerichtet und befindet sich in einem guten Zustand, obwohl sie durch Verbesserungen noch aufgewertet werden könnte. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich neben der Garage und den Lagerräumen und Werkstätten auch Räume für eine typische Taverne. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, einen Swimmingpool zu errichten. Es gibt einen Garten und landwirtschaftliche Flächen von ca. 1 Hektar mit mehr als 60 Olivenbäumen und rechts von der Straße befinden sich zwei Baulandparzellen von ca. 5000 Quadratmetern. Es bietet einen 360°-Panoramablick auf die Häuser des Ortes und die Hügelkette in Richtung Sonnenuntergang.Die Immobilie ist bewohnbar und erfordert keine größeren Arbeiten abgesehen von kleineren Veränderungen, Modernisierungen und Anpassungen, um die Immobilie optimal zu nutzen. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es unfertige und rustikale Räume, die in eine Taverne oder ähnliches umgewandelt werden können.Das Grundstück ist an alle wichtigen Versorgungseinrichtungen wie Wasser, Strom und Heizung angeschlossen. Die Wasserversorgung wird durch die öffentliche Wasserleitung gewährleistet. Die Heizung erfolgt über eine autonome Gastherme. Es besteht die Möglichkeit der Aktivierung des Telefons bzw. des Anschlusses an eine ADSL-Leitung.Die kleine Villa eignet sich hervorragend als Feriendomizil in einer schönen Ortschaft in der typisch umbrischen Landschaft. Die Lage innerhalb der Siedlung, aber dennoch mit viel Privatsphäre, die ideale Fläche im Innenbereich, das Grundstück von begrenzter Größe, aber mit Olivenbäumen, um ein fantastisches, selbst produziertes Olivenöl herzustellen, sind alles Eigenschaften, die diese Immobilie zu einer interessanten Gelegenheit machen, um in der Natur, aber mit guter Erreichbarkeit von den Hauptstraßen aus, angenehme Tage oder Wochen in vollkommener Entspannung mit Familie oder Freunden zu verbringen. Außerdem ist diese Immobilie auch als Investition interessant, da es zwei Grundstücke von ca. 5000 Quadratmetern gibt.Das Anwesen befindet sich in Umbrien an der Grenze zur Toskana, ca. 1 km vom Ort Parrano entfernt, auf einer Anhöhe mit Panoramalage, bequem und in Gehweite zu den wichtigsten Dienstleistungen des Ortes. Es ist nicht abgeschieden und leicht über eine asphaltierte Straße und ein kurzes Stück Schotterstraße zu erreichen. Nur 10 Minuten entfernt befindet sich das Zentrum von Fabro Scalo, wo alle Dienstleistungen, die Autobahnausfahrt Rom-Florenz und der Bahnhof, der Mittelitalien mit den Flughäfen verbindet, zur Verfügung stehen.Die Great Estate Gruppe erstellt über den Fachmann des Verkäufers eine Due Diligence für jede Immobilie, was es uns ermöglicht, die Situation jeder Immobilie bezüglich Städtebau und Kataster genau zu kennen. Bei ernsthaftem Interesse an der Immobilie kann die Due Diligence angefordert werden.Die Verkäufer sind natürliche Personen. Nel poggio di Parrano, sorge una villetta indipendente, vicino ad un borgo di circa 200 mq che si sviluppa, su due livelli, di cui solo il piano primo abitabile. Il piano terra di circa 100 mq è costituito da un grande garage, locali magazzino e una taverna/salone rustico con camino; tramite una scala interna ed una esterna si accede al piano primo, composto da un ingresso, un ampio soggiorno con camino e balcone, ampia cucina, disimpegno, tre camere matrimoniali e un bagno. Il piano primo è abitabile ed è in stile vintage anni 80/90 quindi in buono stato anche se migliorie potrebbero ancor più valorizzare l’immobile. La proprietà si completa con un bel giardino e terreno agricolo di circa 1 ha, con circa 60 piante di ulivo produttive. Panoramico con vista a 360° sulle case del borgo e sul profilo collinare volto al tramonto. Possibilità di costruire una piscina e di acquistare ulteriore terreno agricolo di circa 0,5 ha, con possibilità edificatoria di altre volumetrie.Abitabile e pronto, non necessita di lavori importanti se non piccole sistemazioni/ ammodernamenti ed adeguamenti per valorizzare al meglio la proprietà. Al piano terra locali grezzi e rustici per essere trasformati in taverna o simile. Grazie alla zona di completamento e possibile fare una piscina e sono possibili ulteriori ampliamenti o altre costruzioni avendo anche un lotto edificabile; naturalmente richiedendo i relativi e possibili permessi.La proprietà è servita da tutte le principali utenze quali acqua da un pozzo privato che si trova nel terreno a fianco di famiglia. L'approvvigionamento idrico comunque volendo potrebbe essere allacciato all'acquedotto pubblico che si trova vicino alla proprietà come anche il Gas metano. Attualmente il riscaldamento e con caldaia autonoma alimentata a legna ma potrà essere sostituita o integrata con una caldaia a gas. Possibilità di riattivare/allaccio telefonico con linea adsl e istallare pannelli solari e una piscina riscaldata.La villetta si presta perfettamente come casa vacanza in un grazioso borgo nella tipica campagna umbra. La stessa, gode di una privacy importante ed il terreno agricolo circostante il terreno con circa 60 piante di ulivo produttive, permette di realizzare un fantastico olio di produzione personal. Tutte caratteristiche queste, che rendono tale proprietà un'interessante opportunità per trascorrere piacevoli week end o settimane in perfetto relax assieme alla famiglia o agli amici in un contesto di natura incontaminata ma facilelmente raggiungibile dalle principali vie di comunicazione. La proprietà si presta anche come un interessante investimento grazie ad ulteriori particelle di terreno edificabile di circa 0.5 ha.La proprietà è in Umbria a confine con la Toscana, situato a circa 1 km dal borgo di Parrano, in cima ad un poggio con posizione panoramica, comodo ed a poca distanza dai servizi essenziali che offre il paese raggiungibili a piedi. Non isolato e facilmente raggiungibile con strada asfaltata e brevissimo tratto bianca. A 10 minuti, il centro di Fabro Scalo, dove abbiamo tutti i servizi, il casello autostradale Roma-Firenze e la stazione ferroviaria che collegano il centro Italia e i suoi aeroporti.Il gruppo Great Estate su ogni immobile acquisito effettua, tramite il tecnico del cliente venditore, una due diligence tecnica che ci permette di conoscere dettagliatamente la situazione urbanistica e catastale di ogni proprietà. Tale due diligence potrà essere richiesta dal cliente al momento di un reale interesse sulla proprietà.L'immobile è intestato a persona/e fisica/e e la vendita sarà soggetta a imposta di registro secondo le normative vigenti (vedi costi di acquisto da privato). На холме, вблизи деревушки Паррано на продажу отдельная небольшая вилла площадью около 200 кв.м с оригинальной лестницей, ведущей на круглую крытую террасу с панорамным видом. Вилла на двух уровнях имеет на первом этаже площадью 100 кв.м большой гараж, кладовые и помещения для таверны/гостиной рустико с камином; по внутренней лестнице можно подняться на второй этаж, куда также ведет внешняя лестница с полукруглой лоджией с арочными колоннами, которые создают оригинальный панорамный крытый балкон. Светлая практичная квартира на втором этаже - вход/прихожая, большая гостиная с камином и балконом, просторная кухня, коридор, три семейные спальни и ванная комната. Эта квартира в винтажном стиле 80-х/90-х годов находится в хорошем состоянии, а современные нотки/улучшения могли бы её более валоризировать. На первом этаже, помимо гаража, кладовых и мастерских, есть помещения для характерной таверны/гостиной рустико. Есть возможность для строительства бассейна. Сад и земельный участок сельскохозяйственного назначения около 1 га с оливковой рощей (более чем 60 олив), а справа от дороги есть два земельных участка под застройку площадью около 5000 кв.м. Панорамный вид на 360° на деревушку и профиль холма с красивым закатом. On the hill of Parrano, an independent villa, near the village of approximately 200 sqm which is spread over two levels, of which only the first floor is habitable. The ground floor of approximately 100 sqm consists of a large garage, warehouse rooms and a rustic tavern/lounge with fireplace; via an internal and an external staircase you access the first floor, consisting of an entrance hall, a large living room with fireplace and balcony, large kitchen, hallway, three double bedrooms and a bathroom. The first floor is habitable and is in vintage 80's - 90's style and therefore in good condition although improvements could enhance the property even more. The property is completed with a beautiful garden and agricultural land of approximately 1 ha, with approximately 60 productive olive trees. Panoramic with 360° views of the houses of the village and the hilly profile facing the sunset. Possibility of building a swimming pool and purchasing additional agricultural land of approximately 0.5 ha, with the possibility of building other volumes.Habitable and ready, it does not require major work other than small arrangements/modernizations and adjustments to best enhance the property. On the ground floor rough and rustic rooms to be transformed into a tavern or similar. Thanks to the completion area, further extensions or other constructions are possible also having a building lot; naturally requesting the relevant and possible permits.The property is served by all the main utilities such as water from a private well that is located on the land next to the family. The water supply however if desired could be connected to the public aqueduct that is located near the property as well as the methane gas. Currently the heating is with an independent boiler fueled by wood but it can be replaced or integrated with a gas boiler. Possibility of reactivating/connecting the telephone with an ADSL line and installing solar panels and making a heated swimming poolThe house is perfect as a holiday home in a beautiful village in the typical Umbrian countryside. It enjoys significant privacy and the agricultural land surrounding the land with around 60 productive olive trees allows for the creation of a fantastic personally produced oil. All these characteristics, which make this property an interesting opportunity to spend pleasant weekends or weeks in perfect relaxation together with family or friends in a context of uncontaminated nature but easily reachable from the main communication routes. The property also lends itself as an interesting investment thanks to additional parcels of building land of approximately 0.5 ha.The property is in Umbria on the border with Tuscany, located about 1 km from the village of Parrano, on top of a hill with a panoramic position, convenient and not far from the essential services that the town offers, reachable on foot. Not isolated and easily accessible by asphalt road and a very short white stretch. 10 minutes away, the center of Fabro Scalo, with all services, the Rome-Florence motorway exit and the train station that connect central Italy and its airports.The Great Estate group carries out a technical due diligence on each property acquired, through the seller's technician, which allows us to know in detail the urban and cadastral status of the property. This due diligence may be requested by the customer at the time of a real interest in the property.The property is registered in the name of a natural person(s) and the sale will be subject to registration tax according to current regulations (see private purchase costs).
Référence: KPMQ-T1742
Pays: IT
Région: Terni
Ville: Parrano
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Maison & Propriété
Sous-type de bien: Villa
Terrain: 8 850
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