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Sozopol - Appartement & loft à vendre

56 000 EUR

Appartement & Loft (Vente)

1 p
Référence: EDEN-T100376959 / 100376959
For more information, call us at: ... or 056 828 449 and quote the reference number of the property: BS 83956. Responsible broker: Pavel Ravanov No commission from the buyer! Apartment 409 , total area 37.36 sq.m. (net area 31.86 sq.m. + common parts 5.50 sq.m.). Enjoy the summer in your own seaside home! Excellent apartments on the beach, meters from the beach, entertainment and sea pleasures! The complex is located on the magnificent Royal Beach, between Sozopol and Chernomorets, in close proximity to the Gradina campsite. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a private holiday home, you'll find everything you need here. The preserved natural beauty of the picturesque bays and sand dunes are a fabulous place for solitude and relaxation. The modern complex provides an opportunity for both relaxation and attractive entertainment. Its proximity to ancient Sozopol, combining a rich historical heritage, offers a unique romantic atmosphere, preserved over the centuries. The water is crystal clear and this is an excellent place for diving enthusiasts. Spacious studios with a bedroom for two, a pull-out armchair for a third person and a kitchenette for self-catering, which makes the apartment extremely suitable for longer vacations. The equipment of the kitchenette includes a hob, microwave oven, refrigerator, kettle for hot water and enough utensils for three. A dining area, bedside tables, wardrobe, TV set with cable television and air conditioning complete the furnishings, and there is also wireless internet, a balcony with partial sea view and a private bathroom with shower. Enjoy a home by the sea in any season of the year! The sea has a special charm in spring and autumn, caressing the sun and quiet streets, the silence of the beach, which is still for a few. In winter, it captivates with its specific color of blue, which breaks into the seashore in a thick white foam and complements the coziness of one's own seaside home. Amenities in the complex: Round-the-clock reception provides exceptional service for a trouble-free stay Swimming pool - sparkling outdoor pool with a shallow children's section Restaurant Bar Safe Fast internet - high-speed internet and trouble-free connection 50 parking spaces The property owners have 7 parking spaces for free parking. In addition, the complex has an additional parking lot, which the owners and their guests can use for a fee. There are options for Voir plus Voir moins За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 056 828 449 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: BS 83956. Отговорен брокер: Павел Раванов Без комисионна от купувача! Апартамент 409 , обща площ 37.36 кв.м. (нетна площ 31.86 кв.м. + общи части 5.50 кв.м.). Наслади се на лятото в собствен морски дом! Отлични жилища на брега на морето, на метри от плаж, забавления и морски удоволствия! Комплексът е разположен на великолепния Царски плаж, между Созопол и Черноморец, в непосредствена близост до къмпинг Градина. Независимо дали търсите романтична почивка, семейна ваканция или самостоятелен ваканционен дом, тук ще намерите всичко, от което се нуждаете. Съхранената естествена красота на живописните заливи и пясъчни дюни са приказно място за уединение и релакс. Модерният комплекс осигурява възможност както за почивка, така и за атрактивни забавления. Близостта му до древния Созопол, съчетал богато историческо наследство, предлага неповторима романтична атмосфера, съхранена през вековете. Водата е кристално чиста и това е отлично място за любителите на гмуркането. Просторни студиа със спалня за двама, разтегателно кресло за трети човек и кухненски бокс за самостоятелно приготвяте на храна, което прави жилището изключително подходящо и за по-дълги почивки. Оборудването на кухненския бокс включва котлони, микровълнова фурна, хладилник, кана за гореща вода и достатъчно посуда за трима. Кът за хранене, нощни шкафчета, гардероб, телевизор с кабелна телевизия и климатик допълват обзавеждането, а на разположение са и безжичен интернет, балкон с частична гледка море и самостоятелна баня с душ. Радвайте се на дом на морето през всеки сезон на годината! Моретo има особен чар през пролетта и есента галещо слънце и тихи улички, тишината на плажа, който все още е за малцина. През зимата пленява със своя специфичен цвят на синьото, което се разбива в морския бряг в гъста бяла пяна и допълва уюта на собствения морски дом. Удобства в комплекса: Денонощна рецепция осигурява изключително обслужване за безпроблемен престой Басейн - искрящ външен басейн с плитка детска секция Ресторант Бар Сейф Бърз интернет - високоскоростен интернет и безпроблемна връзка 50 паркоместа Собствениците на имоти разполагат със 7 паркоместа за безплатно паркиране. Освен това, комплексът разполага с допълнителен паркинг, който собствениците и техните гости могат да го ползват срещу заплащане. Има опции за Pre viac informácií nám zavolajte na číslo: ... alebo 056 828 449 a uveďte referenčné číslo nehnuteľnosti: BS 83956. Zodpovedný maklér: Pavel Ravanov Žiadna provízia od kupujúceho! Byt 409 , celková výmera 37,36 m² (čistá plocha 31,86 m² + spoločné diely 5,50 m²). Užite si leto vo vlastnom prímorskom dome! Vynikajúce apartmány na pláži, pár metrov od pláže, zábava a morské radovánky! Komplex sa nachádza na nádhernej kráľovskej pláži, medzi Sozopolom a Černomorecom, v tesnej blízkosti kempingu Gradina. Či už hľadáte romantický útek, rodinnú dovolenku alebo súkromný dovolenkový dom, nájdete tu všetko, čo potrebujete. Zachované prírodné krásy malebných zátok a piesočných dún sú rozprávkovým miestom pre samotu a relax. Moderný komplex poskytuje príležitosť na oddych aj atraktívnu zábavu. Jeho blízkosť k starovekému Sozopolu, ktorý spája bohaté historické dedičstvo, ponúka jedinečnú romantickú atmosféru, zachovanú po stáročia. Voda je krištáľovo čistá a je to vynikajúce miesto pre nadšencov potápania. Priestranné štúdiá so spálňou pre dvoch, výsuvným kreslom pre tretiu osobu a kuchynským kútom pre vlastné stravovanie, vďaka čomu je apartmán mimoriadne vhodný na dlhšiu dovolenku. K vybaveniu kuchynského kúta patrí varná doska, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička, rýchlovarná kanvica na teplú vodu a dostatok riadu pre troch. Jedálenský kút, nočné stolíky, šatníková skriňa, televízor s káblovou televíziou a klimatizáciou dopĺňajú nábytok a nechýba ani bezdrôtové pripojenie na internet, balkón s čiastočným výhľadom na more a vlastná kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom. Užite si domov pri mori v každom ročnom období! More má na jar a na jeseň zvláštne čaro, hladí slnko a tiché ulice, ticho pláže, ktorá je pre pár ľudí stále tichá. V zime zaujme svojou špecifickou modrou farbou, ktorá sa v hustej bielej pene vlieva do morského pobrežia a dopĺňa útulnosť vlastného prímorského domova. Vybavenie v komplexe: Nepretržitá recepcia poskytuje výnimočné služby pre bezproblémový pobyt Bazén - šumivý vonkajší bazén s plytkou detskou časťou Reštaurácia Bar Trezor Rýchly internet - vysokorýchlostný internet a bezproblémové pripojenie 50 parkovacích miest Majitelia objektu majú k dispozícii 7 parkovacích miest pre bezplatné parkovanie. Okrem toho má komplex ďalšie parkovisko, ktoré môžu majitelia a ich hostia využívať za poplatok. Existujú možnosti pre For more information, call us at: ... or 056 828 449 and quote the reference number of the property: BS 83956. Responsible broker: Pavel Ravanov No commission from the buyer! Apartment 409 , total area 37.36 sq.m. (net area 31.86 sq.m. + common parts 5.50 sq.m.). Enjoy the summer in your own seaside home! Excellent apartments on the beach, meters from the beach, entertainment and sea pleasures! The complex is located on the magnificent Royal Beach, between Sozopol and Chernomorets, in close proximity to the Gradina campsite. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a private holiday home, you'll find everything you need here. The preserved natural beauty of the picturesque bays and sand dunes are a fabulous place for solitude and relaxation. The modern complex provides an opportunity for both relaxation and attractive entertainment. Its proximity to ancient Sozopol, combining a rich historical heritage, offers a unique romantic atmosphere, preserved over the centuries. The water is crystal clear and this is an excellent place for diving enthusiasts. Spacious studios with a bedroom for two, a pull-out armchair for a third person and a kitchenette for self-catering, which makes the apartment extremely suitable for longer vacations. The equipment of the kitchenette includes a hob, microwave oven, refrigerator, kettle for hot water and enough utensils for three. A dining area, bedside tables, wardrobe, TV set with cable television and air conditioning complete the furnishings, and there is also wireless internet, a balcony with partial sea view and a private bathroom with shower. Enjoy a home by the sea in any season of the year! The sea has a special charm in spring and autumn, caressing the sun and quiet streets, the silence of the beach, which is still for a few. In winter, it captivates with its specific color of blue, which breaks into the seashore in a thick white foam and complements the coziness of one's own seaside home. Amenities in the complex: Round-the-clock reception provides exceptional service for a trouble-free stay Swimming pool - sparkling outdoor pool with a shallow children's section Restaurant Bar Safe Fast internet - high-speed internet and trouble-free connection 50 parking spaces The property owners have 7 parking spaces for free parking. In addition, the complex has an additional parking lot, which the owners and their guests can use for a fee. There are options for
Référence: EDEN-T100376959
Pays: BG
Ville: Burgas
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Appartement & Loft
Surface: 37
Pièces: 1
Etage: 4


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