Maison & Propriété (Vente)
/ 13120
Located in the Alta Brianza area near Lake Como, this prestigious 8-hectare estate with luxurious riding stables is for sale. The property features a grand manor house, eight flats, and extensive equestrian facilities, including 64 horse stalls, a big arena, a clubhouse, and storage buildings, totaling 9,500 sqm. The estate is set in a private park surrounded by scenic hills and Alpine foothills, offering a peaceful environment with easy access to Lake Como's natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy the lake, explore coastal towns, and take in the stunning landscapes that have inspired artists for centuries. The complex, designed in 2018, has three independent entrances, each leading to different areas, including the stables, manor house, and storage facilities. The main 260-sqm villa includes a living and dining area, kitchen, three bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a basement. The service flats include seven two-room apartments and a larger three-room unit. The equestrian facilities feature two paddocks, a heated arena, and a clubhouse, perfect for hosting events. With its proximity to Milan, Bergamo, and Monza, this estate offers a rare opportunity for luxurious living and equestrian pursuits in a prime location. Ref: 13120
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Located in the Alta Brianza area near Lake Como, this prestigious 8-hectare estate with luxurious riding stables is for sale. The property features a grand manor house, eight flats, and extensive equestrian facilities, including 64 horse stalls, a big arena, a clubhouse, and storage buildings, totaling 9,500 sqm. The estate is set in a private park surrounded by scenic hills and Alpine foothills, offering a peaceful environment with easy access to Lake Como's natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy the lake, explore coastal towns, and take in the stunning landscapes that have inspired artists for centuries. The complex, designed in 2018, has three independent entrances, each leading to different areas, including the stables, manor house, and storage facilities. The main 260-sqm villa includes a living and dining area, kitchen, three bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a basement. The service flats include seven two-room apartments and a larger three-room unit. The equestrian facilities feature two paddocks, a heated arena, and a clubhouse, perfect for hosting events. With its proximity to Milan, Bergamo, and Monza, this estate offers a rare opportunity for luxurious living and equestrian pursuits in a prime location. Ref: 13120
Prestigioso complesso residenziale con lussuoso maneggio sorge in vendita nella regione dei laghi, la Lombardia, nella pittoresca provincia di Como, in zona Alta Brianza. Sviluppata su un terreno di otto ettari, la proprietà comprende la signorile residenza padronale, otto appartamenti di servizio e una struttura attrezzata a maneggio con 64 box per cavalli, un'arena, una Club House e alcuni fabbricati utilizzati a magazzino per il rimessaggio, per un totale di 9.500 metri quadrati interni. La cornice è quella di un meraviglioso parco privato di otto ettari con ampi spazi verdi e numerose strutture adibite allo svago per i cavalli, con tutto intorno lo scenario mozzafiato offerto dalle colline circostanti e dalle maestose Prealpi. Grazie alla sua posizione privilegiata, questa residenza offre comodo accesso alle bellezze naturali del Lago di Como, dove godere della tranquillità lacustre, navigare in barca per esplorare le incantevoli cittadine lungo la costa e ammirare il paesaggio mozzafiato che ha ispirato scrittori, poeti e artisti per secoli. Inoltre, la proprietà gode della strategica vicinanza con le città più importanti della Lombardia, tra cui Bergamo, Monza e Milano dove avere accesso immediato a una miriade di opportunità culturali, culinarie e di intrattenimento. Progettato nel 2018 su una vasta area di proprietà di otto ettari, il complesso vanta tre accessi indipendenti alla diverse zone che lo compongono: uno con ingresso al maneggio e agli appartamenti del personale, il secondo, principale, che conduce alla villa padronale e l'ultimo che porta ai fabbricati di rimessaggio e ai box per cavalli. Rif. 13120
В живописной провинции Комо, в районе Альта Брианца, выставлен на продажу престижный жилой комплекс площадью восемь гектаров, включающий роскошную конюшню с 64 стойлами для лошадей, ареной и восемь служебных квартир. Общая площадь внутренних помещений составляет 9 500 кв. м. Комплекс окружен прекрасным парком с зелеными территориями и удобствами для лошадей, с великолепными видами на холмы и Предальпы. Расположение позволяет легко добраться до озера Комо, а также до крупных городов Ломбардии, таких как Бергамо, Монца и Милан. Основная резиденция площадью 260 м² включает гостиную, столовую, кухню, три спальни и четыре ванных комнаты. Конюшня и арену обслуживают дополнительно трикомнатная квартира для тренера и несколько вспомогательных зданий, включая одно для организации мероприятий. Ссылка: 13120
Type d'annonce:
Type de bien:
Maison & Propriété
Sous-type de bien:
9 500 m²
Salles de bains: