
Critères de Recherche Avancée

Type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Age des propriétaires
Surface terrain
Salles de bains
Année de construction
Année de constitution
Type de chauffage
Mode de chauffage
Performance énergétique
Gaz à effet de serre
Prix / m²
Loyer / m²/ an
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
Droit au bail

Comitat de Lika-Senj - Maison & propriété à vendre

255 000 EUR

Maison & Propriété (Vente)

46 735
Référence: JXYQ-T4272 / 14614  ID: 14614
Plitvice Lakes, Grabovac, building and agricultural land
Attractive land with a total area of 46,735 m² is situated in a peaceful and beautiful location in the village of Grabovac in Plitvice Lakes.The land is rectangular in shape, measuring approximately 55 m x 750 m. The residential building area is about 45 x 50 m, while the tourist development area is around 54 x 85 m. The terrain is slightly sloped, oriented northwest-southeast.Access to the land is from a paved public road. The property includes a small fish pond, and along the southern boundary of the land, there is a stream.It is located near the "Plitvice Holiday Resort," "Grabovac" hotel, shops, INA gas station, and close to the entrance to the Plitvice Lakes National Park, making it suitable for tourism.According to the current spatial plan documentation, 6,632 m² of the land is in the building zone: 2,345 m² in the residential area (zone "S") and 4,287 m² in the tourism zone (zone "T"), while 40,103 m² is agricultural land.An initial project has been created for a smaller building plot (area of 2,345 m²) for the construction of a tourist villa (78 m² underground + 320 m² above ground + 248 m² terrace with pool), with the possibility of obtaining a building permit for this project.The adjacent building plot to the south (area of 4,287 m²), according to the 8th Amendments to the Spatial Plan of Rakovica Municipality, is in the hospitality-tourism zone "T," with possible uses such as tourist villages, hotels, motels, guesthouses, campsites, resorts, eco-tourism, etc.Within the hospitality-tourism area, it is possible to build a hotel (T1), a hotel complex (T2), or a campsite (T3).Building conditions within the hospitality-tourism area are defined in chapter 2.3.2 Economic purposes – hospitality-tourism (T) (outside the settlement) in the implementation provisions of the PPUO Rakovica - 8th Amendment.Location conditions for construction:T1 and T2 (hotel and hotel complex) – hotel in one or more buildings, maximum number of accommodation units (hotel rooms, apartments, etc.) – 100 units (200 guests), max. plot coverage 45%, floors: basement + ground floor + 4 floors + attic, max. building height 16 m, utilization coefficient max 1.0, min. 30% green areas, 1 parking space per 2 rooms + 1 space per 4 employees.
T3 (campsite) – minimum 2* category, maximum plot coverage coefficient 0.40, maximum utilization coefficient 1, maximum building floors: basement + ground floor, minimum 40% of the total plot area must be greened with canopy trees, building distance from boundaries at least 6.0 m, and within the plot, bungalows (up to 30% of accommodation capacity), hospitality buildings, sports fields, pool, and business and auxiliary buildings for campsite operations can be planned.According to spatial planning conditions, it is possible to build about 4,300 m² of gross above-ground area on the "T" land.Guests can enjoy numerous natural attractions and gastronomic delights, as well as the sights of this region. Besides the National Park, which is only 10 minutes away, Barać Caves are 15 minutes away, and the picturesque village of Rastoke is 20 minutes away.Grabovac's green oasis is perfect for activities such as cycling, hiking, horseback riding, as well as rafting on the Una River, kayaking on the Mrežnica River, fishing, or adrenaline activities like paintball, zip line, adventure park, quad biking, or jeep safari. Rakovica municipality is a leader in continental Croatian tourism, with 300,000 overnight stays last year.Infrastructure: electricity, water.Ownership: 1/1, private individual, no encumbrances.Price: €255,000 (€25/m² for building land + €1.91/m² for agricultural land)Agency fee for the buyer: 2% + VAT of the achieved sale price.
Voir plus Voir moins  ID: 14614
Plitvicer Seen, Grabovac, Bau- und Landwirtschaftsland
Attraktives Grundstück mit einer Gesamtfläche von 46.735 m² befindet sich an einem ruhigen und schönen Standort im Dorf Grabovac bei den Plitvicer Seen.Das Grundstück ist rechteckig, misst ca. 55 m x 750 m. Der Bauflächenanteil beträgt ca. 45 x 50 m, der touristische Anteil ca. 54 x 85 m. Das Gelände ist leicht geneigt, orientiert von Nordwesten nach Südosten.Der Zugang zum Grundstück erfolgt über eine asphaltierte öffentliche Straße. Auf dem Grundstück befindet sich ein kleiner Fischteich, und entlang der südlichen Grenze des Grundstücks fließt ein Bach.Es liegt in der Nähe des „Plitvice Holiday Resort“, des Hotels „Grabovac“, Geschäften, INA-Tankstelle und nahe dem Eingang zum Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen, ideal für den Tourismus.Laut gültiger Raumordnungsdokumentation befinden sich 6.632 m² des Grundstücks in der Bauzone: 2.345 m² in der Wohnzone („S“) und 4.287 m² in der Tourismuszone („T“), während 40.103 m² landwirtschaftliche Flächen sind.Für ein kleineres Baugrundstück (2.345 m²) wurde ein Entwurfsprojekt für den Bau einer touristischen Villa (78 m² unterirdisch + 320 m² oberirdisch + 248 m² Terrasse mit Pool) erstellt, mit der Möglichkeit, eine Baugenehmigung für das Projekt zu erhalten.Das angrenzende Baugrundstück südlich (4.287 m²), befindet sich in der Tourismuszone „T“, gemäß der 8. Änderung des Raumplans der Gemeinde Rakovica, mit möglichen Inhalten: Feriendörfer, Hotels, Motels, Pensionen, Campingplätze, Ausflugsgaststätten, Ökotourismus usw.In der touristischen Zone ist es möglich, ein Hotel (T1), eine Hotelanlage (T2) oder einen Campingplatz (T3) zu bauen.Baubedingungen sind im Kapitel 2.3.2 „Wirtschaftsflächen – Tourismus (T) (außerhalb der Siedlung)“ der Durchführungsbestimmungen der PPUO Rakovica – 8. Änderung geregelt.Bedingungen für den Bau:T1 und T2 (Hotel und Hotelanlage) – Hotel in einem oder mehreren Gebäuden, maximal 100 Wohneinheiten (Zimmer, Apartments usw.), max. Baufläche 45%, max. 4 Etagen plus Dachgeschoss, max. Gebäudehöhe 16 m, Grünflächen min. 30%, 1 Parkplatz für 2 Zimmer + 1 für 4 Angestellte.
T3 (Campingplatz) – mindestens 2* Kategorie, max. Bauflächenauslastung 0,40, max. 1 Etage (Keller + Erdgeschoss), min. 40 % der Fläche muss begrünt sein, Gebäudeabstand min. 6 m, Bungalows (bis 30 % der Kapazität) möglich.Gemäß den Bauvorschriften ist eine Bebauung von ca. 4.300 m² oberirdischer Fläche auf dem „T“-Grundstück möglich.Die Gäste können natürliche Attraktionen, kulinarische Köstlichkeiten und Sehenswürdigkeiten genießen. Neben dem Nationalpark, der nur 10 Minuten entfernt ist, sind die Barać-Höhlen 15 Minuten und das malerische Dorf Rastoke 20 Minuten entfernt.Die grüne Oase von Grabovac ist ideal für Radfahren, Wandern, Reiten, Rafting, Kajakfahren, Angeln, Paintball, Zipline, Abenteuerpark, Quadfahren oder Jeep-Safari. Die Gemeinde Rakovica ist mit 300.000 Übernachtungen im letzten Jahr Spitzenreiter im kontinentalen Tourismus Kroatiens.Infrastruktur: Strom, Wasser.Eigentum: 1/1, Privatperson, lastenfrei.Preis: 255.000 EUR (25 EUR/m² Baugrund + 1,91 EUR/m² Landwirtschaftsfläche)Maklergebühr für den Käufer: 2% + MwSt. des Kaufpreises.   ID:  14614
Plitvička jezera, Grabovac, građevinsko i poljoprivredno zemljište
Atraktivno Zemljište ukupne površine 46.735 m2 smjestilo se na mirnoj lijepoj lokaciji u mjestu Grabovac u Plitvičkim jezerima.
Zemljište je pravokutnog oblika, dimenzija cca 55 m' x 750 m'. Građevinski dio zemljišta stambene namjene je dimenzija cca 45 x 50 m' a turističke namjene cca 54 x 85 m'. Teren je blago položen, orijentacije sjeverozapad – jugoistok.
Prilaz zemljištu je s asfaltirane javno prometne površine. Na zemljištu se nalazi manji ribnjak a uz samu južnu među zemljišta protječe potok.
Nalazi se u blizini „Plitvice Holiday Resorta“, hotela „Grabovac“, trgovina, benzinske postaje INA, u blizini ulaza u NP Plitvička jezera i pogodno je za bavljenje turizmom.
Prema važećoj prostorno-planskoj dokumentaciji 6.632 m2 zemljišta se nalazi u građevinskoj zoni i to 2.345 m2 u zoni „S“ stambene namjene,  4.287 m2 „T“ turističke namjene, a  40.103 m2 je poljoprivredne namjene.
Za manju građevinsku česticu (površine 2.345 m2) izrađen je idejni projekt za gradnju objekta / vile turističke namjene (78 m2 GBP podzemno + 320 m2 GBP nadzemno + 248 m2 terase s bazenom) s mogućnošću ishođenja građevinske dozvole za navedeni objekt.
Neposredno susjedna građevinska čestica južno (površine 4.287 m2), prema VIII. Izmjenama i Dopunama Prostornog Plana Uređenja Općine Rakovica, nalazi se u zoni ugostiteljsko-turističke namjene „T“, s mogućim sadržajima: turistička naselja, hoteli, moteli, pansioni, kampovi, izletišta, ugost. građevine, eko-turizam i sl.
Unutar površina ugostiteljsko-turističke opće namjene moguće je smjestiti hotel (T1), hotelsko naselje (T2) ili kamp (T3).
Uvjeti i način gradnje unutar površine ugostiteljsko-turističke namjene utvrđeni su u poglavlju 2.3.2 Gospodarska namjena – ugostiteljsko-turistička (T) (izvan naselja) odredbi za provedbu PPUO Rakovica - VIII. ID.
Lokacijski uvjeti za gradnju:T1 i T2 (hotel i hotelsko naselje) - hotel u 1 ili više objekata, maksimalni broj smještajnih jedinica (hotelska soba, apartman i sl.) – 100 smještajnih jedinica (200 korisnika/gostiju), max. tlocrtna izgrađenost zemljišta 45 %, katnost: Po+Pr+4+Potkr, max. visina vijenca objekta 16 m’, koeficijent iskoristivosti nadzemno kisN=max 1,0, min. 30 % zelenih površina, 1 parkirališno mjesto na 2 sobe + 1 mjesto na 4 zaposlenika.
T3 (kamp) – kamp min 2*, max. koeficijent izgrađenosti građevne čestice kig= 0,40, max. dopušteni koeficijent iskorištenosti građevne čestice kis=1, max. dopušteni broj etaža građevine podrum + prizemlje, min 40 % od ukupne površine čestice mora biti ozelenjeno krošnjastim stablima, udaljenost građevina od regulacijskog pravca i susjednih međa min. 6,0 m, u sklopu građevne čestice kampa mogu se predvidjeti bungalovi (do 30% smještajnog kapaciteta), ugostiteljske građevine, sportski tereni, bazen te poslovne i pomoćne zgrade za potrebe rada kampa.Sukladno prostorno-planskim uvjetima na zemljištu “T” namjene mogućnost gradnje cca 4.300 m2 GBP nadzemno.
Gosti mogu uživati i u brojnim prirodnim atrakcijama i gastronomskim užicima, ali i znamenitostima ovog kraja. Osim 10 minuta udaljenog nacionalnoga parka, samo 15 minuta udaljene su Baraćeve spilje i 20 minuta pitoreskno naselje Rastoke.
Zelena oaza Grabovca pogodna je za aktivnosti poput biciklizma, planinarenja, jahanja, kao i rafting na Uni, kajaking na Mrežnici, ribolov ili neke od adrenalinskih aktivnosti (paintball, zip line, adrenalinski park, vožnje quadovima ili jeep safari). Općina Rakovica je rekorder hrvatskog kontinentalnog turizma s 300.000 noćenja prošle godine.
Infrastruktura: struja, voda.
Vlasništvo: 1/1, fizička osoba, bez tereta.
Cijena: 255.000 EUR (25 EUR/m2 građevinskog zemljišta + 1,91 EUR/m2 poljoprivredno)
Agencijska naknada za kupca: 2%+PDV od postignute kupoprodajne cijene.   ID:  14614
Плитвицкие озёра, Грабовац, строительный и сельскохозяйственный участок
Привлекательный участок площадью 46.735 м² находится в спокойном и красивом месте в деревне Грабовац, недалеко от Плитвицких озёр.Участок прямоугольной формы, размеры примерно 55 м x 750 м. Строительная часть участка составляет примерно 45 x 50 м, туристическая часть — около 54 x 85 м. Рельеф слегка наклонён, ориентация северо-запад — юго-восток.К участку ведёт асфальтированная дорога. На участке есть небольшой пруд, а вдоль южной границы участка протекает ручей.Он расположен рядом с курортом «Plitvice Holiday Resort», отелем «Grabovac», магазинами, автозаправочной станцией INA и недалеко от входа в национальный парк Плитвицкие озёра, что делает его привлекательным для туризма.Согласно действующей градостроительной документации, 6.632 м² участка находится в строительной зоне: 2.345 м² в жилой зоне («S») и 4.287 м² в туристической зоне («T»), а 40.103 м² отведено под сельское хозяйство.Для небольшого строительного участка (площадь 2.345 м²) разработан проект строительства туристической виллы (78 м² под землёй + 320 м² над землёй + 248 м² террасы с бассейном) с возможностью получения разрешения на строительство.Соседний участок (площадь 4.287 м²), согласно 8-м изменениям генерального плана муниципалитета Раковица, находится в зоне гостеприимства и туризма «T», с возможным использованием для строительства туристических деревень, отелей, мотелей, пансионатов, кемпингов, туристических баз, объектов экотуризма и т.д.В зоне туризма можно построить отель (T1), гостиничный комплекс (T2) или кемпинг (T3).Условия строительства в туристической зоне описаны в главе 2.3.2 «Экономическое назначение – туризм (T) (за пределами населённых пунктов)» в правилах использования ППУО Раковица — 8-я редакция.Условия строительства:T1 и T2 (отель и гостиничный комплекс) — отель в одном или нескольких зданиях, максимальное количество номеров (гостевые комнаты, апартаменты и т.п.) — 100 номеров (200 гостей), максимальная застроенная площадь 45%, этажность: подвал + 4 этажа + мансарда, максимальная высота здания 16 м, зелёные зоны минимум 30%, 1 парковочное место на 2 номера + 1 место на 4 сотрудников.
T3 (кемпинг) — минимум 2*, максимальная площадь застройки 0,40, максимум 1 этаж (подвал + первый этаж), минимум 40% от площади должно быть озеленено деревьями, минимальное расстояние до границ участка — 6 м, возможно строительство бунгало (до 30% вместимости), зданий общественного питания, спортивных площадок, бассейна и служебных помещений.В соответствии с планами, на «T» участке возможно строительство площадью около 4.300 м² надземного пространства.Гости могут наслаждаться природными достопримечательностями, кулинарными изысками и культурным наследием этого края. В 10 минутах езды находится национальный парк, в 15 минутах — пещеры Барачева, а в 20 минутах — живописная деревня Растоке.Зелёный оазис Грабоваца идеален для занятий велосипедным спортом, пеших прогулок, верховой езды, рафтинга по реке Уна, каякинга по Мрежнице, рыбалки или экстремальных развлечений, таких как пейнтбол, зиплайн, парк приключений, поездки на квадроциклах или джип-сафари. Муниципалитет Раковица является лидером континентального туризма Хорватии, с 300.000 ночёвок в прошлом году.Инфраструктура: электричество, вода.Собственность: 1/1, частное лицо, без обременений.Цена: 255.000 EUR (25 EUR/м² строительной земли + 1,91 EUR/м² сельскохозяйственной).Агентский сбор для покупателя: 2% + НДС от достигнутой покупной цены.  ID: 14614
Plitvice Lakes, Grabovac, building and agricultural land
Attractive land with a total area of 46,735 m² is situated in a peaceful and beautiful location in the village of Grabovac in Plitvice Lakes.The land is rectangular in shape, measuring approximately 55 m x 750 m. The residential building area is about 45 x 50 m, while the tourist development area is around 54 x 85 m. The terrain is slightly sloped, oriented northwest-southeast.Access to the land is from a paved public road. The property includes a small fish pond, and along the southern boundary of the land, there is a stream.It is located near the "Plitvice Holiday Resort," "Grabovac" hotel, shops, INA gas station, and close to the entrance to the Plitvice Lakes National Park, making it suitable for tourism.According to the current spatial plan documentation, 6,632 m² of the land is in the building zone: 2,345 m² in the residential area (zone "S") and 4,287 m² in the tourism zone (zone "T"), while 40,103 m² is agricultural land.An initial project has been created for a smaller building plot (area of 2,345 m²) for the construction of a tourist villa (78 m² underground + 320 m² above ground + 248 m² terrace with pool), with the possibility of obtaining a building permit for this project.The adjacent building plot to the south (area of 4,287 m²), according to the 8th Amendments to the Spatial Plan of Rakovica Municipality, is in the hospitality-tourism zone "T," with possible uses such as tourist villages, hotels, motels, guesthouses, campsites, resorts, eco-tourism, etc.Within the hospitality-tourism area, it is possible to build a hotel (T1), a hotel complex (T2), or a campsite (T3).Building conditions within the hospitality-tourism area are defined in chapter 2.3.2 Economic purposes – hospitality-tourism (T) (outside the settlement) in the implementation provisions of the PPUO Rakovica - 8th Amendment.Location conditions for construction:T1 and T2 (hotel and hotel complex) – hotel in one or more buildings, maximum number of accommodation units (hotel rooms, apartments, etc.) – 100 units (200 guests), max. plot coverage 45%, floors: basement + ground floor + 4 floors + attic, max. building height 16 m, utilization coefficient max 1.0, min. 30% green areas, 1 parking space per 2 rooms + 1 space per 4 employees.
T3 (campsite) – minimum 2* category, maximum plot coverage coefficient 0.40, maximum utilization coefficient 1, maximum building floors: basement + ground floor, minimum 40% of the total plot area must be greened with canopy trees, building distance from boundaries at least 6.0 m, and within the plot, bungalows (up to 30% of accommodation capacity), hospitality buildings, sports fields, pool, and business and auxiliary buildings for campsite operations can be planned.According to spatial planning conditions, it is possible to build about 4,300 m² of gross above-ground area on the "T" land.Guests can enjoy numerous natural attractions and gastronomic delights, as well as the sights of this region. Besides the National Park, which is only 10 minutes away, Barać Caves are 15 minutes away, and the picturesque village of Rastoke is 20 minutes away.Grabovac's green oasis is perfect for activities such as cycling, hiking, horseback riding, as well as rafting on the Una River, kayaking on the Mrežnica River, fishing, or adrenaline activities like paintball, zip line, adventure park, quad biking, or jeep safari. Rakovica municipality is a leader in continental Croatian tourism, with 300,000 overnight stays last year.Infrastructure: electricity, water.Ownership: 1/1, private individual, no encumbrances.Price: €255,000 (€25/m² for building land + €1.91/m² for agricultural land)Agency fee for the buyer: 2% + VAT of the achieved sale price.
Référence: JXYQ-T4272
Pays: HR
Ville: Licko-senjska
Code postal: 53231
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Maison & Propriété
Surface: 46 735
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