3 243 000 EUR
783 m²
15 appartements**, tous en propriété horizontale et avec chacun une licence Local Accommodation (AL) :
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Points forts de la propriété :
Entièrement meublé et équipé
Actuellement pleinement opérationnel sous le régime de l'AL
Emplacement privilégié dans le centre touristique de Porto
Accès facile aux principaux points d'intérêt de la ville
Investissement sûr et très rentable Cet immeuble représente une opportunité unique pour ceux qui souhaitent investir dans un actif consolidé sur le marché de l'Hébergement de Proximité, en bénéficiant de son fonctionnement déjà établi et réussi. AL immeuble d'habitation local avec vue sur le fleuve Douro - 15 appartements à vendre à Fontainhas, Porto. Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations !Distances de référence :Transports en commun à proximité :- Arrêts de bus :
- Guindais : environ 329 mètres (environ 5 minutes à pied).
- Batalha | Alexandre Herculano : Environ 340 mètres (environ 5 minutes à pied).
- Porto - São Bento : environ 428 mètres (environ 6 minutes à pied).- Stations de métro :
- São Bento : environ 476 mètres (environ 7 minutes à pied).- Station de funiculaire :
- Batalha-Guindais : environ 589 mètres (environ 8 minutes à pied).Lignes de bus disponibles :Les lignes de bus suivantes passent à proximité : 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.Avec tout cela, cette propriété bénéficie d'un emplacement central avec un accès facile aux différents moyens de transport en commun, facilitant la mobilité au sein de la ville de Porto. Note aux consultants immobiliers : Cette propriété est disponible pour le partage d'entreprise. Si vous avez des clients intéressés, veuillez nous contacter pour planifier une visite.AMI : 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionnalisme et dévouement à votre serviceEntreparedes Real Estate est une référence dans le marché de la vente et de la gestion immobilière, reconnue pour son engagement envers le sérieux, le respect et l'éthique dans la prestation de services immobiliers.Notre équipe est composée de professionnels expérimentés et multilingues, qui offrent un service personnalisé axé sur les besoins de chaque client. Nous travaillons sans relâche pour offrir un maximum de satisfaction à nos clients, qu'il s'agisse de l'achat, de la vente ou de la gestion de biens immobiliers.Différentiels entreparedes :
- Technologie de pointe : Nous utilisons les outils les plus modernes pour assurer une diffusion large et efficace des propriétés.
- Gestion complète : Nous nous occupons de l'ensemble du processus, de la négociation initiale à l'après-vente, en garantissant une expérience fluide et réussie.
- Se concentrer sur la rentabilité : Nous visons à fournir le meilleur rendement à nos clients, en mettant toujours l'accent sur la qualité et l'appréciation des actifs immobiliers.Chez Entreparedes, un client satisfait est notre plus grande réussite. Nous sommes là pour rendre votre expérience immobilière simple, sûre et enrichissante.
Performance Énergétique: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 Voir plus Voir moins EXCLUSIVE BUILDING FOR SALE | AL WITH DOURO RIVER VIEW | FONTAINHAS, PORTOAL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto Unmissable opportunity for investors! Building of excellence with 865 m² of gross private area, located in the picturesque area of Fontainhas, in Porto, with stunning views over the Douro River. Building composition:
15 apartments**, all in horizontal property and with a Local Accommodation (AL) license:
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Property Highlights:
Fully furnished and equipped
Currently in full operation under the AL regime
Premium location in the tourist centre of Porto
Easy access to the city's main points of interest
Safe and highly profitable investment This building represents a unique opportunity for those who wish to invest in a consolidated asset in the Local Accommodation market, benefiting from its already established and successful operation. AL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto. Contact us for more information!Reference distances:Nearby Public Transport:- Bus Stops:
- Guindais: Approximately 329 metres (about 5 minutes walk).
- Battle | Alexandre Herculano: About 340 meters (approximately 5 minutes walk).- Train Stations:
- Porto - São Bento: Approximately 428 metres (about 6 minutes walk).- Metro Stations:
- São Bento: About 476 meters (approximately 7 minutes walk).- Funicular Station:
- Batalha-Guindais: Approximately 589 meters (about 8 minutes walk).Available Bus Lines:The following bus lines pass nearby: 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.With all this, this property benefits from a central location with easy access to various means of public transport, facilitating mobility within the city of Porto. Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 EDIFICIO EXCLUSIVO EN VENTA | AL CON VISTA AL RÍO DUERO | FONTAINHAS, OPORTOEdificio de alojamiento local AL con vistas al río Duero - 15 apartamentos en venta en Fontainhas, Oporto ¡Oportunidad imperdible para los inversores! Edificio de excelencia con 865 m² de superficie privada bruta, situado en la pintoresca zona de Fontainhas, en Oporto, con impresionantes vistas sobre el río Duero. Composición del edificio:
15 apartamentos**, todos en propiedad horizontal y con licencia de Alojamiento Local (AL):
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Dúplex Aspectos destacados de la propiedad:
Totalmente amueblado y equipado
Actualmente en pleno funcionamiento bajo el régimen AL
Ubicación privilegiada en el centro turístico de Oporto
Fácil acceso a los principales puntos de interés de la ciudad
Inversión segura y altamente rentable Este edificio representa una oportunidad única para aquellos que desean invertir en un activo consolidado en el mercado de Alojamiento Local, beneficiándose de su ya establecida y exitosa operación. Edificio de alojamiento local AL con vistas al río Duero - 15 apartamentos en venta en Fontainhas, Oporto. ¡Contáctanos para más información!Distancias de referencia:Transporte público cercano:- Paradas de autobús:
- Guindais: Aproximadamente 329 metros (unos 5 minutos a pie).
- Batalla | Alexandre Herculano: Unos 340 metros (aproximadamente 5 minutos a pie).
- Estaciones de tren:
- Oporto - São Bento: Aproximadamente 428 metros (unos 6 minutos a pie).- Estaciones de Metro:
- São Bento: Unos 476 metros (aproximadamente 7 minutos a pie).- Estación de funicular:
- Batalha-Guindais: Aproximadamente 589 metros (unos 8 minutos a pie).Líneas de autobús disponibles:Las siguientes líneas de autobús pasan cerca: 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.Con todo esto, esta propiedad se beneficia de una ubicación céntrica con fácil acceso a diversos medios de transporte público, facilitando la movilidad dentro de la ciudad de Oporto. Nota para Consultores de Bienes Raíces: Esta propiedad está disponible para compartir negocios. Si tiene clientes interesados, póngase en contacto con nosotros para programar una visita.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Profesionalidad y dedicación a su servicioEntreparedes Real Estate es un referente en el mercado de Compraventa y Gestión Inmobiliaria, reconocida por su compromiso con la seriedad, el respeto y la ética en la prestación de servicios inmobiliarios.Nuestro equipo está formado por profesionales experimentados y multilingües, que ofrecen un servicio personalizado y centrado en las necesidades de cada cliente. Trabajamos incansablemente para proporcionar la máxima satisfacción a nuestros clientes, ya sea comprando, vendiendo o gestionando bienes inmuebles.Diferenciales Entreparedes:
- Tecnología de punta: Utilizamos las herramientas más modernas para garantizar una amplia y efectiva difusión de los inmuebles.
- Gestión completa: Nos encargamos de todo el proceso, desde la negociación inicial hasta la postventa, asegurando una experiencia fluida y exitosa.
- Enfoque en la Rentabilidad: Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar el mejor rendimiento a nuestros clientes, siempre enfocándonos en la calidad y valorización de los activos inmobiliarios.En Entreparedes, un cliente satisfecho es nuestro mayor logro. Estamos aquí para hacer que su experiencia inmobiliaria sea simple, segura y gratificante.
Categoría Energética: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 IMMEUBLE EXCLUSIF À VENDRE | AL AVEC VUE SUR LE FLEUVE DOURO | FONTAINHAS, PORTOAL immeuble d'habitation local avec vue sur le fleuve Douro - 15 appartements à vendre quartier Fontainhas, Porto Opportunité à ne pas manquer pour les investisseurs ! Immeuble d'excellence avec 865 m² de surface privée brute, situé dans le quartier pittoresque de Fontainhas, à Porto, avec une vue imprenable sur le fleuve Douro. Composition du bâtiment :
15 appartements**, tous en propriété horizontale et avec chacun une licence Local Accommodation (AL) :
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Points forts de la propriété :
Entièrement meublé et équipé
Actuellement pleinement opérationnel sous le régime de l'AL
Emplacement privilégié dans le centre touristique de Porto
Accès facile aux principaux points d'intérêt de la ville
Investissement sûr et très rentable Cet immeuble représente une opportunité unique pour ceux qui souhaitent investir dans un actif consolidé sur le marché de l'Hébergement de Proximité, en bénéficiant de son fonctionnement déjà établi et réussi. AL immeuble d'habitation local avec vue sur le fleuve Douro - 15 appartements à vendre à Fontainhas, Porto. Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations !Distances de référence :Transports en commun à proximité :- Arrêts de bus :
- Guindais : environ 329 mètres (environ 5 minutes à pied).
- Batalha | Alexandre Herculano : Environ 340 mètres (environ 5 minutes à pied).
- Porto - São Bento : environ 428 mètres (environ 6 minutes à pied).- Stations de métro :
- São Bento : environ 476 mètres (environ 7 minutes à pied).- Station de funiculaire :
- Batalha-Guindais : environ 589 mètres (environ 8 minutes à pied).Lignes de bus disponibles :Les lignes de bus suivantes passent à proximité : 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.Avec tout cela, cette propriété bénéficie d'un emplacement central avec un accès facile aux différents moyens de transport en commun, facilitant la mobilité au sein de la ville de Porto. Note aux consultants immobiliers : Cette propriété est disponible pour le partage d'entreprise. Si vous avez des clients intéressés, veuillez nous contacter pour planifier une visite.AMI : 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionnalisme et dévouement à votre serviceEntreparedes Real Estate est une référence dans le marché de la vente et de la gestion immobilière, reconnue pour son engagement envers le sérieux, le respect et l'éthique dans la prestation de services immobiliers.Notre équipe est composée de professionnels expérimentés et multilingues, qui offrent un service personnalisé axé sur les besoins de chaque client. Nous travaillons sans relâche pour offrir un maximum de satisfaction à nos clients, qu'il s'agisse de l'achat, de la vente ou de la gestion de biens immobiliers.Différentiels entreparedes :
- Technologie de pointe : Nous utilisons les outils les plus modernes pour assurer une diffusion large et efficace des propriétés.
- Gestion complète : Nous nous occupons de l'ensemble du processus, de la négociation initiale à l'après-vente, en garantissant une expérience fluide et réussie.
- Se concentrer sur la rentabilité : Nous visons à fournir le meilleur rendement à nos clients, en mettant toujours l'accent sur la qualité et l'appréciation des actifs immobiliers.Chez Entreparedes, un client satisfait est notre plus grande réussite. Nous sommes là pour rendre votre expérience immobilière simple, sûre et enrichissante.
Performance Énergétique: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 EXCLUSIVE BUILDING FOR SALE | AL WITH DOURO RIVER VIEW | FONTAINHAS, PORTOAL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto Unmissable opportunity for investors! Building of excellence with 865 m² of gross private area, located in the picturesque area of Fontainhas, in Porto, with stunning views over the Douro River. Building composition:
15 apartments**, all in horizontal property and with a Local Accommodation (AL) license:
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Property Highlights:
Fully furnished and equipped
Currently in full operation under the AL regime
Premium location in the tourist centre of Porto
Easy access to the city's main points of interest
Safe and highly profitable investment This building represents a unique opportunity for those who wish to invest in a consolidated asset in the Local Accommodation market, benefiting from its already established and successful operation. AL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto. Contact us for more information!Reference distances:Nearby Public Transport:- Bus Stops:
- Guindais: Approximately 329 metres (about 5 minutes walk).
- Battle | Alexandre Herculano: About 340 meters (approximately 5 minutes walk).- Train Stations:
- Porto - São Bento: Approximately 428 metres (about 6 minutes walk).- Metro Stations:
- São Bento: About 476 meters (approximately 7 minutes walk).- Funicular Station:
- Batalha-Guindais: Approximately 589 meters (about 8 minutes walk).Available Bus Lines:The following bus lines pass nearby: 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.With all this, this property benefits from a central location with easy access to various means of public transport, facilitating mobility within the city of Porto. Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 EXCLUSIVE BUILDING FOR SALE | AL WITH DOURO RIVER VIEW | FONTAINHAS, PORTOAL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto Unmissable opportunity for investors! Building of excellence with 865 m² of gross private area, located in the picturesque area of Fontainhas, in Porto, with stunning views over the Douro River. Building composition:
15 apartments**, all in horizontal property and with a Local Accommodation (AL) license:
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Property Highlights:
Fully furnished and equipped
Currently in full operation under the AL regime
Premium location in the tourist centre of Porto
Easy access to the city's main points of interest
Safe and highly profitable investment This building represents a unique opportunity for those who wish to invest in a consolidated asset in the Local Accommodation market, benefiting from its already established and successful operation. AL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto. Contact us for more information!Reference distances:Nearby Public Transport:- Bus Stops:
- Guindais: Approximately 329 metres (about 5 minutes walk).
- Battle | Alexandre Herculano: About 340 meters (approximately 5 minutes walk).- Train Stations:
- Porto - São Bento: Approximately 428 metres (about 6 minutes walk).- Metro Stations:
- São Bento: About 476 meters (approximately 7 minutes walk).- Funicular Station:
- Batalha-Guindais: Approximately 589 meters (about 8 minutes walk).Available Bus Lines:The following bus lines pass nearby: 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.With all this, this property benefits from a central location with easy access to various means of public transport, facilitating mobility within the city of Porto. Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 PRÉDIO EXCLUSIVO À VENDA | AL COM VISTA RIO DOURO | FONTAINHAS, PORTOPrédio em regime de alojamento local AL com vistas para o rio Douro - 15 apartamentos para comprar nas Fontainhas, Porto Oportunidade imperdível para investidores! Prédio de excelência com 865 m² de área bruta privativa, localizado na pitoresca zona das Fontainhas, no Porto, com vistas deslumbrantes sobre o Rio Douro. Composição do edifício:
15 apartamentos**, todos em propriedade horizontal e com licença de Alojamento Local (AL):
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Destaques do imóvel:
Totalmente mobilado e equipado
Atualmente em pleno funcionamento no regime de AL
Localização premium no centro turístico do Porto
Fácil acesso aos principais pontos de interesse da cidade
Investimento seguro e altamente rentável Este edifício representa uma oportunidade única para quem deseja investir num ativo consolidado no mercado de Alojamento Local, beneficiando da sua operação já estabelecida e bem-sucedida. Prédio em regime de alojamento local AL com vistas para o rio Douro - 15 apartamentos para comprar nas Fontainhas, Porto. Entre em contacto para mais informações!Distâncias de referência:Transportes Públicos Próximos:- Paragens de Autocarro:
- Guindais: A aproximadamente 329 metros (cerca de 5 minutos a pé).
- Batalha | Alexandre Herculano: A cerca de 340 metros (aproximadamente 5 minutos a pé).
- Estações de Comboio:
- Porto - São Bento: A aproximadamente 428 metros (cerca de 6 minutos a pé).- Estações de Metro:
- São Bento: A cerca de 476 metros (aproximadamente 7 minutos a pé).- Estação de Funicular:
- Batalha-Guindais: A aproximadamente 589 metros (cerca de 8 minutos a pé).Linhas de Autocarro Disponíveis:As seguintes linhas de autocarro passam nas proximidades: 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.Com tudo isso este imóvel beneficia de uma localização central com fácil acesso a diversos meios de transporte público, facilitando a mobilidade dentro da cidade do Porto. Nota para Consultores Imobiliários: Este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Se tiver clientes interessados, entre em contato connosco para agendar uma visita.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Profissionalismo e Dedicação ao seu ServiçoA Entreparedes Real Estate é uma referência no mercado de Venda e Administração de Imóveis, reconhecida pelo seu compromisso com a seriedade, o respeito e a ética na prestação de serviços imobiliários.Nossa equipe é composta por profissionais experientes e multilíngues, que oferecem um atendimento personalizado e focado nas necessidades de cada cliente. Trabalhamos incessantemente para proporcionar a máxima satisfação aos nossos clientes, seja na compra, venda ou administração de imóveis.Diferenciais da Entreparedes:
- Tecnologia de Ponta: Usamos as ferramentas mais modernas para garantir uma divulgação ampla e eficaz dos imóveis.
- Gestão Completa: Cuidamos de todo o processo, desde a negociação inicial até o pós-venda, assegurando uma experiência tranquila e bem-sucedida.
- Foco na Rentabilidade: Visamos proporcionar o melhor retorno aos nossos clientes, sempre com o foco na qualidade e na valorização dos ativos imobiliários.Na Entreparedes, um cliente satisfeito é nossa maior conquista. Estamos aqui para tornar sua experiência imobiliária simples, segura e gratificante.
Categoria Energética: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 EXCLUSIVE BUILDING FOR SALE | AL WITH DOURO RIVER VIEW | FONTAINHAS, PORTOAL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto Unmissable opportunity for investors! Building of excellence with 865 m² of gross private area, located in the picturesque area of Fontainhas, in Porto, with stunning views over the Douro River. Building composition:
15 apartments**, all in horizontal property and with a Local Accommodation (AL) license:
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Property Highlights:
Fully furnished and equipped
Currently in full operation under the AL regime
Premium location in the tourist centre of Porto
Easy access to the city's main points of interest
Safe and highly profitable investment This building represents a unique opportunity for those who wish to invest in a consolidated asset in the Local Accommodation market, benefiting from its already established and successful operation. AL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto. Contact us for more information!Reference distances:Nearby Public Transport:- Bus Stops:
- Guindais: Approximately 329 metres (about 5 minutes walk).
- Battle | Alexandre Herculano: About 340 meters (approximately 5 minutes walk).- Train Stations:
- Porto - São Bento: Approximately 428 metres (about 6 minutes walk).- Metro Stations:
- São Bento: About 476 meters (approximately 7 minutes walk).- Funicular Station:
- Batalha-Guindais: Approximately 589 meters (about 8 minutes walk).Available Bus Lines:The following bus lines pass nearby: 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.With all this, this property benefits from a central location with easy access to various means of public transport, facilitating mobility within the city of Porto. Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: B-
#ref:BLO_2709 EXCLUSIVE BUILDING FOR SALE | AL WITH DOURO RIVER VIEW | FONTAINHAS, PORTOAL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto Unmissable opportunity for investors! Building of excellence with 865 m² of gross private area, located in the picturesque area of Fontainhas, in Porto, with stunning views over the Douro River. Building composition:
15 apartments**, all in horizontal property and with a Local Accommodation (AL) license:
- 3 T0
- 8 T1
- 2 T2
- 2 T2 Duplex Property Highlights:
Fully furnished and equipped
Currently in full operation under the AL regime
Premium location in the tourist centre of Porto
Easy access to the city's main points of interest
Safe and highly profitable investment This building represents a unique opportunity for those who wish to invest in a consolidated asset in the Local Accommodation market, benefiting from its already established and successful operation. AL local accommodation building with views of the Douro River - 15 apartments for sale in Fontainhas, Porto. Contact us for more information!Reference distances:Nearby Public Transport:- Bus Stops:
- Guindais: Approximately 329 metres (about 5 minutes walk).
- Battle | Alexandre Herculano: About 340 meters (approximately 5 minutes walk).- Train Stations:
- Porto - São Bento: Approximately 428 metres (about 6 minutes walk).- Metro Stations:
- São Bento: About 476 meters (approximately 7 minutes walk).- Funicular Station:
- Batalha-Guindais: Approximately 589 meters (about 8 minutes walk).Available Bus Lines:The following bus lines pass nearby: 207, 300, 303, 400, 500, 901, 905, 403, 10M, 9M.With all this, this property benefits from a central location with easy access to various means of public transport, facilitating mobility within the city of Porto. Note to Real Estate Consultants: This property is available for business sharing. If you have interested customers, please contact us to schedule a viewing.AMI: 13781Entreparedes Real Estate - Professionalism and Dedication to Your ServiceEntreparedes Real Estate is a reference in the Real Estate Sales and Management market, recognised for its commitment to seriousness, respect and ethics in the provision of real estate services.Our team is made up of experienced and multilingual professionals, who offer personalised service focused on the needs of each client. We work tirelessly to provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, whether buying, selling or managing real estate.Entreparedes differentials:
- State-of-the-art Technology: We use the most modern tools to ensure wide and effective dissemination of properties.
- Complete Management: We take care of the entire process, from the initial negotiation to the after-sales, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
- Focus on Profitability: We aim to provide the best return to our clients, always focusing on the quality and appreciation of real estate assets.At Entreparedes, a satisfied customer is our greatest achievement. We're here to make your real estate experience simple, safe, and rewarding.
Energy Rating: B-