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Sofia - Appartement & loft à vendre

129 000 EUR

Appartement & Loft (Vente)

Référence: EDEN-T98080607 / 98080607
We offer to your attention a completely renovated one-bedroom apartment, located on ul. Elevation 1050, near ul. Big brother. The area is communicative and attractive to live in, nearby there are a number of grocery stores, a tram stop, a public transport stop, Peace Banner Square, free parking spaces around the block and more. The apartment is located on a high ground floor (about 1.20 meters from elevation zero) in a panel block with access control with a chip, secured windows, external roller blinds and a installed security system. The apartment has an area of 50 sq.m. and has the following layout: entrance hall with a laundry room, living room with kitchenette with all the necessary electrical appliances. appliances, spacious bedroom, bathroom with toilet and closet/study. The heating is electric with air conditioners in both rooms. The property is distinguished by the fact that it is completely renovated - new electric. and plumbing installations, internal insulation, movable ceilings, LED lighting, new furniture and electrical. appliances, high-end flooring and much more. We work with colleagues on all our offers! Our agency offers preferential conditions for granting a mortgage loan and full legal assistance. Leading broker: Dian Stoyanov ... Offer number: 262. Voir plus Voir moins Предлагаме на Вашето внимание изцяло ремонтиран двустаен апартамент, находящ се на ул. Кота 1050, в близост до ул. Голям Братан. Районът е комуникативен и привлекателен за живеене, в близост има редица хранителни магазини, трамвайна спирка, спирка на градски транспорт, площад Знаме на мира, места за свободно паркиране около блока и други. Жилището е разположено на висок партер етаж ( на около 1.20 метра от кота нула) в панелен блок с контрол на достъпа с чип, обезопасени прозорци, външни ролетни щори и монтирана СОТ система. Апартаментът е с площ 50 кв.м. и има следното разпределение: входно антре с мокро помещение, дневна с кухненски бокс с всички необоходими ел. уреди, просторна спалня, баня с тоалетна и дрешник/кабинет. Отоплението е на ток с климатици в двете помещения. Имотът се отличава с това, че е изцяло ремонтиран- нови ел. и ВиК инсталации, вътрешна изолация, раздвижени тавани, лед осветление, нови мебели и ел. техника, висок клас подови настилки и много други. Работим с колеги по всички наши оферти! Агенцията ни предлага преференциални условия за отпускане на ипотечен кредит и пълно юридическо съдействие. Водещ брокер: Диан Стоянов ... Оферта номер: 262. We offer to your attention a completely renovated one-bedroom apartment, located on ul. Elevation 1050, near ul. Big brother. The area is communicative and attractive to live in, nearby there are a number of grocery stores, a tram stop, a public transport stop, Peace Banner Square, free parking spaces around the block and more. The apartment is located on a high ground floor (about 1.20 meters from elevation zero) in a panel block with access control with a chip, secured windows, external roller blinds and a installed security system. The apartment has an area of 50 sq.m. and has the following layout: entrance hall with a laundry room, living room with kitchenette with all the necessary electrical appliances. appliances, spacious bedroom, bathroom with toilet and closet/study. The heating is electric with air conditioners in both rooms. The property is distinguished by the fact that it is completely renovated - new electric. and plumbing installations, internal insulation, movable ceilings, LED lighting, new furniture and electrical. appliances, high-end flooring and much more. We work with colleagues on all our offers! Our agency offers preferential conditions for granting a mortgage loan and full legal assistance. Leading broker: Dian Stoyanov ... Offer number: 262.
Référence: EDEN-T98080607
Pays: BG
Ville: Sofia
Code postal: 1618
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Appartement & Loft
Surface: 50
Etage: 1


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