93 000 EUR
1 485 m²
1117 square meters is construction land, while 497 square meters belongs to the green zone.
The connection with the paved road ensures ease of access.
The infrastructure network has been brought to the field.
Surrounded by forest, this plot provides a natural setting that contributes to privacy and peace, perfect for a family home or cottage.Thanks to its position at the end of a cul-de-sac, the terrain is extremely suitable for ensuring privacy.
This location allows the owner to create his own oasis, with the potential for landscaped gardens, a swimming pool or even a small sports field.
The possibility of adapting the terrain to the owner's needs makes it ideal for building a custom-made residence, whether it is a contemporary, traditional or ecological design, and the surrounding nature provides inspiration and a sense of escape from the urban environment, while maintaining proximity to all the necessary amenities.We are at your disposal for more complete information.ID CODE: 2009-16DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Voir plus Voir moins Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Viškovo, Mladenići.Viškovo, ein Baugrundstück für Naturliebhaber.Ein 1.614 Quadratmeter großes Grundstück am Ende einer ruhigen Sackgasse bietet dem Eigentümer eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, den Raum an seine eigenen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche anzupassen.
1117 Quadratmeter sind Bauland, während 497 Quadratmeter zur Grünzone gehören.
Die Anbindung an die asphaltierte Straße gewährleistet eine einfache Erreichbarkeit. Das Infrastrukturnetzwerk wurde auf das Feld gebracht.
Dieses von Wald umgebene Grundstück bietet eine natürliche Umgebung, die zu Privatsphäre und Ruhe beiträgt und sich perfekt für ein Einfamilienhaus oder ein Ferienhaus eignet.Aufgrund seiner Lage am Ende einer Sackgasse eignet sich das Gelände hervorragend zur Gewährleistung der Privatsphäre.
Dieser Standort ermöglicht es dem Eigentümer, seine eigene Oase zu schaffen, mit der Möglichkeit für angelegte Gärten, ein Schwimmbad oder sogar einen kleinen Sportplatz.
Die Möglichkeit, das Gelände an die Bedürfnisse des Eigentümers anzupassen, macht es ideal für den Bau einer maßgeschneiderten Residenz, sei es in modernem, traditionellem oder ökologischem Design, und die umliegende Natur bietet Inspiration und ein Gefühl der Flucht aus der städtischen Umgebung, während sie gleichzeitig erhalten bleibt Nähe zu allen notwendigen Annehmlichkeiten.Für ausführlichere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.ID CODE: 2009-16DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Viškovo, Mladenići.Viškovo, građevinsko zemljište za ljubitelje prirodnog okruženjaTeren od 1614 četvornih metara, smješten na kraju mirne slijepe ulice, nudi vlasniku izvrsnu priliku za prilagodbu prostora vlastitim potrebama i željama.
1117 četvornih metara je građevinski teren dok 497 četvornih metara spada u zelenu zonu.
Povezanost s asfaltiranim putem osigurava lakoću pristupa.
Infrastrukturna mreža je dovedena do terena.
Okružen šumom, ovaj teren pruža prirodan okvir koji doprinosi privatnosti i miru, savršenom za obiteljski dom ili vikendicu.Zahvaljujući svojoj poziciji na kraju slijepe ulice, teren je izuzetno pogodan za osiguranje privatnosti.
Ova lokacija omogućava vlasniku da stvori vlastitu oazu, s potencijalom za uređene vrtove, bazen ili čak manji sportski teren.
Mogućnost prilagodbe terena potrebama vlasnika čini ga idealnim za izgradnju rezidencije po vlastitoj mjeri, bilo da je riječ o suvremenom, tradicionalnom ili ekološkom dizajnu a okolna priroda pruža inspiraciju i osjećaj bijega iz urbanog okruženja, uz zadržavanje blizine svih potrebnih sadržaja.Za potpunije informacije stojimo na raspolaganju.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 2009-16DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Viškovo, Mladenići.Viškovo, un terreno edificabile per gli amanti dell'ambiente naturaleUn terreno di 1.614 metri quadrati, situato alla fine di un tranquillo vicolo cieco, offre al proprietario un'eccellente opportunità per adattare lo spazio alle proprie esigenze e desideri.
1117 mq sono terreni edificabili, mentre 497 mq appartengono alla zona verde.
Il collegamento con la strada asfaltata garantisce facilità di accesso.
La rete infrastrutturale è stata portata in campo.
Circondato dalla foresta, questo terreno offre un ambiente naturale che contribuisce alla privacy e alla pace, perfetto per una casa di famiglia o un cottage.Grazie alla sua posizione alla fine di una strada senza uscita, il terreno è estremamente adatto a garantire la privacy.
Questa posizione consente al proprietario di creare la propria oasi, con la possibilità di realizzare giardini paesaggistici, una piscina o anche un piccolo campo sportivo.
La possibilità di adattare il terreno alle esigenze del proprietario lo rende ideale per costruire una residenza su misura, sia essa di design contemporaneo, tradizionale o ecologico, e la natura circostante fornisce ispirazione e un senso di fuga dall'ambiente urbano, pur mantenendo vicinanza a tutti i servizi necessari.Siamo a vostra disposizione per informazioni più complete.ID CODE: 2009-16DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Viškovo, Mladenići.Viškovo, a building plot for lovers of the natural environmentA plot of 1,614 square meters, located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, offers the owner an excellent opportunity to adapt the space to his own needs and wishes.
1117 square meters is construction land, while 497 square meters belongs to the green zone.
The connection with the paved road ensures ease of access.
The infrastructure network has been brought to the field.
Surrounded by forest, this plot provides a natural setting that contributes to privacy and peace, perfect for a family home or cottage.Thanks to its position at the end of a cul-de-sac, the terrain is extremely suitable for ensuring privacy.
This location allows the owner to create his own oasis, with the potential for landscaped gardens, a swimming pool or even a small sports field.
The possibility of adapting the terrain to the owner's needs makes it ideal for building a custom-made residence, whether it is a contemporary, traditional or ecological design, and the surrounding nature provides inspiration and a sense of escape from the urban environment, while maintaining proximity to all the necessary amenities.We are at your disposal for more complete information.ID CODE: 2009-16DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr