700 000 EUR
700 000 EUR
870 000 EUR
820 000 EUR
875 000 EUR
3 p
210 m²
Istria abounds in beautiful landscapes and places that look down on the sea from high hills. In one such village, this beautiful rustic villa with a size of 212.67 m2 net (286 gross) is located.
What makes it special is its position, on a hill, which overlooks the hilly landscape towards the blue Adriatic from a height with an open view.
An ideal place for rest and escape from busy life, while its south orientation provides plenty of sun.
The house is spread over two floors. The lower floor is dominated by a spacious living room (with kitchen and dining room) oriented towards the outdoor terrace and the view over the infinity pool to the already mentioned panoramic scene.
On the same floor, there is another bedroom with a bathroom, an area for pool equipment and a room for technology, a smaller toilet and a playroom.
The first floor of the house is reserved for rest in 2 spacious rooms (EN SUITE) with bathrooms, and each room has its own terrace.
Minimal corrections to the internal editing are possible, depending on how quickly you jump into the story... and believe me, you want to live this story.
The house is under the roof, and the completion time will depend on the future buyer.
Equipment included in the price:
- floor heating, heat pump
- heated pool
-solar collectors for hot water
- arranged environment
- automatic irrigation
The size of the infinity pool is 10x3.70m2.
For those looking for a vacation home, it is in an ideal location, and yet, the proximity to the border and the airport make it attractive for people who travel often, as well as for tourism.
Contact with confidence,
Leonida Meglaj
licensed agent
ID CODE: IS1513714
Leonida Meglaj
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/905-9898
Tel: 052/639-390
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace Voir plus Voir moins Nordwestistrien, obere Bujština
Istrien ist reich an wunderschönen Landschaften und Orten, die von hohen Hügeln auf das Meer blicken. In einem solchen Dorf befindet sich diese wunderschöne rustikale Villa mit einer Größe von 212,67 m2 netto (286 brutto).
Das Besondere daran ist seine Lage auf einem Hügel, der aus einer Höhe mit freiem Blick die hügelige Landschaft in Richtung der blauen Adria überblickt.
Ein idealer Ort zum Ausruhen und Abschalten vom hektischen Alltag, während die Südausrichtung für viel Sonne sorgt.
Das Haus erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen. Die untere Etage wird von einem geräumigen Wohnzimmer (mit Küche und Esszimmer) dominiert, das auf die Außenterrasse und den Blick über den Infinity-Pool auf die bereits erwähnte Panoramaszene ausgerichtet ist.
Auf der gleichen Etage gibt es ein weiteres Schlafzimmer mit Bad, einen Bereich für Poolausrüstung und einen Raum für Technik, eine kleinere Toilette und ein Spielzimmer.
Die erste Etage des Hauses ist für die Erholung in 2 geräumigen Zimmern (EN SUITE) mit Badezimmern reserviert, und jedes Zimmer verfügt über eine eigene Terrasse.
Minimale Korrekturen am internen Schnitt sind möglich, je nachdem, wie schnell man in die Geschichte eintaucht... und glauben Sie mir, Sie wollen diese Geschichte leben.
Das Haus steht unter dem Dach und die Fertigstellungszeit hängt vom zukünftigen Käufer ab.
Im Preis enthaltene Ausrüstung:
- Fußbodenheizung, Wärmepumpe
- beheizter Pool
-Solarkollektoren für Warmwasser
- arrangierte Umgebung
- Automatische Bewässerung
Die Größe des Infinity-Pools beträgt 10x3,70m2.
Für diejenigen, die ein Ferienhaus suchen, ist die Lage ideal, aber die Nähe zur Grenze und zum Flughafen machen es sowohl für Vielreisende als auch für den Tourismus attraktiv.
Kontakt mit Vertrauen,
Leonida Meglaj
lizenzierter Vertreter
ID CODE: IS1513714
Leonida Meglaj
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/905-9898
Tel: 052/639-390
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace Sjeverozapadna Istra, Gornja Bujština
Istra obiluje prekrasnim krajolicima i mjestima koji s uzvišenih brda gledaju prema moru. U jednom takvom mjestašcu, smjestila se ova prekrasna rustikalna vila veličine 212,67 m2 netto (286 brutto).
Ono što ju čini posebnom jest pozicija, na brdašcu, koja s visine otvorenog pogleda gleda na brdoviti krajolik prema plavom Jadranu.
Idealno mjesto za odmor i bijeg od užurbanog života, dok joj orijentacija jug pruža obilje sunca.
Kuća je raspoređena na dvije etaže. Donjom etažom dominira prostrani dnevni boravak (s kuhinjom i blagovaonom) orijentiran prema vanjskoj terasi, te pogledu preko infinity bazena, na već spomenutu panoramsku scenu.
Na istoj etaži se još nalaze jedna spavaća soba s kupatilom, prostor za bazensku tehniku te prostorija za tehnologiju, jedan manji wc te igraonica.
Kat kuće rezerviran je za odmor u 2 prostrane sobe (EN SUITE) s kupatilima, a svaka soba ima i svoju terasu.
Moguće su minimalne korekcije unutarnjeg uređivanja, ovisno koliko brzo uletite u priču... a vjerujte da ovu priču želite živjeti.
Kuća je pod krovom, a o budućem kupcu će ovisiti vrijeme završetka.
Oprema u cijeni:
-podno grijanje, dizalica topline
-grijani bazen
-solarni kolektori za toplu vodu
-uređen okoliš
-automatsko navodnjavanje
Infinity bazen je veličine 10x3,70m2.
Za one koji traže kuću za odmor ista je na idealnoj lokaciji, a opet, blizina granice i aerodroma čine ju atraktivnom za ljude koji često putuju, kao i za turizam.
Obratite se s povjerenjem,
Leonida Meglaj
licencirani agent
Leonida Meglaj
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/905-9898
Tel: 052/639-390
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace L'Istria nordoccidentale, Bujština superiore
L'Istria è ricca di paesaggi meravigliosi e di luoghi che guardano il mare da alte colline. In uno di questi villaggi si trova questa bellissima villa rustica con una superficie di 212,67 m2 netti (286 lordi).
Ciò che lo rende speciale è la sua posizione, su una collina, che domina da un'altezza con vista aperta il paesaggio collinare verso l'azzurro Adriatico.
Un luogo ideale per riposarsi e fuggire dalla vita frenetica, mentre il suo orientamento a sud garantisce molto sole.
La casa si sviluppa su due piani. Il piano inferiore è dominato da un ampio soggiorno (con cucina e sala da pranzo) orientato verso la terrazza esterna e la vista sulla piscina a sfioro fino al già citato panorama panoramico.
Sullo stesso piano si trova un'altra camera da letto con bagno, una zona per le attrezzature della piscina e una sala per la tecnologia, un WC più piccolo e una sala giochi.
Il primo piano della casa è riservato al riposo in 2 ampie camere (EN SUITE) con bagno, e ogni camera ha il proprio terrazzo.
Sono possibili correzioni minime al montaggio interno, a seconda della velocità con cui entri nella storia... e credimi, vuoi vivere questa storia.
La casa è sotto il tetto e il tempo di completamento dipenderà dal futuro acquirente.
Attrezzatura inclusa nel prezzo:
- riscaldamento a pavimento, pompa di calore
- piscina riscaldata
-collettori solari per acqua calda
- ambiente organizzato
- irrigazione automatica
La dimensione della piscina a sfioro è 10x3,70 m2.
Per chi cerca una casa per le vacanze, si trova in una posizione ideale, eppure la vicinanza al confine e all'aeroporto la rendono appetibile per chi viaggia spesso, oltre che per il turismo.
Contatta con fiducia,
Leonida Meglaj
agente autorizzato
ID CODE: IS1513714
Leonida Meglaj
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/905-9898
Tel: 052/639-390
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace Northwest Istria, Upper Bujština
Istria abounds in beautiful landscapes and places that look down on the sea from high hills. In one such village, this beautiful rustic villa with a size of 212.67 m2 net (286 gross) is located.
What makes it special is its position, on a hill, which overlooks the hilly landscape towards the blue Adriatic from a height with an open view.
An ideal place for rest and escape from busy life, while its south orientation provides plenty of sun.
The house is spread over two floors. The lower floor is dominated by a spacious living room (with kitchen and dining room) oriented towards the outdoor terrace and the view over the infinity pool to the already mentioned panoramic scene.
On the same floor, there is another bedroom with a bathroom, an area for pool equipment and a room for technology, a smaller toilet and a playroom.
The first floor of the house is reserved for rest in 2 spacious rooms (EN SUITE) with bathrooms, and each room has its own terrace.
Minimal corrections to the internal editing are possible, depending on how quickly you jump into the story... and believe me, you want to live this story.
The house is under the roof, and the completion time will depend on the future buyer.
Equipment included in the price:
- floor heating, heat pump
- heated pool
-solar collectors for hot water
- arranged environment
- automatic irrigation
The size of the infinity pool is 10x3.70m2.
For those looking for a vacation home, it is in an ideal location, and yet, the proximity to the border and the airport make it attractive for people who travel often, as well as for tourism.
Contact with confidence,
Leonida Meglaj
licensed agent
ID CODE: IS1513714
Leonida Meglaj
Agent s licencom
Mob: 095/905-9898
Tel: 052/639-390
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace