Cette charmante propriété est située dans la région viticole du Haut-Douro (site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO), dans la paroisse de Cambres, Lamego, et à proximité de la ville de Peso da Régua.Elle est située à proximité de la route EN2, la plus longue route du Portugal (également connue sous le nom de Route 66 du Portugal), offrant une excellente accessibilité aux réseaux autoroutiers, Porto étant à seulement une heure de route.La propriété est également bien desservie par les infrastructures et services à proximité. Située dans une zone rurale pittoresque avec une vue imprenable sur la rivière, la propriété comprend un ensemble de maisons rurales (en ruines). Elle s'étend sur 3 000 m² de vignes pour la production de vin de Porto, ainsi que sur 3 000 m² supplémentaires comprenant neuf maisons en ruines, chacune avec un potentiel d'expansion de 50 %, ce qui la rend idéale à des fins touristiques. Au-delà des vignes, la propriété comprend également des oliviers, des mandariniers et des orangers.La propriété est équipée d'une alimentation en eau et en électricité, ainsi que d'une mine et d'un puits situés dans le vignoble.La ferme avait fait l'objet d'une demande de financement dans le cadre du programme Portugal 2020. Le projet proposé visait à construire un hôtel rural/établissement touristique, offrant une variété d'hébergements et de services, ainsi que des divertissements complémentaires et des activités liées au tourisme. Ce développement visait à fournir un produit touristique diversifié et attrayant dans un cadre rural. Performance Énergétique: En cours #ref:SAVPRT11038
Voir plusVoir moins
Esta encantadora propriedade está localizada na Região Vinhateira do Alto Douro (Património Mundial da UNESCO), na freguesia de Cambres, Lamego, e fica perto da cidade de Peso da Régua. Está situado perto da estrada EN2, a estrada mais longa de Portugal (também conhecida como Rota 66 de Portugal), oferecendo excelentes acessibilidades às redes rodoviárias, com o Porto a apenas uma hora de carro. A propriedade está também bem servida por infraestruturas e serviços nas proximidades.Situada numa pitoresca zona rural com vistas deslumbrantes para o rio, a propriedade inclui um conjunto de casas rurais (em ruínas). Abrange 3.000 m² de vinhas para produção de vinho do Porto, além de outros 3.000 m² com nove casas em ruínas, cada uma com um potencial de expansão de 50%, o que a torna ideal para fins turísticos. Além das vinhas, a propriedade inclui também oliveiras, tangerineiras e laranjeiras.A propriedade está equipada com abastecimento de água e eletricidade, bem como uma mina e um poço localizados no interior da vinha.A exploração tinha um pedido de financiamento pendente através do programa Portugal 2020. O projeto proposto visava construir um hotel rural/instalação turística, oferecendo uma variedade de alojamentos e serviços, bem como entretenimento complementar e atividades relacionadas com o turismo. Este desenvolvimento procurou proporcionar um produto turístico diversificado e atrativo num ambiente rural. Categoria Energética: Em processo #ref:SAVPRT11038
This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services. Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting. Energy Rating: In progress #ref:SAVPRT11038
Cette charmante propriété est située dans la région viticole du Haut-Douro (site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO), dans la paroisse de Cambres, Lamego, et à proximité de la ville de Peso da Régua.Elle est située à proximité de la route EN2, la plus longue route du Portugal (également connue sous le nom de Route 66 du Portugal), offrant une excellente accessibilité aux réseaux autoroutiers, Porto étant à seulement une heure de route.La propriété est également bien desservie par les infrastructures et services à proximité. Située dans une zone rurale pittoresque avec une vue imprenable sur la rivière, la propriété comprend un ensemble de maisons rurales (en ruines). Elle s'étend sur 3 000 m² de vignes pour la production de vin de Porto, ainsi que sur 3 000 m² supplémentaires comprenant neuf maisons en ruines, chacune avec un potentiel d'expansion de 50 %, ce qui la rend idéale à des fins touristiques. Au-delà des vignes, la propriété comprend également des oliviers, des mandariniers et des orangers.La propriété est équipée d'une alimentation en eau et en électricité, ainsi que d'une mine et d'un puits situés dans le vignoble.La ferme avait fait l'objet d'une demande de financement dans le cadre du programme Portugal 2020. Le projet proposé visait à construire un hôtel rural/établissement touristique, offrant une variété d'hébergements et de services, ainsi que des divertissements complémentaires et des activités liées au tourisme. Ce développement visait à fournir un produit touristique diversifié et attrayant dans un cadre rural. Performance Énergétique: En cours #ref:SAVPRT11038
This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services. Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting. Energy Rating: In progress #ref:SAVPRT11038
This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services. Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting. Energy Rating: In progress #ref:SAVPRT11038
This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services. Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting. Energy Rating: In progress #ref:SAVPRT11038
This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services. Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting. Energy Rating: In progress #ref:SAVPRT11038
Située dans une zone rurale pittoresque avec une vue imprenable sur la rivière, la propriété comprend un ensemble de maisons rurales (en ruines). Elle s'étend sur 3 000 m² de vignes pour la production de vin de Porto, ainsi que sur 3 000 m² supplémentaires comprenant neuf maisons en ruines, chacune avec un potentiel d'expansion de 50 %, ce qui la rend idéale à des fins touristiques. Au-delà des vignes, la propriété comprend également des oliviers, des mandariniers et des orangers.La propriété est équipée d'une alimentation en eau et en électricité, ainsi que d'une mine et d'un puits situés dans le vignoble.La ferme avait fait l'objet d'une demande de financement dans le cadre du programme Portugal 2020. Le projet proposé visait à construire un hôtel rural/établissement touristique, offrant une variété d'hébergements et de services, ainsi que des divertissements complémentaires et des activités liées au tourisme. Ce développement visait à fournir un produit touristique diversifié et attrayant dans un cadre rural.
Performance Énergétique: En cours
#ref:SAVPRT11038 Voir plus Voir moins Esta encantadora propriedade está localizada na Região Vinhateira do Alto Douro (Património Mundial da UNESCO), na freguesia de Cambres, Lamego, e fica perto da cidade de Peso da Régua. Está situado perto da estrada EN2, a estrada mais longa de Portugal (também conhecida como Rota 66 de Portugal), oferecendo excelentes acessibilidades às redes rodoviárias, com o Porto a apenas uma hora de carro. A propriedade está também bem servida por infraestruturas e serviços nas proximidades.Situada numa pitoresca zona rural com vistas deslumbrantes para o rio, a propriedade inclui um conjunto de casas rurais (em ruínas). Abrange 3.000 m² de vinhas para produção de vinho do Porto, além de outros 3.000 m² com nove casas em ruínas, cada uma com um potencial de expansão de 50%, o que a torna ideal para fins turísticos. Além das vinhas, a propriedade inclui também oliveiras, tangerineiras e laranjeiras.A propriedade está equipada com abastecimento de água e eletricidade, bem como uma mina e um poço localizados no interior da vinha.A exploração tinha um pedido de financiamento pendente através do programa Portugal 2020. O projeto proposto visava construir um hotel rural/instalação turística, oferecendo uma variedade de alojamentos e serviços, bem como entretenimento complementar e atividades relacionadas com o turismo. Este desenvolvimento procurou proporcionar um produto turístico diversificado e atrativo num ambiente rural.
Categoria Energética: Em processo
#ref:SAVPRT11038 This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services.
Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting.
Energy Rating: In progress
#ref:SAVPRT11038 Cette charmante propriété est située dans la région viticole du Haut-Douro (site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO), dans la paroisse de Cambres, Lamego, et à proximité de la ville de Peso da Régua.Elle est située à proximité de la route EN2, la plus longue route du Portugal (également connue sous le nom de Route 66 du Portugal), offrant une excellente accessibilité aux réseaux autoroutiers, Porto étant à seulement une heure de route.La propriété est également bien desservie par les infrastructures et services à proximité.
Située dans une zone rurale pittoresque avec une vue imprenable sur la rivière, la propriété comprend un ensemble de maisons rurales (en ruines). Elle s'étend sur 3 000 m² de vignes pour la production de vin de Porto, ainsi que sur 3 000 m² supplémentaires comprenant neuf maisons en ruines, chacune avec un potentiel d'expansion de 50 %, ce qui la rend idéale à des fins touristiques. Au-delà des vignes, la propriété comprend également des oliviers, des mandariniers et des orangers.La propriété est équipée d'une alimentation en eau et en électricité, ainsi que d'une mine et d'un puits situés dans le vignoble.La ferme avait fait l'objet d'une demande de financement dans le cadre du programme Portugal 2020. Le projet proposé visait à construire un hôtel rural/établissement touristique, offrant une variété d'hébergements et de services, ainsi que des divertissements complémentaires et des activités liées au tourisme. Ce développement visait à fournir un produit touristique diversifié et attrayant dans un cadre rural.
Performance Énergétique: En cours
#ref:SAVPRT11038 This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services.
Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting.
Energy Rating: In progress
#ref:SAVPRT11038 This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services.
Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting.
Energy Rating: In progress
#ref:SAVPRT11038 This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services.
Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting.
Energy Rating: In progress
#ref:SAVPRT11038 This charming property is located in the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage Site), in the parish of Cambres, Lamego, and is close to the city of Peso da Régua. It is situated near the EN2 road, the longest road in Portugal (also known as Portugal's Route 66), offering excellent accessibility to highway networks, with Porto just a one-hour drive away.The property is also well-served by nearby infrastructure and services.
Set in a picturesque rural area with stunning river views, the property includes a collection of rural houses (in ruins). It spans 3,000m² of vineyards for Port wine production, along with an additional 3,000m² featuring nine houses in ruins, each with the potential for a 50% expansion, making it ideal for tourism-related purposes. Beyond the vineyards, the property also includes olive, tangerine, and orange trees.The property is equipped with water and electricity supply, as well as a mine and a well located within the vineyard.The farm had a pending application for funding through the Portugal 2020 programme. The proposed project aimed to construct a rural hotel/tourist facility, offering a variety of accommodations and services, as well as complementary entertainment and tourism-related activities. This development sought to provide a diverse and attractive tourism product in a rural setting.
Energy Rating: In progress