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Norway Island stands as one of British Columbia's enchanting island treasures. Nestled in the heart of the southern Gulf Islands, a renowned a haven for boaters and a sought-after recreational destination, Norway Island is a self-contained private estate that encapsulates the essence of Gulf Island charm. Positioned just off Clam Bay, adjacent to Thetis and Penelacut Islands, this island is easily accessible -a mere 20-minute float plane ride from Vancouver International Airport or a short boat trip to nearby Thetis or Galiano Islands, both serviced by BC Ferries.
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Norway Island stands as one of British Columbia's enchanting island treasures. Nestled in the heart of the southern Gulf Islands, a renowned a haven for boaters and a sought-after recreational destination, Norway Island is a self-contained private estate that encapsulates the essence of Gulf Island charm. Positioned just off Clam Bay, adjacent to Thetis and Penelacut Islands, this island is easily accessible -a mere 20-minute float plane ride from Vancouver International Airport or a short boat trip to nearby Thetis or Galiano Islands, both serviced by BC Ferries.
L'isola di Norway è uno degli incantevoli tesori dell'isola della Columbia Britannica. Situata nel cuore delle isole meridionali del Golfo, un rinomato paradiso per i diportisti e una destinazione ricreativa ricercata, Norway Island è una tenuta privata indipendente che racchiude l'essenza del fascino dell'isola del Golfo. Situata appena fuori Clam Bay, adiacente alle isole Thetis e Penelacut, quest'isola è facilmente raggiungibile: a soli 20 minuti di idrovolante dall'aeroporto internazionale di Vancouver o con una breve gita in barca alle vicine isole Thetis o Galiano, entrambe servite da BC Ferries.
Norway Island ist einer der bezaubernden Inselschätze von British Columbia. Eingebettet im Herzen der südlichen Golfinseln, einem bekannten Paradies für Bootsfahrer und einem begehrten Erholungsziel, ist Norway Island ein in sich geschlossenes privates Anwesen, das die Essenz des Charmes von Gulf Island verkörpert. Diese Insel liegt direkt vor Clam Bay, angrenzend an die Inseln Thetis und Penelacut, und ist leicht erreichbar - nur eine 20-minütige Fahrt mit dem Wasserflugzeug vom internationalen Flughafen Vancouver oder eine kurze Bootsfahrt zu den nahe gelegenen Thetis- oder Galiano-Inseln, die beide von BC Ferries angeflogen werden.
Gulf Islands
Code postal:
000 000
Type d'annonce:
Type de bien:
117 357 m²