Maison & Propriété (Vente)
terrain 5 904 364 m²
/ 99567577
Discover the possibilities on 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit; an expansive 1,459 +/- acre ranch featuring diverse terrain, sub-irrigated bottoms, and over 2.5 +/- miles of Piceance Creek winding through! With year-round access from County Road 5 and over 1 mile of Highway 13 frontage, this ranch offers exceptional opportunities for grazing operations, development, and outdoor recreation; promising versatility and potential! Nestled in a serene mountain-like setting with elevations ranging between 7200-7800 feet, the 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit has potential written all over it! With year-round accessibility and power available, this property is primed for grazing operations, development potential, and immense outdoor experiences such as hunting, hiking, and off-roading. The land features sub-irrigated grasslands surrounded by gently rolling terrain that inclines into steep ridges adorned with a mix of oak brush, towering pines, pinyon-juniper, and expansive sagebrush flats, providing excellent grazing grounds and diverse habitat for wildlife! Resultingly, wildlife including but not limited to deer, elk, turkeys, and bears roam freely making it a paradise for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts! Located in GMU 22 , the hunting opportunities on this ranch are what hunters' dreams are made of! Over-the-counter tags are available in multiple seasons for elk, however, deer tags are draw only. Additionally, GMU 22 has over-the-counter spring and fall turkey tags available. With the year-round presence of wildlife such as elk, deer, moose, and turkey, hunting is guaranteed to be successful during each season! In addition, the ranch borders thousands of acres of BLM lands on multiple sides resulting in many more opportunities for hunting, hiking, ATV riding, or even just exploring the natural alpine beauty. Although the ranch is located nearly the same distance between two towns, Meeker, CO is the closest which is just 1 hour north of the property and has a hospital, gas stations, a grocery store, and restaurants. However, Rifle, CO is just over an hour southeast of the ranch and has many more amenities such as dine-in restaurants, downtown shops, multiple convenient stores with gas stations, several hardware and grocery stores, and many more recreational opportunities. Glenwood Springs is also under 30 minutes east of Rifle and has the Glenwood Hot Springs, Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, and many other downtown attractions. For commercial air travel, there are two airports located within 2 hours from the ranch. One of them beingEagle County Regional Airport which is located in Gypsum, CO and the other being Grand Junction Regional Airport, located in Grand Junction, CO.
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Discover the possibilities on 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit; an expansive 1,459 +/- acre ranch featuring diverse terrain, sub-irrigated bottoms, and over 2.5 +/- miles of Piceance Creek winding through! With year-round access from County Road 5 and over 1 mile of Highway 13 frontage, this ranch offers exceptional opportunities for grazing operations, development, and outdoor recreation; promising versatility and potential! Nestled in a serene mountain-like setting with elevations ranging between 7200-7800 feet, the 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit has potential written all over it! With year-round accessibility and power available, this property is primed for grazing operations, development potential, and immense outdoor experiences such as hunting, hiking, and off-roading. The land features sub-irrigated grasslands surrounded by gently rolling terrain that inclines into steep ridges adorned with a mix of oak brush, towering pines, pinyon-juniper, and expansive sagebrush flats, providing excellent grazing grounds and diverse habitat for wildlife! Resultingly, wildlife including but not limited to deer, elk, turkeys, and bears roam freely making it a paradise for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts! Located in GMU 22 , the hunting opportunities on this ranch are what hunters' dreams are made of! Over-the-counter tags are available in multiple seasons for elk, however, deer tags are draw only. Additionally, GMU 22 has over-the-counter spring and fall turkey tags available. With the year-round presence of wildlife such as elk, deer, moose, and turkey, hunting is guaranteed to be successful during each season! In addition, the ranch borders thousands of acres of BLM lands on multiple sides resulting in many more opportunities for hunting, hiking, ATV riding, or even just exploring the natural alpine beauty. Although the ranch is located nearly the same distance between two towns, Meeker, CO is the closest which is just 1 hour north of the property and has a hospital, gas stations, a grocery store, and restaurants. However, Rifle, CO is just over an hour southeast of the ranch and has many more amenities such as dine-in restaurants, downtown shops, multiple convenient stores with gas stations, several hardware and grocery stores, and many more recreational opportunities. Glenwood Springs is also under 30 minutes east of Rifle and has the Glenwood Hot Springs, Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, and many other downtown attractions. For commercial air travel, there are two airports located within 2 hours from the ranch. One of them beingEagle County Regional Airport which is located in Gypsum, CO and the other being Grand Junction Regional Airport, located in Grand Junction, CO.
Objevte možnosti na 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit; rozsáhlý ranč o rozloze 1 459 +/- akrů s rozmanitým terénem, zavlažovaným dnem a více než 2,5 +/- mílemi vinoucího se potoka Piceance Creek! S celoročním přístupem z County Road 5 a více než 1 mílí průčelí Highway 13 nabízí tento ranč výjimečné příležitosti pro pastevní operace, rozvoj a venkovní rekreaci; Slibující všestrannost a potenciál! Uhnízděný v klidném horském prostředí s nadmořskou výškou v rozmezí 7200-7800 stop, 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit má potenciál vepsaný všude! Díky celoroční dostupnosti a dostupné energii je tato nemovitost připravena na pastevní operace, rozvojový potenciál a obrovské outdoorové zážitky, jako je lov, pěší turistika a terénní aktivity. Půda se vyznačuje zavlažovanými pastvinami obklopenými mírně zvlněným terénem, který se svažuje do strmých hřebenů zdobených směsí dubového křoví, vysokých borovic, borovic a jalovců a rozsáhlých pelyňkových ploch, které poskytují vynikající pastviny a rozmanité prostředí pro divokou zvěř! Výsledkem je, že se volně potulují divoká zvěř, mimo jiné včetně jelenů, losů, krocanů a medvědů, což z něj dělá ráj pro lovce a outdoorové nadšence! Nachází se v GMU 22 , lovecké příležitosti na tomto ranči jsou tím, o čem se skládají sny lovců! Volně prodejné značky jsou k dispozici ve více sezónách pro losy, avšak jelení značky jsou pouze remízové. GMU 22 má navíc k dispozici volně prodejné jarní a podzimní krůtí štítky. Díky celoroční přítomnosti divoké zvěře, jako jsou losi, jeleni, losi a krocani, je lov zaručeně úspěšný v každém ročním období! Kromě toho ranč hraničí s tisíci akry pozemků BLM na několika stranách, což má za následek mnohem více příležitostí pro lov, pěší turistiku, jízdu na čtyřkolkách nebo dokonce jen objevování přírodních alpských krás. Ačkoli se ranč nachází téměř ve stejné vzdálenosti mezi dvěma městy, Meeker, CO je nejblíže, který je jen 1 hodinu severně od nemovitosti a má nemocnici, čerpací stanice, obchod s potravinami a restaurace. Nicméně, Rifle, CO je jen něco málo přes hodinu jihovýchodně od ranče a má mnoho dalšího vybavení, jako jsou restaurace, obchody v centru města, několik obchodů s benzínovými stanicemi, několik obchodů s železářstvím a potravinami a mnoho dalších rekreačních příležitostí. Glenwood Springs je také méně než 30 minut východně od Rifle a má Glenwood Hot Springs, Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park a mnoho dalších atrakcí v centru města. Pro komerční leteckou dopravu jsou k dispozici dvě letiště umístěná do 2 hodin od ranče. Jedním z nich je regionální letiště Eagle County, které se nachází v Gypsum, CO, a druhým je regionální letiště Grand Junction, které se nachází v Grand Junction, CO.
Scopri le possibilità su 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit; un ampio ranch di 1.459 +/- acri con terreni diversi, fondali subirrigati e oltre 2,5 +/- miglia di Piceance Creek che si snoda attraverso! Con accesso tutto l'anno dalla County Road 5 e oltre 1 miglio di facciata della Highway 13, questo ranch offre eccezionali opportunità per le operazioni di pascolo, lo sviluppo e le attività ricreative all'aperto; Versatilità e potenziale promettenti! Immerso in un sereno ambiente montano con altitudini comprese tra 7200 e 7800 piedi, il 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit ha un potenziale scritto dappertutto! Con l'accessibilità e l'energia disponibili tutto l'anno, questa proprietà è pronta per le operazioni di pascolo, il potenziale di sviluppo e immense esperienze all'aperto come la caccia, l'escursionismo e il fuoristrada. Il terreno è caratterizzato da praterie subirrigate circondate da un terreno dolcemente ondulato che si inclina in ripide creste adornate da un mix di cespugli di querce, pini imponenti, ginepro pinyon ed ampie pianure di artemisia, che offrono eccellenti pascoli e habitat diversificati per la fauna selvatica! Di conseguenza, la fauna selvatica, tra cui, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, cervi, alci, tacchini e orsi vaga liberamente, rendendola un paradiso per i cacciatori e gli appassionati di attività all'aria aperta! Situato in GMU 22 , le opportunità di caccia in questo ranch sono ciò di cui sono fatti i sogni dei cacciatori! Le targhette da banco sono disponibili in più stagioni per gli alci, tuttavia, le targhette per cervi sono solo per l'estrazione. Inoltre, GMU 22 dispone di etichette per tacchini primaverili e autunnali da banco. Con la presenza tutto l'anno di animali selvatici come alci, cervi, alci e tacchini, la caccia è garantita per avere successo durante ogni stagione! Inoltre, il ranch confina con migliaia di acri di terreni BLM su più lati, offrendo molte più opportunità per la caccia, l'escursionismo, l'equitazione in ATV o anche solo per esplorare la bellezza alpina naturale. Anche se il ranch si trova quasi alla stessa distanza tra due città, Meeker, CO è il più vicino, che si trova a solo 1 ora a nord della proprietà e ha un ospedale, stazioni di servizio, un negozio di alimentari e ristoranti. Tuttavia, Rifle, CO si trova a poco più di un'ora a sud-est del ranch e ha molti altri servizi come ristoranti, negozi in centro, diversi negozi convenienti con stazioni di servizio, diversi negozi di ferramenta e alimentari e molte altre opportunità ricreative. Glenwood Springs si trova anche a meno di 30 minuti a est di Rifle e ha le Glenwood Hot Springs, il Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park e molte altre attrazioni del centro. Per i viaggi aerei commerciali, ci sono due aeroporti situati a 2 ore dal ranch. Uno di questi è l'aeroporto regionale della contea di Eagle, che si trova a Gypsum, CO e l'altro è l'aeroporto regionale di Grand Junction, situato a Grand Junction, CO.
Odkryj możliwości hotelu 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit; rozległe ranczo o powierzchni 1,459 +/- akrów z różnorodnym terenem, nawadnianymi dnami i ponad 2,5 +/- milami Wijącego się Piceance Creek! Dzięki całorocznemu dostępowi z drogi hrabstwa 5 i ponad 1 mili autostrady 13, ranczo to oferuje wyjątkowe możliwości wypasu, rozwoju i rekreacji na świeżym powietrzu; Obiecująca wszechstronność i potencjał! Położony w spokojnej górskiej scenerii z wysokościami od 7200 do 7800 stóp, 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit ma w sobie potencjał! Dzięki całorocznej dostępności i dostępnej mocy, ta nieruchomość jest przygotowana do wypasu, potencjału rozwojowego i ogromnych doświadczeń na świeżym powietrzu, takich jak polowanie, wędrówki i jazda terenowa. Na terenie znajdują się podnawadniane łąki otoczone łagodnie pofałdowanym terenem, który przechodzi w strome grzbiety ozdobione mieszanką dębowych zarośli, wysokich sosen, jałowca pinyon i rozległych równin szałwii, zapewniając doskonałe pastwiska i różnorodne siedliska dla dzikiej przyrody! W rezultacie dzika przyroda, w tym między innymi jelenie, łosie, indyki i niedźwiedzie, wędruje swobodnie, co czyni ją rajem dla myśliwych i entuzjastów spędzania czasu na świeżym powietrzu! Położony w GMU 22 , możliwości polowania na tym ranczu są tym, o czym marzą myśliwi! Tagi dostępne bez recepty są dostępne w wielu sezonach dla łosi, jednak tagi jeleni są tylko losowane. Dodatkowo GMU 22 ma dostępne bez recepty wiosenne i jesienne etykiety z indyków. Dzięki całorocznej obecności dzikich zwierząt, takich jak łosie, jelenie, łosie i indyki, polowanie jest gwarantowane w każdym sezonie! Ponadto ranczo graniczy z tysiącami akrów ziem BLM z wielu stron, co daje o wiele więcej możliwości polowania, wędrówek, jazdy quadem, a nawet po prostu odkrywania naturalnego piękna Alp. Chociaż ranczo znajduje się prawie w tej samej odległości między dwoma miastami, Meeker, CO jest najbliższe, które znajduje się zaledwie 1 godzinę na północ od nieruchomości i ma szpital, stacje benzynowe, sklep spożywczy i restauracje. Jednak Rifle, CO znajduje się nieco ponad godzinę na południowy wschód od rancza i ma o wiele więcej udogodnień, takich jak restauracje, sklepy w centrum miasta, wiele wygodnych sklepów ze stacjami benzynowymi, kilka sklepów ze sprzętem i artykułami spożywczymi oraz wiele innych możliwości rekreacyjnych. Glenwood Springs znajduje się również niecałe 30 minut na wschód od Rifle i ma Glenwood Hot Springs, Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park i wiele innych atrakcji w centrum miasta. W przypadku komercyjnych podróży lotniczych w odległości 2 godzin od rancza znajdują się dwa lotniska. Jednym z nich jest regionalny port lotniczy hrabstwa Eagle, który znajduje się w Gypsum, CO, a drugi to Grand Junction Regional Airport, położony w Grand Junction, CO.
Descubra as possibilidades em 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Unidade Piceance Creek; um extenso rancho de 1.459 +/- acres com diversos terrenos, fundos sub-irrigados e mais de 2,5 +/- milhas de Piceance Creek serpenteando! Com acesso durante todo o ano pela County Road 5 e mais de 1 milha de fachada da Highway 13, este rancho oferece oportunidades excepcionais para operações de pastagem, desenvolvimento e recreação ao ar livre; Prometendo versatilidade e potencial! Aninhado em um cenário sereno semelhante a uma montanha, com elevações que variam entre 7200-7800 pés, o 40 Mile Mountain Ranch - Piceance Creek Unit tem potencial escrito por toda parte! Com acessibilidade e energia disponíveis durante todo o ano, esta propriedade está preparada para operações de pastagem, potencial de desenvolvimento e imensas experiências ao ar livre, como caça, caminhadas e off-road. A terra apresenta pastagens subirrigadas cercadas por um terreno suavemente ondulado que se inclina em cumes íngremes adornados com uma mistura de arbustos de carvalho, pinheiros imponentes, pinheiros-zimbro e extensas planícies de artemísia, proporcionando excelentes pastagens e habitat diversificado para a vida selvagem! Como resultado, a vida selvagem, incluindo, mas não se limitando a veados, alces, perus e ursos, vagam livremente, tornando-se um paraíso para caçadores e entusiastas do ar livre! Localizado em GMU 22 , as oportunidades de caça neste rancho são o que os sonhos dos caçadores são feitos! As etiquetas de venda livre estão disponíveis em várias temporadas para alces, no entanto, as etiquetas de veado são apenas para sorteio. Além disso, o GMU 22 tem etiquetas de peru de primavera e outono de venda livre disponíveis. Com a presença de animais selvagens durante todo o ano, como alces, veados, alces e perus, a caça é garantida para ser bem-sucedida durante cada estação! Além disso, o rancho faz fronteira com milhares de acres de terras BLM em vários lados, resultando em muito mais oportunidades para caça, caminhadas, passeios de quadriciclo ou até mesmo apenas explorar a beleza alpina natural. Embora o rancho esteja localizado quase à mesma distância entre duas cidades, Meeker, CO é o mais próximo, que fica a apenas 1 hora ao norte da propriedade e tem um hospital, postos de gasolina, mercearia e restaurantes. No entanto, Rifle, CO fica a pouco mais de uma hora a sudeste do rancho e tem muito mais comodidades, como restaurantes, lojas no centro da cidade, várias lojas de conveniência com postos de gasolina, várias lojas de ferragens e mercearias e muitas outras oportunidades recreativas. Glenwood Springs também fica a menos de 30 minutos a leste de Rifle e tem Glenwood Hot Springs, Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park e muitas outras atrações do centro da cidade. Para viagens aéreas comerciais, existem dois aeroportos localizados a 2 horas do rancho. Um deles é o Aeroporto Regional do Condado de Eagle, localizado em Gypsum, CO, e o outro é o Aeroporto Regional de Grand Junction, localizado em Grand Junction, CO.
Code postal:
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Type de bien:
Maison & Propriété
5 904 364 m²