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Massa - Fonds de commerce à vendre

14 000 000 EUR

Fonds de commerce (Vente)

28 p
30 sdb
2 500
Référence: RLHP-T2127 / 10080
This noble villa, transformed into a luxury hotel, is for sale in Marina di Massa, in Versilia, one of the most renowned coasts of Tuscany. The charming luxury hotel, housed in this magnificent 18-century villa boasts 2,500 sqm of interiors, surrounded by a vast park of approximately 5,500 sqm, with a splendid swimming pool. This property was originally a noble villa, a summer hunting lodge that belonged to the prestigious Sforza Counts and has welcomed illustrious guests over the years, including Gabriele d'Annunzio and Roberto Micheloni, whose verses are still engraved in the marble of the hotel's facades. The ancient villa still maintains its historical features, with the central structure built in the 18th century and the side wings added later. The hotel's annex, with large well-preserved arches, was originally used as a stable for horses. The estate houses 28 quiet and comfortable rooms, furnished with style and refinement. The villa is surrounded by a big, leafy garden of about 7,000 sqm: a true oasis of tranquillity, enriched with a big swimming pool (21 x 8 meters), pergolas and gazebos. The property is completed by a big car park that can fit up to 50 cars. This villa dating back to the 18th century, is in a great position close to the main Tuscan cities of art, such as Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia and Florence. Ref: 10080 Voir plus Voir moins A Marina di Massa, su una delle coste piú rinomate della Toscana, la Versilia, questa nobile villa fronte mare, trasformata in un hotel di lusso, è attualmente disponibile per l'acquisto. L'incantevole hotel di lusso, inserito in questa magnifica villa del Settecento, vanta 2.500 mq di interni, circondato da un vasto parco di circa 5.500 mq, dove una splendida piscina accoglie gli ospiti. Situata lungo l'antica Via del Sale, una strada che collegava il Ducato di Massa-Carrara al Ducato di Modena Parma, questa proprietà era in origine una villa nobiliare, una residenza estiva di caccia appartenuta ai prestigiosi Conti Sforza, una delle famiglie più influenti d'Italia, che a lungo governarono il ducato di Milano. La villa ha accolto ospiti illustri nel corso del tempo, tra cui Gabriele d’Annunzio e Roberto Micheloni, i cui versi sono ancora incisi nel marmo delle facciate dell'hotel. Tra i personaggi di spicco che hanno soggiornato nel Casale, figura anche Maria Beatrice di Borbone d’Austria. La struttura ospita 28 camere tranquille e confortevoli, arredate con stile e raffinatezza, seguendo l'atmosfera tipica delle ville toscane. La villa è circondata da una rigogliosa vegetazione in un vasto giardino di circa 7000 metri quadrati, un'oasi di tranquillità. Nel parco, si possono ammirare alberi di lecci e pini marittimi, mentre nel giardino anteriore spiccano un pozzo in marmo bianco di Carrara risalente al 1700 e un pozzo a cupola in mattone che affonda le sue radici nell'anno 1000. Il parco è stato arricchito con una piscina di grandi dimensioni, pergolati e gazebi, che creano angoli tranquilli e rinfrescanti dove trascorrere piacevoli serate. Completa la proprietà  il comodo e ampio parcheggio privato, che ospita fino a 50 auto. Rif. 10080 This noble villa, transformed into a luxury hotel, is for sale in Marina di Massa, in Versilia, one of the most renowned coasts of Tuscany. The charming luxury hotel, housed in this magnificent 18-century villa boasts 2,500 sqm of interiors, surrounded by a vast park of approximately 5,500 sqm, with a splendid swimming pool. This property was originally a noble villa, a summer hunting lodge that belonged to the prestigious Sforza Counts and has welcomed illustrious guests over the years, including Gabriele d'Annunzio and Roberto Micheloni, whose verses are still engraved in the marble of the hotel's facades. The ancient villa still maintains its historical features, with the central structure built in the 18th century and the side wings added later. The hotel's annex, with large well-preserved arches, was originally used as a stable for horses. The estate houses 28 quiet and comfortable rooms, furnished with style and refinement. The villa is surrounded by a big, leafy garden of about 7,000 sqm: a true oasis of tranquillity, enriched with a big swimming pool (21 x 8 meters), pergolas and gazebos. The property is completed by a big car park that can fit up to 50 cars. This villa dating back to the 18th century, is in a great position close to the main Tuscan cities of art, such as Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia and Florence. Ref: 10080 Продаётся роскошная вилла XVIII века в Марина-ди-Масса, преобразованная в отель класса люкс и расположенная на известном побережье Тосканы, Версилии. Вилла предоставляет своим гостям комфортые условия и имеет площадь 2500 кв. м. В парке в 5500 кв. м. выстроен роскошный бассейн. Вилла сохранила свои исторические черты, когда-то в своих стенах она принимала знаменитых гостей, в том числе Марию Беатриче Бурбон Австрийскую. Структура сохранила некоторые старинные детали, включая солнечные часы и оригинальные полы. Сад является подлинным оазисом спокойствия с дубами и соснами, а бассейн, беседки и перголы создают уединенные уголки для отдыха. На удобной парковке может разместиться до 50 автомобилей. Эта вилла, близкая к тосканским городам искусства, предлагает уникальное место для отдыха, сочетая роскошь XVIII века с близостью к знаменитым пляжам Версилии. Ссылка: 10080
Référence: RLHP-T2127
Pays: IT
Région: Massa-Carrara
Ville: Massa
Catégorie: Entreprise
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Fonds de commerce
Sous-type de bien: Café, Hôtel, Restaurant
Surface: 2 500
Pièces: 28
Salles de bains: 30
Balcon: Oui


Prix moyen par
Déc. 2018
3 Mois
1 An
2 679 EUR
3 128 EUR


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