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Carrare - Fonds de commerce à vendre

12 622 244 EUR

Fonds de commerce (Vente)

Référence: EDEN-T95864810 / 95864810
Court of Massa: Conc. Prev. No. 3/2018. G.D. Dr. Pellegri Alessandro. SINGLE lot - Carrara (MS), Nazzano, Via Frassina/SS Aurelia: Full ownership of a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY A including two buildings for residential use with large adjoining land, consisting of: - Building consisting of four apartments on the ground floor with accessory rooms on the attic floor, three apartments on the first floor with accessory rooms on the attic floor, with adjoining appurtenant land; - Building consisting of an apartment on the ground floor and an apartment on the first floor, with adjoining common land appurtenant; - Adjacent land; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY C1: Portion of the shed consisting of part of large free space used as storage, service/office body consisting of a meeting room, no. 5 offices, a small storage room, central hallway, as well as part used for services including hallway, changing rooms, no. 3 showers and no. 3 toilets distributed by a central corridor, toilet for offices and another toilet that has an entrance directly from inside the warehouse, as well as a large adjoining square; - Portions of land; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a vast real estate complex consisting of: BODY D: Former pumping station building, consisting of a large room and ancillary rooms on the ground floor and basement rooms of reduced height, outside an elevated cistern, with an adjoining surrounding square; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership on a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY E: Portion of land of 3,646 square meters, used partly as a parking lot and partly as a garden; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY F: Portion of land used as a road for common use; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a vast real estate complex consisting of: BODY G: Free building land of 19,072 square meters, for industrial/artisanal use; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership on a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY H: Free building land of 26,486 square meters; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Base price: Euro 12,622,244.22. Minimum bid: Euro 9,466,683.17. Sale without enchantment: 17/05/2024 at 10:00 am. Manager: ... Info c/o the Delegate/Custodian Dr. Serafini Roberto tel ... Voir plus Voir moins Tribunale di Massa: Conc. Prev. n. 3/2018. G.D. Dott. Pellegri Alessandro. Lotto UNICO - Carrara (MS), Nazzano, Via Frassina/SS Aurelia: Piena proprietà su vasto compendio immobiliare formato da: CORPO A comprendente due palazzine a destinazione residenziale con ampio terreno annesso, formato da: - Fabbricato formato da quattro appartamenti al piano terra con vani accessori al piano sottotetto, da tre appartamenti al piano primo con vani accessori al piano sottotetto, con annesso terreno pertinenziale; - Fabbricato formato da un appartamento al piano terra ed un appartamento al piano primo, con annesso terreno pertinenziale comune; - Terreni adiacenti; come meglio descritti e identificati in avviso di vendita. Piena proprietà su vasto compendio immobiliare formato da: CORPO C1: Porzione di capannone composto da parte di grande spazio libero utilizzato a deposito, corpo servizi/uffici formato da una sala riunioni, n. 5 uffici, un piccolo ripostiglio, disimpegno centrale, oltre a parte adibita a servizi comprendente disimpegno, spogliatoi, n. 3 docce e n. 3 wc distribuiti da corridoio centrale, wc destinato agli uffici ed altro wc che ha ingresso direttamente dall’interno del capannone, oltre a vasto piazzale annesso; - Porzioni di terreni; come meglio descritti e identificati in avviso di vendita. Piena proprietà su vasto compendio immobiliare formato da: CORPO D: Fabbricato ex stazione di pompaggio, formato da grande vano e locali accessori al piano terra e da vani interrati di ridotta altezza, all’esterno cisterna sopraelevata, con annesso piazzale circostante; come meglio descritti e identificati in avviso di vendita. Piena proprietà su vasto compendio immobiliare formato da: CORPO E: Porzione di terreno di mq 3.646, utilizzato in parte a parcheggio ed in parte destinato a giardino; come meglio descritti e identificati in avviso di vendita. Piena proprietà su vasto compendio immobiliare formato da: CORPO F: Porzione di terreno utilizzata quale strada di utilizzo comune; come meglio descritti e identificati in avviso di vendita. Piena proprietà su vasto compendio immobiliare formato da: CORPO G: Terreno libero edificabile di mq 19.072, a destinazione industriale/artigianale; come meglio descritti e identificati in avviso di vendita. Piena proprietà su vasto compendio immobiliare formato da: CORPO H: Terreno libero edificabile di mq 26.486; come meglio descritti e identificati in avviso di vendita. Prezzo base: Euro 12.622.244,22. Offerta minima: Euro 9.466.683,17. Vendita senza incanto: 17/05/2024 ore 10:00. Gestore: ... Info c/o il Delegato/Custode Dott. Serafini Roberto tel ... Court of Massa: Conc. Prev. No. 3/2018. G.D. Dr. Pellegri Alessandro. SINGLE lot - Carrara (MS), Nazzano, Via Frassina/SS Aurelia: Full ownership of a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY A including two buildings for residential use with large adjoining land, consisting of: - Building consisting of four apartments on the ground floor with accessory rooms on the attic floor, three apartments on the first floor with accessory rooms on the attic floor, with adjoining appurtenant land; - Building consisting of an apartment on the ground floor and an apartment on the first floor, with adjoining common land appurtenant; - Adjacent land; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY C1: Portion of the shed consisting of part of large free space used as storage, service/office body consisting of a meeting room, no. 5 offices, a small storage room, central hallway, as well as part used for services including hallway, changing rooms, no. 3 showers and no. 3 toilets distributed by a central corridor, toilet for offices and another toilet that has an entrance directly from inside the warehouse, as well as a large adjoining square; - Portions of land; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a vast real estate complex consisting of: BODY D: Former pumping station building, consisting of a large room and ancillary rooms on the ground floor and basement rooms of reduced height, outside an elevated cistern, with an adjoining surrounding square; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership on a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY E: Portion of land of 3,646 square meters, used partly as a parking lot and partly as a garden; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY F: Portion of land used as a road for common use; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership of a vast real estate complex consisting of: BODY G: Free building land of 19,072 square meters, for industrial/artisanal use; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Full ownership on a large real estate complex consisting of: BODY H: Free building land of 26,486 square meters; as better described and identified in the Notice of Sale. Base price: Euro 12,622,244.22. Minimum bid: Euro 9,466,683.17. Sale without enchantment: 17/05/2024 at 10:00 am. Manager: ... Info c/o the Delegate/Custodian Dr. Serafini Roberto tel ... Gericht von Massa: Conc. Zurück. Nr. 3/2018. G.D. Dr. Pellegri Alessandro. EINZELGRUNDSTÜCK - Carrara (MS), Nazzano, Via Frassina/SS Aurelia: Vollständiges Eigentum an einem großen Immobilienkomplex, bestehend aus: KÖRPER A mit zwei Gebäuden für Wohnzwecke mit großem angrenzenden Grundstück, bestehend aus: - Gebäude bestehend aus vier Wohnungen im Erdgeschoss mit Nebenräumen im Dachgeschoss, drei Wohnungen im ersten Stock mit Nebenräumen im Dachgeschoss, mit angrenzenden Grundstücken; - Gebäude, bestehend aus einer Wohnung im Erdgeschoss und einer Wohnung im ersten Stock, mit angrenzendem Gemeinschaftsgrundstück; - Angrenzendes Grundstück; wie in der Verkaufsanzeige näher beschrieben und gekennzeichnet. Vollständiges Eigentum an einem großen Immobilienkomplex, bestehend aus: KÖRPER C1: Teil des Schuppens, bestehend aus einem Teil des großen freien Raums, der als Lager genutzt wird, Service-/Bürokörper, bestehend aus einem Besprechungsraum, Nr. 5 Büros, einem kleinen Lagerraum, einem zentralen Flur sowie einem Teil, der für Dienstleistungen genutzt wird, einschließlich Flur, Umkleidekabinen, Nr. 3 Duschen und Nr. 3 Toiletten, die über einen zentralen Korridor verteilt sind, Toilette für Büros und eine weitere Toilette, die einen Eingang direkt aus dem Inneren des Lagers hat, sowie einen großen angrenzenden Platz; - Teile des Grundstücks; wie in der Verkaufsanzeige näher beschrieben und gekennzeichnet. Vollständiges Eigentum an einem riesigen Immobilienkomplex, bestehend aus: KÖRPER D: Ehemaliges Pumpwerksgebäude, bestehend aus einem großen Raum und Nebenräumen im Erdgeschoss und Kellerräumen reduzierter Höhe, außerhalb einer erhöhten Zisterne, mit einem angrenzenden umgebenden Platz; wie in der Verkaufsanzeige näher beschrieben und gekennzeichnet. Volleigentum an einem großen Immobilienkomplex, bestehend aus: KÖRPER E: Teil des Grundstücks von 3.646 Quadratmetern, das teilweise als Parkplatz und teilweise als Garten genutzt wird; wie in der Verkaufsanzeige näher beschrieben und gekennzeichnet. Vollständiges Eigentum an einem großen Immobilienkomplex, bestehend aus: KÖRPER F: Teil des Grundstücks, der als Straße zur gemeinsamen Nutzung genutzt wird; wie in der Verkaufsanzeige näher beschrieben und gekennzeichnet. Vollständiges Eigentum an einem riesigen Immobilienkomplex, bestehend aus: KÖRPER G: Freies Bauland von 19.072 Quadratmetern, für industrielle/handwerkliche Nutzung; wie in der Verkaufsanzeige näher beschrieben und gekennzeichnet. Volleigentum an einem großen Immobilienkomplex, bestehend aus: KÖRPER H: Freies Bauland von 26.486 Quadratmetern; wie in der Verkaufsanzeige näher beschrieben und gekennzeichnet. Grundpreis: 12.622.244,22 Euro. Mindestgebot: 9.466.683,17 Euro. Verkauf ohne Verzauberung: 17.05.2024 um 10:00 Uhr. Geschäftsführer: ... Info c/o Delegierter/Verwahrer Dr. Serafini Roberto Tel ...
Référence: EDEN-T95864810
Pays: IT
Ville: Carrara
Code postal: 54033
Catégorie: Entreprise
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Fonds de commerce


Prix moyen par
Sept. 2018
3 Mois
1 An
2 166 EUR


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