Résidentiel - Vente
  • Kodiak


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Kodiak - Maison & propriété à vendre

257 570 EUR

Maison & Propriété (Vente)

terrain 8 094
Référence: EDEN-T100883381 / 100883381
Designated in one of the most pristine areas of Cliff Point Estates, the Point lots feature incredible ocean views with an extensive shoreline for fishing and exploring, as well as nearby recreation and amenities! With unlimited development potential and everything you could ask for in extravagant outdoor living, the lots at The Point offer the unique opportunity to own and develop your dream estate on Kodiak Island Alaska. Each lot offers incredible privacy with easy and maintained access Unlimited development opportunities with no timeframe for construction Build your dream or retirement home - or a quaint accessory building/ mother-in-law suite to start Worldclass Hunting and Fishing Unlimited outdoor recreation Gated community with paved road access There is power run to each lot Water would require a well (approx $18,000) and septic ($27,000) Scenic oceanfront views with nearby services and amenities (Over 50 premium lots available at Cliff Point Estates.) In addition to the many amenities offered through the local cities, perhaps one of the greatest draws of Kodiak is the Island's renowned recreation. There is no shortage of things to do in the area. Spring and Summer offer great opportunities for whitewater rafting, kayaking, fly fishing, snorkeling, wildlife watching and hiking; while Wintertime gives visitors the chance to watch the glorious aurora borealis or northern lights, as well as enjoy Alaska's official sport of dog sled racing, backcountry skiing, Alpine snowboarding, snowmobiling and so much more! Alaska is also arguably one of the best places on Earth for great hunting and fishing. Kodiak, itself, is a renowned fishing destination that offers access to all five species of salmon, along with halibut, rockfish, cod and trout. Halibut is the world's largest flatfish, growing upwards of over 400 lbs., and are abundant in the waters near Kodiak Island. In addition, all five species of Pacific salmon can be fished here. Along with great fishing, Kodiak boasts some of the best hunting in the world. Home to some of North America's largest and most sought-after game animals, the area is a true hunter's paradise. Voir plus Voir moins Designated in one of the most pristine areas of Cliff Point Estates, the Point lots feature incredible ocean views with an extensive shoreline for fishing and exploring, as well as nearby recreation and amenities! With unlimited development potential and everything you could ask for in extravagant outdoor living, the lots at The Point offer the unique opportunity to own and develop your dream estate on Kodiak Island Alaska. Each lot offers incredible privacy with easy and maintained access Unlimited development opportunities with no timeframe for construction Build your dream or retirement home - or a quaint accessory building/ mother-in-law suite to start Worldclass Hunting and Fishing Unlimited outdoor recreation Gated community with paved road access There is power run to each lot Water would require a well (approx $18,000) and septic ($27,000) Scenic oceanfront views with nearby services and amenities (Over 50 premium lots available at Cliff Point Estates.) In addition to the many amenities offered through the local cities, perhaps one of the greatest draws of Kodiak is the Island's renowned recreation. There is no shortage of things to do in the area. Spring and Summer offer great opportunities for whitewater rafting, kayaking, fly fishing, snorkeling, wildlife watching and hiking; while Wintertime gives visitors the chance to watch the glorious aurora borealis or northern lights, as well as enjoy Alaska's official sport of dog sled racing, backcountry skiing, Alpine snowboarding, snowmobiling and so much more! Alaska is also arguably one of the best places on Earth for great hunting and fishing. Kodiak, itself, is a renowned fishing destination that offers access to all five species of salmon, along with halibut, rockfish, cod and trout. Halibut is the world's largest flatfish, growing upwards of over 400 lbs., and are abundant in the waters near Kodiak Island. In addition, all five species of Pacific salmon can be fished here. Along with great fishing, Kodiak boasts some of the best hunting in the world. Home to some of North America's largest and most sought-after game animals, the area is a true hunter's paradise. Wyznaczone w jednej z najbardziej dziewiczych części Cliff Point Estates, działki Point oferują niesamowite widoki na ocean z rozległą linią brzegową do wędkowania i zwiedzania, a także pobliską rekreacją i udogodnieniami! Dzięki nieograniczonemu potencjałowi rozwoju i wszystkiemu, o co możesz prosić w ekstrawaganckim życiu na świeżym powietrzu, działki w The Point oferują wyjątkową okazję do posiadania i rozwijania swojej wymarzonej posiadłości na wyspie Kodiak na Alasce. Każda działka oferuje niesamowitą prywatność z łatwym i utrzymanym dostępem Nieograniczone możliwości rozwoju bez ram czasowych na budowę Zbuduj swój wymarzony dom lub dom spokojnej starości - lub osobliwy budynek / apartament teściowej, aby rozpocząć światowej klasy polowanie i wędkarstwo Nieograniczona rekreacja na świeżym powietrzu Zamknięte osiedle z utwardzonym dostępem do drogi Do każdej działki doprowadzona jest energia Woda wymagałaby studni (około 18 000 USD) i szamba (27 000 USD) Malownicze widoki na ocean z pobliskimi usługami i udogodnieniami (ponad 50 Parcele premium dostępne w Cliff Point Estates.) Oprócz wielu udogodnień oferowanych przez lokalne miasta, być może jedną z największych atrakcji Kodiak jest słynna rekreacja na wyspie. W okolicy nie brakuje rzeczy do zrobienia. Wiosna i lato oferują wspaniałe możliwości do raftingu, kajakarstwa, wędkarstwa muchowego, nurkowania z rurką, obserwowania dzikiej przyrody i pieszych wędrówek; podczas gdy zimą odwiedzający mają szansę zobaczyć wspaniałą zorzę polarną lub zorzę polarną, a także cieszyć się oficjalnym sportem Alaski, takim jak wyścigi psich zaprzęgów, narciarstwo przełajowe, alpejski snowboard, skutery śnieżne i wiele więcej! Alaska jest również prawdopodobnie jednym z najlepszych miejsc na Ziemi do wspaniałych polowań i wędkowania. Sam Kodiak jest znanym miejscem wędkarskim, które oferuje dostęp do wszystkich pięciu gatunków łososia, a także halibuta, ryb skalnych, dorsza i pstrąga. Halibut jest największą płastugą na świecie, dorastającą do ponad 400 funtów i występuje obficie w wodach w pobliżu wyspy Kodiak. Ponadto można tu poławiać wszystkie pięć gatunków łososia pacyficznego. Oprócz wspaniałych połowów, Kodiak szczyci się jednymi z najlepszych polowań na świecie. Obszar ten, będący domem dla jednych z największych i najbardziej poszukiwanych zwierząt łownych w Ameryce Północnej, jest prawdziwym rajem dla myśliwych. Designado em uma das áreas mais intocadas de Cliff Point Estates, os lotes Point oferecem vistas incríveis do oceano com uma extensa costa para pesca e exploração, bem como recreação e comodidades próximas! Com potencial de desenvolvimento ilimitado e tudo o que você poderia pedir em uma vida extravagante ao ar livre, os lotes do The Point oferecem a oportunidade única de possuir e desenvolver a propriedade dos seus sonhos na Ilha Kodiak, no Alasca. Cada lote oferece privacidade incrível com acesso fácil e mantido Oportunidades de desenvolvimento ilimitadas sem prazo para construção Construa a casa dos seus sonhos ou de aposentadoria - ou um prédio acessório pitoresco / suíte da sogra para começar Caça e pesca de classe mundial Recreação ao ar livre ilimitada Condomínio fechado com acesso rodoviário pavimentado Há energia para cada lote A água exigiria um poço (aproximadamente US $ 18.000) e fossa séptica (US $ 27.000) Vistas panorâmicas à beira-mar com serviços e comodidades nas proximidades (Mais de 50 lotes premium disponíveis em Cliff Point Estates.) Além das muitas comodidades oferecidas pelas cidades locais, talvez um dos maiores atrativos de Kodiak seja a renomada recreação da ilha. Não faltam coisas para fazer na área. A primavera e o verão oferecem ótimas oportunidades para rafting, caiaque, pesca com mosca, mergulho com snorkel, observação da vida selvagem e caminhadas; enquanto o inverno dá aos visitantes a chance de assistir à gloriosa aurora boreal ou aurora boreal, bem como desfrutar do esporte oficial do Alasca de corridas de trenó puxado por cães, esqui backcountry, snowboard alpino, snowmobile e muito mais! O Alasca também é indiscutivelmente um dos melhores lugares da Terra para uma ótima caça e pesca. Kodiak, em si, é um renomado destino de pesca que oferece acesso a todas as cinco espécies de salmão, junto com linguado, rockfish, bacalhau e truta. O alabote é o maior peixe chato do mundo, crescendo mais de 400 libras, e é abundante nas águas perto da Ilha Kodiak. Além disso, todas as cinco espécies de salmão do Pacífico podem ser pescadas aqui. Junto com a ótima pesca, Kodiak possui algumas das melhores caçadas do mundo. Lar de alguns dos maiores e mais procurados animais de caça da América do Norte, a área é um verdadeiro paraíso para os caçadores.
Référence: EDEN-T100883381
Pays: US
Ville: Kodiak
Code postal: 99615
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Maison & Propriété
Terrain: 8 094


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