2 246 221 EUR
5 p
5 ch
- Garage
- Garden
- Parking Voir plus Voir moins Coulsdon South mainline and Chipstead stations are within 1.5 miles providing routes to London Bridge, Victoria, Gatwick and the south coast. Trains from Coulsdon South to London Bridge take approximately 20 minutes. Chipstead is surrounded by open countryside ideal for walking and equestrian pursuits providing good riding and exceptional hacking. In terms of road communications the nearby A23 leads to the M25 (junction 7) and into London whilst, for the frequent traveller, Gatwick Airport is approximately 14 miles to the south. Locally there is a good choice of state and independent schools and the village is a vibrant location with a drama club and active sports clubs, including rugby, golf, tennis and football. The nearby towns of Reigate and Banstead also provide a comprehensive range of shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants, including Waitrose and Marks & Spencer.
- Garage
- Garden
- Parking Les gares de Coulsdon South et de Chipstead sont à moins de 1,5 mille, offrant des itinéraires vers London Bridge, Victoria, Gatwick et la côte sud. Les trains de Coulsdon South à London Bridge prennent environ 20 minutes. Chipstead est entouré d’une campagne ouverte idéale pour la marche et les activités équestres, offrant une bonne équitation et un hacking exceptionnel. En termes de communications routières, l’A23 à proximité mène à la M25 (sortie 7) et à Londres, tandis que, pour les voyageurs fréquents, l’aéroport de Gatwick est à environ 14 miles au sud. Localement, il y a un bon choix d’écoles publiques et indépendantes et le village est un endroit dynamique avec un club de théâtre et des clubs sportifs actifs, y compris le rugby, le golf, le tennis et le football. Les villes voisines de Reigate et Banstead offrent également une gamme complète de magasins, de boutiques, de cafés et de restaurants, notamment Waitrose et Marks & Spencer.
- Garage
- Garden
- Parking Le stazioni principali di Coulsdon South e Chipstead si trovano a 1,5 miglia e forniscono percorsi per London Bridge, Victoria, Gatwick e la costa meridionale. I treni da Coulsdon South a London Bridge impiegano circa 20 minuti. Chipstead è circondato da aperta campagna, ideale per passeggiate e attività equestri che offrono una buona equitazione e un hacking eccezionale. In termini di comunicazioni stradali, la vicina A23 conduce alla M25 (svincolo 7) e a Londra mentre, per chi viaggia spesso, l'aeroporto di Gatwick si trova a circa 14 miglia a sud. A livello locale c'è una buona scelta di scuole statali e indipendenti e il villaggio è una posizione vivace con un club di teatro e club sportivi attivi, tra cui rugby, golf, tennis e calcio. Le vicine città di Reigate e Banstead offrono anche una gamma completa di negozi, boutique, caffè e ristoranti, tra cui Waitrose e Marks & Spencer.
- Garage
- Garden
- Parking