Fonds de commerce (Vente)
800 m²
/ 102908987
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present exclusively a typical, Renaissance house in the acropolis of the Ancient Plovdiv Reserve, located on three of the six hills of the city of Nebettepe, Dzhambaztepe and Taksimtepe. From here a unique panorama opens up, from which you can encircle the whole of Plovdiv, ancient and eternal. The property consists of a hotel and a restaurant with a unique style and architecture with a total built-up area of 800 sq.m. Additional opportunity to buy a piano bar, wine tasting center, plot of 380 sq.m. with a building with a total built-up area of 420 sq.m. It is designed in a classic, elegant line and gives the feeling of a fantastic atmosphere of aristocratic coziness. The house is built on a Roman wall from the 2nd century, which is arranged in the site. The residence is one of a kind, has two entrances facing two streets and has a categorization of a tourist site with 4 stars. Advantages: top location; entrance from the main street; history and architecture in one; working business; For more information and to arrange a viewing, please contact the responsible broker for the offer. The price of the property is 2,800,000 euros without VAT or 3,360,000 euros with VAT. A tax credit can be used under certain conditions. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: PLV-105536 Tel: ... , 032 331 006 Responsible broker: Ivaylo Bozadjiev
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LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Представяме ексклузивно типична, възрожденска къща в акрополната част на Резерват Старинен Пловдив, ситуиран върху три от шестте хълма на града Небеттепе, Джамбазтепе и Таксимтепе. От тук се открива уникална панорама, от която може да обгърнете с поглед целия Пловдив древен и вечен. Имотът се състои от хотел и ресторант с уникален стил и архитектура с РЗП от 800 кв.м. Допълнителна възможност за закупуване на пиано бар, винен дегустационен център, парцел от 380 кв.м. с постройка с РЗП 420 кв.м. Издържан е в класическа, елегантна линия и придава усещането за фантастична атмосфера на аристократичен уют. Къщата е стъпила върху Римска стена от 2 век, която е аранжирана в обекта. Резиденцията е единствена по рода си, разполага с два входа с лице на две улици и има категоризация на туристически обект с 4 звезди. Предимства: топ локация; вход от към главна улица; история и архитектура в едно; работещ бизнес; възможност за паркинг.За повече информация и организиране на оглед, моля свържете се с отговорния брокер по офертата. Цената на имота е 2 800 000 евро без ДДС или 3 360 000 евро с ДДС. Данъчен кредит може да се ползва при определени условия. За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: PLV-105536 Тел: ... , 032 331 006 Отговорен брокер:Ивайло Бозаджиев
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Wir präsentieren ausschließlich ein typisches Renaissance-Haus in der Akropolis des antiken Plovdiv-Reservats, das sich auf drei der sechs Hügel der Stadt Nebettepe, Dzhambaztepe und Taksimtepe befindet. Von hier aus eröffnet sich ein einzigartiges Panorama, von dem aus Sie ganz Plovdiv umkreisen können, alt und ewig. Das Anwesen besteht aus einem Hotel und einem Restaurant mit einem einzigartigen Stil und einer einzigartigen Architektur mit einer bebauten Gesamtfläche von 800 m². Zusätzliche Möglichkeit zum Kauf einer Pianobar, eines Weinverkostungszentrums, eines Grundstücks von 380 m² mit einem Gebäude mit einer bebauten Gesamtfläche von 420 m². Es ist in einer klassischen, eleganten Linie gestaltet und vermittelt das Gefühl einer fantastischen Atmosphäre aristokratischer Gemütlichkeit. Das Haus ist auf einer romanischen Mauer aus dem 2. Jahrhundert gebaut, die auf dem Grundstück angeordnet ist. Die Residenz ist einzigartig, hat zwei Eingänge mit Blick auf zwei Straßen und hat die Kategorisierung einer Touristenattraktion mit 4 Sternen. Vorteile: Top-Lage; Eingang von der Hauptstraße; Geschichte und Architektur in einem; funktionierendes Geschäft; Für weitere Informationen und um einen Besichtigungstermin zu vereinbaren, wenden Sie sich bitte an den zuständigen Makler für das Angebot. Der Preis der Immobilie beträgt 2.800.000 Euro ohne Mehrwertsteuer oder 3.360.000 Euro mit Mehrwertsteuer. Eine Steuergutschrift kann unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen in Anspruch genommen werden. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns und geben Sie die Referenznummer der Immobilie an. Bitte geben Sie an, dass Sie die Anzeige auf dieser Website gesehen haben. Referenznummer: PLV-105536 Tel: ... , 032 331 006 Verantwortlicher Makler: Ivaylo Bozadjiev
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present exclusively a typical, Renaissance house in the acropolis of the Ancient Plovdiv Reserve, located on three of the six hills of the city of Nebettepe, Dzhambaztepe and Taksimtepe. From here a unique panorama opens up, from which you can encircle the whole of Plovdiv, ancient and eternal. The property consists of a hotel and a restaurant with a unique style and architecture with a total built-up area of 800 sq.m. Additional opportunity to buy a piano bar, wine tasting center, plot of 380 sq.m. with a building with a total built-up area of 420 sq.m. It is designed in a classic, elegant line and gives the feeling of a fantastic atmosphere of aristocratic coziness. The house is built on a Roman wall from the 2nd century, which is arranged in the site. The residence is one of a kind, has two entrances facing two streets and has a categorization of a tourist site with 4 stars. Advantages: top location; entrance from the main street; history and architecture in one; working business; For more information and to arrange a viewing, please contact the responsible broker for the offer. The price of the property is 2,800,000 euros without VAT or 3,360,000 euros with VAT. A tax credit can be used under certain conditions. For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: PLV-105536 Tel: ... , 032 331 006 Responsible broker: Ivaylo Bozadjiev
Type d'annonce:
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Fonds de commerce
800 m²