
Critères de Recherche Avancée

Type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Age des propriétaires
Surface terrain
Salles de bains
Année de construction
Année de constitution
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Mode de chauffage
Performance énergétique
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Prix / m²
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Résultat net
Droit au bail

Žminj - Terrain à vendre

176 000 EUR

Terrain (Vente)

3 892
Référence: ZNYK-T43565 / 436247
Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istria, Žminj, surroundingsNear the municipality of Žminj, more precisely, in a small settlement in its surroundings, there is a large plot of land that is looking for a new owner. It is surrounded by family houses and some holiday homes, which is an excellent indicator of the location as peaceful, while Žminj and Kanfanar are only 3 to 4 km away with their city facilities.The land is 3892m2 in size, and has its own access road. Subdivision is possible, which would result in the formation of smaller particles. It is partially surrounded by autochthonous Istrian dry stone walls, and all infrastructure is nearby. As it is located in a residential area, it is possible to build family buildings with three above-ground floors, which is quite enough for a family house or for a tourist object in the form of a holiday home. Considering the size of the plot, it is possible to build more houses, which represents an opportunity for investors.This property is an opportunity for all those who want to invest in their future, depending on the wishes and possibilities of the new owners. The only thing left is to contact us and go see your new place under the sun!ID CODE: 1029-457DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Voir plus Voir moins Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istrien, Žminj, UmgebungIn der Nähe der Gemeinde Žminj, genauer gesagt in einer kleinen Siedlung in deren Umgebung, befindet sich ein großes Grundstück, das einen neuen Eigentümer sucht. Es ist von Einfamilienhäusern und einigen Ferienhäusern umgeben, was ein ausgezeichneter Indikator dafür ist, dass die Lage ruhig ist, während Žminj und Kanfanar mit ihren städtischen Einrichtungen nur 3 bis 4 km entfernt sind.Das Grundstück ist 3892 m2 groß und verfügt über eine eigene Zufahrtsstraße. Eine Unterteilung ist möglich, was zur Bildung kleinerer Partikel führen würde. Es ist teilweise von autochthonen istrischen Trockenmauern umgeben und die gesamte Infrastruktur befindet sich in der Nähe. Da es sich in einem Wohngebiet befindet, ist es möglich, Einfamilienhäuser mit drei oberirdischen Stockwerken zu bauen, was für ein Einfamilienhaus oder für ein touristisches Objekt in Form eines Ferienhauses völlig ausreicht. Angesichts der Größe des Grundstücks besteht die Möglichkeit, weitere Häuser zu bauen, was eine Chance für Investoren darstellt.Diese Immobilie ist eine Chance für alle, die je nach den Wünschen und Möglichkeiten der neuen Eigentümer in ihre Zukunft investieren möchten. Sie müssen uns nur noch kontaktieren und Ihren neuen Platz unter der Sonne besichtigen!ID CODE: 1029-457DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istra, Žminj, okolicaU blizini općine Žminj, točnije, u jednom malom naselju njene okolice, nalazi se prostrano zemljište koje traži svog novog vlasnika. Okruženo je obiteljskim kućama te pokojom kućom za odmor što je odličan pokazatelj lokacije kao mirne, dok su Žminj i Kanfanar udaljeni svega 3 do 4km sa svojim gradskim sadržajima.Zemljište je veličine 3892m2, te ima svoj pristupni put. Moguća je parcelacija te bi se time formirale manje čestice. Djelomično je ograđeno autohtonim istarskim suhozidom te je sva infrastruktura u blizini. Kako se nalazi u stambenoj zoni moguća je gradnja obiteljskih građevina sa tri nadzemne etaže, što je sasvim dovoljno za obiteljsku kuću ili za turistički objekt u vidu kuće za odmor. S obzirom na veličinu parcele moguća je izgradnja više kuća, što predstavlja priliku za investitore.Ova nekretnina je prilika za sve one koji žele investirati u svoju budućnost, ovisno o željama i mogućnostima novih vlasnika. Jedino što Vam preostaje je da nam se javite i odete pogledati Vaše novo mjesto pod suncem!ID KOD AGENCIJE: 1029-457DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.L'Istria, Gimino, dintorniVicino al comune di Žminj, più precisamente, in un piccolo insediamento nei suoi dintorni, si trova un grande terreno che sta cercando un nuovo proprietario. È circondato da case unifamiliari e da alcune case per le vacanze, il che è un ottimo indicatore della posizione tranquilla, mentre Gimino e Canfanaro con i loro servizi cittadini distano solo 3-4 km.Il terreno misura 3892 m2 e ha una propria strada di accesso. È possibile la suddivisione, che comporterebbe la formazione di particelle più piccole. È parzialmente circondato da muri a secco autoctoni istriani e tutte le infrastrutture si trovano nelle vicinanze. Dato che si trova in una zona residenziale, è possibile costruire edifici unifamiliari con tre piani fuori terra, il che è abbastanza per una casa unifamiliare o per una struttura turistica sotto forma di casa per le vacanze. Considerando le dimensioni del terreno è possibile costruire più case, il che rappresenta un'opportunità per gli investitori.Questa proprietà è un'opportunità per tutti coloro che vogliono investire nel proprio futuro, a seconda dei desideri e delle possibilità dei nuovi proprietari. Non ti resta che contattarci e andare a vedere il tuo nuovo posto sotto il sole!ID CODE: 1029-457DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istria, Žminj, surroundingsNear the municipality of Žminj, more precisely, in a small settlement in its surroundings, there is a large plot of land that is looking for a new owner. It is surrounded by family houses and some holiday homes, which is an excellent indicator of the location as peaceful, while Žminj and Kanfanar are only 3 to 4 km away with their city facilities.The land is 3892m2 in size, and has its own access road. Subdivision is possible, which would result in the formation of smaller particles. It is partially surrounded by autochthonous Istrian dry stone walls, and all infrastructure is nearby. As it is located in a residential area, it is possible to build family buildings with three above-ground floors, which is quite enough for a family house or for a tourist object in the form of a holiday home. Considering the size of the plot, it is possible to build more houses, which represents an opportunity for investors.This property is an opportunity for all those who want to invest in their future, depending on the wishes and possibilities of the new owners. The only thing left is to contact us and go see your new place under the sun!ID CODE: 1029-457DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Référence: ZNYK-T43565
Pays: HR
Ville: Žminj
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Terrain
Surface: 3 892


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