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This land, surrounded by tranquil nature, is situated in the middle of Hvar island. It has an incredible sea view overlooking the charming island of Šćedro. Access is possible from the top and the bottom road. Part of the plot can be converted into construction land. A private bay offers a sanctuary for a peaceful summer residence near the sea.
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Dieses von ruhiger Natur umgebene Land liegt mitten auf der Insel Hvar. Es bietet einen unglaublichen Meerblick mit Blick auf die bezaubernde Insel Šćedro. Der Zugang ist von der oberen und unteren Straße aus möglich. Ein Teil des Grundstücks kann in Bauland umgewandelt werden. Eine private Bucht bietet einen Zufluchtsort für eine friedliche Sommerresidenz in der Nähe des Meeres.
Ovo zemljište, okruženo mirnom prirodom, nalazi se u sredini otoka Hvara. Ima nevjerojatan pogled na more s pogledom na šarmantni otok Šćedro. Pristup je moguć s gornje i s donje ceste. Dio parcele se može prenamijeniti u građevinsko zemljište. Privatna uvala nudi utočište za miran ljetni boravak u blizini mora.
Questa terra, circondata dalla natura tranquilla, si trova nel mezzo dell'isola di Hvar. Ha un'incredibile vista sul mare con vista sull'incantevole isola di Šćedro. L'accesso è possibile dalla strada in alto e in basso. Parte del terreno può essere convertita in terreno edificabile. Una baia privata offre un rifugio per una tranquilla residenza estiva vicino al mare.
This land, surrounded by tranquil nature, is situated in the middle of Hvar island. It has an incredible sea view overlooking the charming island of Šćedro. Access is possible from the top and the bottom road. Part of the plot can be converted into construction land. A private bay offers a sanctuary for a peaceful summer residence near the sea.
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Type d'annonce:
Type de bien:
Fonds de commerce
Sous-type de bien:
Agriculture, Horticulture, Viticulture
200 000 m²