330 000 EUR
369 892 EUR
320 416 EUR
330 000 EUR
325 700 EUR
320 416 EUR
The apartments will be built from the highest quality materials, chosen to satisfy energy efficiency, luxury and comfort. Illuminated by an abundance of natural light through large sliding balcony walls and equipped with the most modern materials, the apartments of this beauty will amaze and satisfy even the most demanding customers. If you want an apartment where you will feel like you stepped out of a postcard, this project is for you. With the beach in the palm of your hand, the smell of clean air, a view of the beautiful crystal blue sea, beautifully landscaped gardens with greenery, you will feel as if you are in a Mediterranean fairy tale.
The apartment marked S8, on the second floor of the building, consists of a kitchen with a dining room and a living room (29.6 m²), a bedroom (12.18 m²), a bathroom (5.09 m²), a balcony (9.52 m²), and roof terraces (75.56 m²). This residential unit also includes a storage room in the basement and 2 outdoor parking spaces.Net useful area of the apartment: 51.63 m²
The total net area of the apartment with accessories is 78.54 m²All apartments have:- Smart Inverter air conditioning heating and cooling systems in all rooms
- Underfloor heating throughout the apartment
- Superior interior joinery with full frames of modern design and lines
- Modern six-chamber PVC exterior joinery with iso-three-layer glass and Low-e coating on the outside of renowned European manufacturers, the exterior joinery is equipped with
ALU blinds with electric drive and integrated mosquito nets
- Top quality sanitary equipment from renowned EU manufacturers
- First-class parquet and ceramics
- Video intercom
- Thermo facade
- Elevator
All structural elements are dimensioned and will be executed according to the highest standards in earthquake engineering (9 seismic zones).Documentation and ownership in order.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
All other information on request.
Contact: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID CODE: 300501020-210Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr
www.nekretnine-complete.com Voir plus Voir moins Location: Zadarska županija, Zadar, Diklo.In Diklo bei Zadar entsteht ein modernes Gebäude mit 9 Wohneinheiten, 50 m vom Meer entfernt, mit wunderschönem Blick auf das kristallblaue Meer, die nahegelegenen Inseln, den Strand und den berühmten Sonnenuntergang von Zadar. Das Gebäude verfügt über einen eigenen Garten mit einem wunderschön angelegten Garten, der mit einheimischen Kräutern und Pflanzen angereichert ist, um die bestmögliche mediterrane Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Dieses moderne Neubaugebäude befindet sich in einem ruhigen Teil von Dikla direkt am Meer, in der Nähe aller notwendigen Annehmlichkeiten des Stadtlebens (Geschäfte, Cafés und Restaurants). Bei der Gestaltung wurde darauf geachtet, die ursprünglichen Gebäudewerte wie Einfachheit und Funktionalität, aus denen sich Komfort und Qualität ergeben, sowohl auf das umliegende Gelände – den Hof als auch den Innenraum – anzuwenden.Jede Wohnung hat einen Blick auf das Meer von schönen, komfortablen Terrassen. Für jede Wohnung stehen im Hof zwei Außenparkplätze zur Verfügung.
Die Wohnungen werden aus Materialien höchster Qualität gebaut, die ausgewählt wurden, um Energieeffizienz, Luxus und Komfort zu erfüllen. Die Apartments dieser Schönheit werden durch große, verschiebbare Balkonwände mit viel natürlichem Licht beleuchtet und mit den modernsten Materialien ausgestattet und werden selbst die anspruchsvollsten Kunden begeistern und zufriedenstellen. Wenn Sie sich eine Wohnung wünschen, in der Sie das Gefühl haben, einer Postkarte entsprungen zu sein, ist dieses Projekt genau das Richtige für Sie. Mit dem Strand in Ihrer Hand, dem Geruch sauberer Luft, einem Blick auf das wunderschöne kristallblaue Meer und wunderschön angelegten Gärten mit viel Grün werden Sie sich wie in einem mediterranen Märchen fühlen.Die mit S8 gekennzeichnete Wohnung im zweiten Stock des Gebäudes besteht aus einer Küche mit Esszimmer und einem Wohnzimmer (29,6 m²), einem Schlafzimmer (12,18 m²), einem Badezimmer (5,09 m²) und einem Balkon (9,52 m²). und Dachterrassen (75,56 m²). Zu dieser Wohneinheit gehören außerdem ein Abstellraum im Keller und 2 Außenstellplätze.Nettonutzfläche der Wohnung: 51,63 m²
Die Gesamtnettofläche der Wohnung mit Zubehör beträgt 78,54 m²Alle Wohnungen verfügen über:- Intelligente Inverter-Klimaanlagen, Heiz- und Kühlsysteme in allen Räumen
- Fußbodenheizung in der gesamten Wohnung
- Hochwertige Innenschreinerei mit Vollrahmen in modernem Design und modernen Linien
- Moderne Sechskammer-PVC-Außenschreinerei mit Iso-Dreischichtglas und Low-e-Beschichtung auf der Außenseite namhafter europäischer Hersteller, mit der die Außenschreinerei ausgestattet ist
ALU-Rollos mit Elektroantrieb und integrierten Moskitonetzen
- Hochwertige Sanitärausstattung von namhaften EU-Herstellern
- Erstklassiges Parkett und Keramik
- Video-Gegensprechanlage
- Thermofassade
- Aufzug
Alle Strukturelemente sind dimensioniert und werden nach den höchsten Standards der Erdbebentechnik (9 seismische Zonen) ausgeführt.Dokumentation und Eigentumsverhältnisse in Ordnung.
Besichtigung nach vorheriger Absprache möglich.
Alle weiteren Informationen auf Anfrage.
Kontakt: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID CODE: 300501020-210Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr
www.nekretnine-complete.com Location: Zadarska županija, Zadar, Diklo.U mjestu Diklo kod Zadra, gradi se moderna zgrada s 9 stambenih jedinica, udaljena 50 m od mora, s prelijepim pogledom na kristalno plavo more, obližnje otoke, plažu te na daleko čuveni zadarski zalazak sunca. Zgrada ima svoju vlastitu okućnicu sa lijepo uređenim dvorištem obogaćeno autohtonim biljem i raslinjem da bi se postigao što bolji ugođaj Mediterana. Ovo moderno zdanje novogradnje smješteno je u mirnom dijelu Dikla neposredno uz more, blizu svih potrebnih sadržaja urbanog života (prodavaonice, kafića i restorana). Pri projektiranju vodilo se računa o primjeni izvornih vrijednosti građenja, kao što su jednostavnost, funkcionalnost iz čega slijede udobnost - komfor i kvaliteta, kako okolnog terena - dvorišta tako i unutarnjeg prostora.Svaki stan ima pogled na more s prelijepih komfornih terasa. Za svaki stan u dvorištu su predviđena dva vanjska parkirna mjesta.
Stanovi će biti izgrađeni od najkvalitetnijih materijala, birani tako da zadovolje energetsku efikasnost, luksuz kao i komfor. Osvijetljeni obiljem prirodnog svijetla preko velikih kliznih balkonskih stjenki te opremljeni najmodernijim materijalima, stanovi ove ljepotice zadivit će i zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije kupce. Ako želite stan u kojem ćete se osjećati kao da ste izašli iz razglednice, ovaj projekt je za vas. Uz plažu na dlanu, miris čistog zraka, pogled na prekrasno kristalno plavo more, predivno uređene okućnice sa zelenilom imat ćete osjećaj kao da ste u mediteranskoj bajci.Stan oznake S8, na drugom katu zgrade, sastoji se od kuhinje s blagovaonicom i dnevnim boravkom (29,6 m²), spavaće sobe (12,18 m²), kupaonice (5,09 m²), balkon (9,52 m²), te krovne terase ( 75,56 m²). Ovoj stambenoj jedinici pripadaju i spremište u podrumu, te 2 vanjska parkirna mjesta.Neto korisna površina stana: 51,63 m²
Ukupna neto površina stana s pripatcima iznosi 78,54 m²Svi stanovi posjeduju:- Smart Inverter klima sustave grijanja i hlađenja u svim prostorijama
- Podno grijanje u cijelom stanu
- Vrhunsku unutarnju stolariju sa punim okvirima modernog dizajna i linija
- Modernu šestkomornu PVC vanjsku stolariju sa izo troslojnim staklima i Low-e premazom sa vanjske strane renomiranih europskih proizvođača, vanjska stolarija je opremljena sa
ALU roletama na elektro pogon i integriranim komarnicima
- Vrhunska sanitarna oprema renomiranih EU proizvođača
- Parket i keramika prve klase
- Video portafon
- Thermo fasada
- Dizalo
Svi konstruktivni elementi su dimenzionirani i bit će izvedeni po najvišim standardima u potresnom inženjerstvu (9 seizmička zona).Dokumentacija i vlasništvo uredno.
Razgled moguć uz prethodni dogovor.
Sve ostale informacije na upit.
Kontakt: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501020-210Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr
www.nekretnine-complete.com Location: Zadarska županija, Zadar, Diklo. Location: Zadarska županija, Zadar, Diklo.In Diklo near Zadar, a modern building with 9 residential units is being built, 50 m from the sea, with a beautiful view of the crystal blue sea, the nearby islands, the beach and the far-famed Zadar sunset. The building has its own garden with a beautifully landscaped yard enriched with autochthonous herbs and plants to achieve the best possible Mediterranean atmosphere. This modern building of new construction is located in a quiet part of Dikla directly by the sea, close to all the necessary amenities of urban life (shops, cafes and restaurants). During the design, care was taken to apply the original building values, such as simplicity, functionality, from which comfort and quality follow, both of the surrounding terrain - the yard and the interior space.Each apartment has a view of the sea from beautiful comfortable terraces. Two outdoor parking spaces are provided for each apartment in the yard.
The apartments will be built from the highest quality materials, chosen to satisfy energy efficiency, luxury and comfort. Illuminated by an abundance of natural light through large sliding balcony walls and equipped with the most modern materials, the apartments of this beauty will amaze and satisfy even the most demanding customers. If you want an apartment where you will feel like you stepped out of a postcard, this project is for you. With the beach in the palm of your hand, the smell of clean air, a view of the beautiful crystal blue sea, beautifully landscaped gardens with greenery, you will feel as if you are in a Mediterranean fairy tale.
The apartment marked S8, on the second floor of the building, consists of a kitchen with a dining room and a living room (29.6 m²), a bedroom (12.18 m²), a bathroom (5.09 m²), a balcony (9.52 m²), and roof terraces (75.56 m²). This residential unit also includes a storage room in the basement and 2 outdoor parking spaces.Net useful area of the apartment: 51.63 m²
The total net area of the apartment with accessories is 78.54 m²All apartments have:- Smart Inverter air conditioning heating and cooling systems in all rooms
- Underfloor heating throughout the apartment
- Superior interior joinery with full frames of modern design and lines
- Modern six-chamber PVC exterior joinery with iso-three-layer glass and Low-e coating on the outside of renowned European manufacturers, the exterior joinery is equipped with
ALU blinds with electric drive and integrated mosquito nets
- Top quality sanitary equipment from renowned EU manufacturers
- First-class parquet and ceramics
- Video intercom
- Thermo facade
- Elevator
All structural elements are dimensioned and will be executed according to the highest standards in earthquake engineering (9 seismic zones).Documentation and ownership in order.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
All other information on request.
Contact: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID CODE: 300501020-210Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr