
Critères de Recherche Avancée

Type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Age des propriétaires
Surface terrain
Salles de bains
Année de construction
Année de constitution
Type de chauffage
Mode de chauffage
Performance énergétique
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Caparica - Maison & propriété à vendre

1 800 000 EUR

Maison & Propriété (Vente)

11 ch
11 sdb
terrain 327
Référence: GTWW-T771 / 8329
Fantastique villa de charme, avec une grande exposition au soleil, est située dans une rue calme du centre de Costa da Caparica, à quelques mètres des merveilleuses plages de l'Atlantique.
Entièrement restauré en très bon état.Les propriétés aux caractéristiques uniques en raison de leur polyvalence peuvent parfaitement s'adapter à divers objectifs et concepts, tels que ;le coliving,
Hôtel de charme,
surf house,
location de vacances / Airbnb,
résidence privée.À 35 minutes de l'aéroport de Lisbonne, à 10 minutes d'Almada
Proche de toutes sortes de services et commerces.Détails et description de la propriété :Propriété 327m2
Surface d'implantation 259m2
Surface brute de construction 518m2Divisé en deux étages ;
Au rez-de-chaussée :
Cour centrale
salles nobles,
A l'extérieur : grand patio avec piscine, garage 4 voitures.1er étage :
suites, reliées par un balcon.Toit
Une suite à usage indépendant
Terrasse, espace polyvalent.L'adaptabilité et l'emplacement font de cette villa une entreprise unique.Nous nous réjouissons de votre visite...Histoire/ Costa de CaparicaAu milieu du XVIIIe siècle, les premiers pêcheurs originaires d'Ílhavo et de l'Algarve se sont installés ici. Autrefois un petit village de pêcheurs qui commençait également à céder la place à la culture de céréales, de vignes et de légumes dans les soi-disant « terres de la côte », la côte s'est progressivement développée.Cette station touristique, qui a grandement bénéficié de la construction du pont sur le Tage, a été élevée au rang de ville en 1985 et plus tard, en 2004, élevée au rang de ville. Aujourd'hui, elle est très connectée au tourisme de soleil et de mer et aux sports de vagues (surf, etc.), offrant des services, des espaces et des activités très diversifiés, sur plus de 13 km de plages de sable blanc, où passent environ 8 millions de personnes chaque année.La pêche étant l'une des activités les plus importantes de la région, ceux qui visitent la ville (surtout en été) peuvent également assister, en fin de journée, à l'arrivée des bateaux de pêche traditionnels typiques, les « meia-lua », dont la principale caractéristique est leurs yeux peints sur la proue. La pêche traditionnelle avec l'art xávega (qui consiste essentiellement à laisser des filets dans la mer, qui attrapent les poissons lorsqu'ils sont tirés à terre par des tracteurs) survit encore aujourd'hui à Costa da Caparica en tant que patrimoine immatériel représentatif de l'identité de la municipalité.Dans la ville de Costa da Caparica, nous vous invitons à vous promener le long de la célèbre Rua dos Pescadores, qui relie la place principale à la digue et aux plages du front urbain. Cette rue piétonne est la plus dynamique et offre une variété de restaurants, de commerces de proximité, de glaciers et de pâtisseries, combinés à des animations de rue. Récemment, cette artère centrale de la paroisse a été requalifiée et a reçu une colonne commémorative avec une réplique des armoiries de la Maison de la Couronne, à côté de la zone où se trouvait autrefois cette maison historique où, selon la légende, le roi D. João VI mangeait du ragoût et passait la nuit lorsqu'il venait chasser.Dans le quartier des pêcheurs, il convient également de mentionner la Rua Mestre Adrião, plus connue sous le nom de Rua 15, qui est considérée comme la rue la plus traditionnelle de Costa da Caparica. Avec ses poêles, ses décorations, ses peintures au sol et ses fêtes de saints populaires, la Rua 15 reflète la simplicité et l'authenticité des habitants du pays.Il convient également de noter, au centre de la ville, l'église mère de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, qui a succédé à un petit temple en bois au toit de chaume érigé par les premiers habitants de la région.IMMOBILIER PRIVÉ DE LUXENous savons que l'achat d'une maison est l'une des décisions les plus importantes de la vie, impliquant un investissement financier et émotionnel.C'est pourquoi nous croyons en un concept TAILOR MADE : une solution sur mesure, avec une attention aux moindres détails.Apprenez à connaître notre entreprise. La meilleure option pour trouver des maisons et des appartements de luxe à acheter, louer ou investir.
Performance Énergétique: D
Voir plus Voir moins Fantastic charming villa, with great sun exposure, is located in a quiet street in the centre of Costa da Caparica, a few meters from the wonderful Atlantic beaches.
Fully restored in very good condition.Property with unique characteristics due to its versatility can fit perfectly for various purposes and concepts, such as;co-living,
Boutique Hotel,
surf house,
holiday rental/ Airbnb,
private residence.35 minutes from Lisbon airport, 10 minutes from Almada
Close to all kinds of services and commerce.Property details and description:Property 327m2
Implantation area 259m2
Gross construction area 518m2Divided into two floors;
On the ground floor:
Central Courtyard
noble halls,
Outside: large patio with swimming pool, garage 4 cars.1st floor:
suites, connected by a balcony.Rooftop
a suite with independent use
Terrace, multipurpose space.The adaptability and location make this villa a unique business.We look forward to your visit...History/ Costa de CaparicaIn the mid-eighteenth century, the first fishermen settled here, originally from Ílhavo and the Algarve. Once a small fishing village that was also beginning to give way to the cultivation of cereals, vines and vegetables in the so-called 'lands of the Coast', the Coast gradually grew.This tourist resort, which benefited greatly from the construction of the bridge over the Tagus, was elevated to town in 1985 and later, in 2004, elevated to city. Today it is very connected to sun and sea tourism and wave sports (surfing, etc.), offering very diversified services, spaces and activities, on more than 13 kms of white sand beaches, where about 8 million people pass every year.As fishing is one of the most important activities in the region, those who visit the city (especially in summer) can also watch, at the end of the day, the arrival of the typical traditional fishing boats, the 'meia-lua', whose main feature is their painted eyes on the bow. Traditional fishing with xávega art (which basically consists of letting nets ['artes'] in the sea, which catch the fish as they are pulled ashore by tractors) still survives today in Costa da Caparica as intangible heritage representative of the municipality's identity.In the city of Costa da Caparica, we invite you to walk along the famous Rua dos Pescadores, which connects the main square to the seawall and the beaches of the urban front. This pedestrian street is the most dynamic and offers a variety of restaurants, local shops, ice-cream parlours and pastry shops, combined with street entertainment. Recently, this central artery of the parish was requalified and received a commemorative column with a replica of the coat of arms of the Crown House, next to the area where this historic house once stood where, legend has it, King D. João VI ate stew and stayed overnight when he came to hunt.In the fishermen's quarter, it is also worth mentioning Rua Mestre Adrião, better known as Rua 15, which is considered the most traditional street in Costa da Caparica. With its stoves, decorations, paintings on the ground and popular saint festivals, Rua 15 reflects the simplicity and authenticity of the people of the land.Also noteworthy, in the centre of the town, is the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, which succeeded a small wooden temple with a thatched roof erected by the first inhabitants of the area.PRIVATE LUXURY REAL ESTATEWe know that buying a home is one of the most important decisions in life, involving a financial and emotional investment.For this reason, we believe in a TAILOR MADE concept: a tailor-made solution, with attention to the smallest details.Get to know our company. The best option to find luxury houses and apartments to buy, rent or invest in.
Energiekategorie: D
Fantástica villa con encanto, con gran exposición al sol, se encuentra en una calle tranquila en el centro de Costa da Caparica, a pocos metros de las maravillosas playas del Atlántico.
Totalmente restaurado en muy buen estado.La propiedad con características únicas debido a su versatilidad puede encajar perfectamente para diversos propósitos y conceptos, tales como;co-living,
Hotel Boutique,
casa de surf,
alquiler vacacional / Airbnb,
Residencia privada.A 35 minutos del aeropuerto de Lisboa, a 10 minutos de Almada
Cerca de todo tipo de servicios y comercio.Detalles y descripción de la propiedad:Propiedad 327m2
Área de implantación 259m2
Superficie bruta construida 518m2Dividida en dos plantas;
En la planta baja:
Patio Central
salones nobles,
Exterior: amplio patio con piscina, garaje para 4 coches.1ª planta:
suites, conectadas por un balcón.Azotea
Una suite de uso independiente
Terraza, espacio polivalente.La adaptabilidad y la ubicación hacen de esta villa un negocio único.Esperamos su visita...Historia/ Costa de CaparicaA mediados del siglo XVIII, los primeros pescadores se establecieron aquí, originarios de Ílhavo y del Algarve. Antaño un pequeño pueblo de pescadores que también empezaba a dar paso al cultivo de cereales, vides y hortalizas en las llamadas 'tierras de la Costa', la Costa fue creciendo poco a poco.Este complejo turístico, que se benefició enormemente de la construcción del puente sobre el Tajo, fue elevado a ciudad en 1985 y más tarde, en 2004, elevado a ciudad. Hoy en día está muy conectada con el turismo de sol y mar y los deportes de olas (surf, etc.), ofreciendo servicios, espacios y actividades muy diversificados, en más de 13 kms de playas de arena blanca, por donde pasan cerca de 8 millones de personas cada año.Como la pesca es una de las actividades más importantes de la región, quienes visitan la ciudad (especialmente en verano) también pueden observar, al final del día, la llegada de los típicos barcos de pesca tradicionales, los 'meia-lua', cuya característica principal son sus ojos pintados en la proa. La pesca tradicional con arte xávega (que consiste básicamente en lanzar redes al mar, que atrapan los peces a medida que son arrastrados a tierra por tractores) aún pervive hoy en la Costa da Caparica como patrimonio inmaterial representativo de la identidad del municipio.En la ciudad de Costa da Caparica, te invitamos a pasear por la famosa Rua dos Pescadores, que conecta la plaza principal con el malecón y las playas del frente urbano. Esta calle peatonal es la más dinámica y ofrece una variedad de restaurantes, tiendas locales, heladerías y pastelerías, combinadas con entretenimiento callejero. Recientemente, esta arteria central de la parroquia fue recalificada y recibió una columna conmemorativa con una réplica del escudo de armas de la Casa de la Corona, junto a la zona donde una vez estuvo esta casa histórica donde, cuenta la leyenda, el rey D. João VI comía guiso y pernoctaba cuando venía a cazar.En el barrio de pescadores, también cabe destacar la Rua Mestre Adrião, más conocida como Rua 15, que se considera la calle más tradicional de la Costa da Caparica. Con sus estufas, decoraciones, pinturas en el suelo y fiestas populares de santos, la Rua 15 refleja la sencillez y la autenticidad de la gente de la tierra.También cabe destacar, en el centro de la ciudad, la Iglesia Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, que sucedió a un pequeño templo de madera con techo de paja erigido por los primeros habitantes de la zona.INMUEBLES PRIVADOS DE LUJOSabemos que comprar una vivienda es una de las decisiones más importantes de la vida, ya que implica una inversión financiera y emocional.Por esta razón, creemos en un concepto TAILOR MADE: una solución a medida, con atención a los detalles más pequeños.Conozca nuestra empresa. La mejor opción para encontrar casas y apartamentos de lujo para comprar, alquilar o invertir.
Categoría Energética: D
Fantastique villa de charme, avec une grande exposition au soleil, est située dans une rue calme du centre de Costa da Caparica, à quelques mètres des merveilleuses plages de l'Atlantique.
Entièrement restauré en très bon état.Les propriétés aux caractéristiques uniques en raison de leur polyvalence peuvent parfaitement s'adapter à divers objectifs et concepts, tels que ;le coliving,
Hôtel de charme,
surf house,
location de vacances / Airbnb,
résidence privée.À 35 minutes de l'aéroport de Lisbonne, à 10 minutes d'Almada
Proche de toutes sortes de services et commerces.Détails et description de la propriété :Propriété 327m2
Surface d'implantation 259m2
Surface brute de construction 518m2Divisé en deux étages ;
Au rez-de-chaussée :
Cour centrale
salles nobles,
A l'extérieur : grand patio avec piscine, garage 4 voitures.1er étage :
suites, reliées par un balcon.Toit
Une suite à usage indépendant
Terrasse, espace polyvalent.L'adaptabilité et l'emplacement font de cette villa une entreprise unique.Nous nous réjouissons de votre visite...Histoire/ Costa de CaparicaAu milieu du XVIIIe siècle, les premiers pêcheurs originaires d'Ílhavo et de l'Algarve se sont installés ici. Autrefois un petit village de pêcheurs qui commençait également à céder la place à la culture de céréales, de vignes et de légumes dans les soi-disant « terres de la côte », la côte s'est progressivement développée.Cette station touristique, qui a grandement bénéficié de la construction du pont sur le Tage, a été élevée au rang de ville en 1985 et plus tard, en 2004, élevée au rang de ville. Aujourd'hui, elle est très connectée au tourisme de soleil et de mer et aux sports de vagues (surf, etc.), offrant des services, des espaces et des activités très diversifiés, sur plus de 13 km de plages de sable blanc, où passent environ 8 millions de personnes chaque année.La pêche étant l'une des activités les plus importantes de la région, ceux qui visitent la ville (surtout en été) peuvent également assister, en fin de journée, à l'arrivée des bateaux de pêche traditionnels typiques, les « meia-lua », dont la principale caractéristique est leurs yeux peints sur la proue. La pêche traditionnelle avec l'art xávega (qui consiste essentiellement à laisser des filets dans la mer, qui attrapent les poissons lorsqu'ils sont tirés à terre par des tracteurs) survit encore aujourd'hui à Costa da Caparica en tant que patrimoine immatériel représentatif de l'identité de la municipalité.Dans la ville de Costa da Caparica, nous vous invitons à vous promener le long de la célèbre Rua dos Pescadores, qui relie la place principale à la digue et aux plages du front urbain. Cette rue piétonne est la plus dynamique et offre une variété de restaurants, de commerces de proximité, de glaciers et de pâtisseries, combinés à des animations de rue. Récemment, cette artère centrale de la paroisse a été requalifiée et a reçu une colonne commémorative avec une réplique des armoiries de la Maison de la Couronne, à côté de la zone où se trouvait autrefois cette maison historique où, selon la légende, le roi D. João VI mangeait du ragoût et passait la nuit lorsqu'il venait chasser.Dans le quartier des pêcheurs, il convient également de mentionner la Rua Mestre Adrião, plus connue sous le nom de Rua 15, qui est considérée comme la rue la plus traditionnelle de Costa da Caparica. Avec ses poêles, ses décorations, ses peintures au sol et ses fêtes de saints populaires, la Rua 15 reflète la simplicité et l'authenticité des habitants du pays.Il convient également de noter, au centre de la ville, l'église mère de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, qui a succédé à un petit temple en bois au toit de chaume érigé par les premiers habitants de la région.IMMOBILIER PRIVÉ DE LUXENous savons que l'achat d'une maison est l'une des décisions les plus importantes de la vie, impliquant un investissement financier et émotionnel.C'est pourquoi nous croyons en un concept TAILOR MADE : une solution sur mesure, avec une attention aux moindres détails.Apprenez à connaître notre entreprise. La meilleure option pour trouver des maisons et des appartements de luxe à acheter, louer ou investir.
Performance Énergétique: D
Fantastic charming villa, with great sun exposure, is located in a quiet street in the centre of Costa da Caparica, a few meters from the wonderful Atlantic beaches.
Fully restored in very good condition.Property with unique characteristics due to its versatility can fit perfectly for various purposes and concepts, such as;co-living,
Boutique Hotel,
surf house,
holiday rental/ Airbnb,
private residence.35 minutes from Lisbon airport, 10 minutes from Almada
Close to all kinds of services and commerce.Property details and description:Property 327m2
Implantation area 259m2
Gross construction area 518m2Divided into two floors;
On the ground floor:
Central Courtyard
noble halls,
Outside: large patio with swimming pool, garage 4 cars.1st floor:
suites, connected by a balcony.Rooftop
a suite with independent use
Terrace, multipurpose space.The adaptability and location make this villa a unique business.We look forward to your visit...History/ Costa de CaparicaIn the mid-eighteenth century, the first fishermen settled here, originally from Ílhavo and the Algarve. Once a small fishing village that was also beginning to give way to the cultivation of cereals, vines and vegetables in the so-called 'lands of the Coast', the Coast gradually grew.This tourist resort, which benefited greatly from the construction of the bridge over the Tagus, was elevated to town in 1985 and later, in 2004, elevated to city. Today it is very connected to sun and sea tourism and wave sports (surfing, etc.), offering very diversified services, spaces and activities, on more than 13 kms of white sand beaches, where about 8 million people pass every year.As fishing is one of the most important activities in the region, those who visit the city (especially in summer) can also watch, at the end of the day, the arrival of the typical traditional fishing boats, the 'meia-lua', whose main feature is their painted eyes on the bow. Traditional fishing with xávega art (which basically consists of letting nets ['artes'] in the sea, which catch the fish as they are pulled ashore by tractors) still survives today in Costa da Caparica as intangible heritage representative of the municipality's identity.In the city of Costa da Caparica, we invite you to walk along the famous Rua dos Pescadores, which connects the main square to the seawall and the beaches of the urban front. This pedestrian street is the most dynamic and offers a variety of restaurants, local shops, ice-cream parlours and pastry shops, combined with street entertainment. Recently, this central artery of the parish was requalified and received a commemorative column with a replica of the coat of arms of the Crown House, next to the area where this historic house once stood where, legend has it, King D. João VI ate stew and stayed overnight when he came to hunt.In the fishermen's quarter, it is also worth mentioning Rua Mestre Adrião, better known as Rua 15, which is considered the most traditional street in Costa da Caparica. With its stoves, decorations, paintings on the ground and popular saint festivals, Rua 15 reflects the simplicity and authenticity of the people of the land.Also noteworthy, in the centre of the town, is the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, which succeeded a small wooden temple with a thatched roof erected by the first inhabitants of the area.PRIVATE LUXURY REAL ESTATEWe know that buying a home is one of the most important decisions in life, involving a financial and emotional investment.For this reason, we believe in a TAILOR MADE concept: a tailor-made solution, with attention to the smallest details.Get to know our company. The best option to find luxury houses and apartments to buy, rent or invest in.
Categoria energetica: D
Fantastic charming villa, with great sun exposure, is located in a quiet street in the centre of Costa da Caparica, a few meters from the wonderful Atlantic beaches.
Fully restored in very good condition.Property with unique characteristics due to its versatility can fit perfectly for various purposes and concepts, such as;co-living,
Boutique Hotel,
surf house,
holiday rental/ Airbnb,
private residence.35 minutes from Lisbon airport, 10 minutes from Almada
Close to all kinds of services and commerce.Property details and description:Property 327m2
Implantation area 259m2
Gross construction area 518m2Divided into two floors;
On the ground floor:
Central Courtyard
noble halls,
Outside: large patio with swimming pool, garage 4 cars.1st floor:
suites, connected by a balcony.Rooftop
a suite with independent use
Terrace, multipurpose space.The adaptability and location make this villa a unique business.We look forward to your visit...History/ Costa de CaparicaIn the mid-eighteenth century, the first fishermen settled here, originally from Ílhavo and the Algarve. Once a small fishing village that was also beginning to give way to the cultivation of cereals, vines and vegetables in the so-called 'lands of the Coast', the Coast gradually grew.This tourist resort, which benefited greatly from the construction of the bridge over the Tagus, was elevated to town in 1985 and later, in 2004, elevated to city. Today it is very connected to sun and sea tourism and wave sports (surfing, etc.), offering very diversified services, spaces and activities, on more than 13 kms of white sand beaches, where about 8 million people pass every year.As fishing is one of the most important activities in the region, those who visit the city (especially in summer) can also watch, at the end of the day, the arrival of the typical traditional fishing boats, the 'meia-lua', whose main feature is their painted eyes on the bow. Traditional fishing with xávega art (which basically consists of letting nets ['artes'] in the sea, which catch the fish as they are pulled ashore by tractors) still survives today in Costa da Caparica as intangible heritage representative of the municipality's identity.In the city of Costa da Caparica, we invite you to walk along the famous Rua dos Pescadores, which connects the main square to the seawall and the beaches of the urban front. This pedestrian street is the most dynamic and offers a variety of restaurants, local shops, ice-cream parlours and pastry shops, combined with street entertainment. Recently, this central artery of the parish was requalified and received a commemorative column with a replica of the coat of arms of the Crown House, next to the area where this historic house once stood where, legend has it, King D. João VI ate stew and stayed overnight when he came to hunt.In the fishermen's quarter, it is also worth mentioning Rua Mestre Adrião, better known as Rua 15, which is considered the most traditional street in Costa da Caparica. With its stoves, decorations, paintings on the ground and popular saint festivals, Rua 15 reflects the simplicity and authenticity of the people of the land.Also noteworthy, in the centre of the town, is the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, which succeeded a small wooden temple with a thatched roof erected by the first inhabitants of the area.PRIVATE LUXURY REAL ESTATEWe know that buying a home is one of the most important decisions in life, involving a financial and emotional investment.For this reason, we believe in a TAILOR MADE concept: a tailor-made solution, with attention to the smallest details.Get to know our company. The best option to find luxury houses and apartments to buy, rent or invest in.
Energie Categorie: D
Fantástica moradia de charme, com optima exposição solar encontra-se numa tranquila rua do centro da Costa da Caparica, a poucos metros das maravilhosas praias atlânticas.
Totalmente restaurada em muito bom estado de conservação.Imóvel com características únicas pela sua versatilidade poderá enquadrar-se na perfeição para diversos fins e conceitos, como por exemplo;co-living,
Boutique Hotel,
surf house,
alojamento local/ Airbnb,
residência particular.A 35 minutos do aeroporto de Lisboa, a 10 minutos de Almada
Próximo de todo tipo de serviços e comercio.Dados e descrição do imóvel:Propriedade 327m2
Área de implantação 259m2
Área bruta de construção 518m2Dividido por dois pisos;
No r/c:
pátio central
salões nobres,
Exterior: pátio amplo com a piscina, garagem 4 carros.1º piso:
suites, ligados por uma varanda.Rooftop
uma suite com utilização independente
terraço, espaço multiusos.A adaptabilidade e localização fazem desta moradia um negócio único.Esperamos pela sua visitaHistoria/ Costa de CaparicaEm meados do século XVIII, estabeleceram-se aqui os primeiros pescadores, originários de Ílhavo e do Algarve. Outrora uma pequena aldeia piscatória que começava também a dar lugar ao cultivo de cereais, vinha e produtos hortícolas nas chamadas 'terras da Costa', a Costa foi crescendo gradualmente.Esta estância de Turismo que se beneficiou muito da construção da ponte sobre o Tejo, foi elevada a vila em 1985 e mais tarde, em 2004, elevada a cidade. Hoje está muito conectada ao turismo de sol e mar e aos desportos de onda (surf, etc.), oferecendo serviços, espaços e atividades muito diversificados, em mais de 13 kms de praias de areia branca, por onde passam cerca de 8 milhões de pessoas todos os anos.Sendo a pesca uma das atividades mais importantes da região, quem visita a cidade (em especial no Verão) pode também assistir, ao final do dia, à chegada dos típicos barcos de pesca tradicional, os 'meia-lua', cuja característica principal são os seus olhos pintados na proa. A pesca tradicional com arte xávega (que consiste basicamente na largada de redes ['artes'] no mar, que capturam o peixe à medida que são puxadas para terra por tratores) sobrevive ainda hoje na Costa da Caparica como património imaterial representativo da identidade do concelho.Na cidade da Costa da Caparica, convidamo-lo a percorrer a famosa Rua dos Pescadores, que liga a praça principal ao paredão e às praias da frente urbana. Esta rua pedestre é a mais dinâmica e oferece variadas opções de restaurantes, comércio local, gelatarias e pastelarias, aliadas à animação de rua. Recentemente, esta artéria central da freguesia foi requalificada e recebeu uma coluna comemorativa com uma réplica do brasão da Casa da Coroa, junto à zona onde outrora se encontrava esta histórica habitação onde, reza a lenda, o Rei D. João VI comia caldeirada e pernoitava quando vinha caçar.No bairro dos pescadores, de salientar também a Rua Mestre Adrião, mais conhecida por Rua 15, que é considerada a rua mais tradicional da Costa da Caparica. Com os seus fogareiros, enfeites, pinturas no chão e festas dos santos populares, a Rua 15 reflete a simplicidade e autenticidade das gentes da terra.Destaca-se ainda, no centro da localidade, a Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, que sucedeu um pequeno templo de madeira e telhado de colmo erguido pelos primeiros habitantes da zona.PRIVATE LUXURY REAL ESTATEsabemos que comprar uma casa é uma das decisões mais importantes na vida, envolvendo um investimento financeiro e emocional.Por esta razão acreditamos em um conceito TAILOR MADE: uma solução à medida de cada um, com atenção aos mais pequenos detalhes.Conheça a nossa empresa. A melhor opção para encontrar casas e apartamentos de luxo para comprar, arrendar ou investir..
Categoria Energética: D
Fantastic charming villa, with great sun exposure, is located in a quiet street in the centre of Costa da Caparica, a few meters from the wonderful Atlantic beaches.
Fully restored in very good condition.Property with unique characteristics due to its versatility can fit perfectly for various purposes and concepts, such as;co-living,
Boutique Hotel,
surf house,
holiday rental/ Airbnb,
private residence.35 minutes from Lisbon airport, 10 minutes from Almada
Close to all kinds of services and commerce.Property details and description:Property 327m2
Implantation area 259m2
Gross construction area 518m2Divided into two floors;
On the ground floor:
Central Courtyard
noble halls,
Outside: large patio with swimming pool, garage 4 cars.1st floor:
suites, connected by a balcony.Rooftop
a suite with independent use
Terrace, multipurpose space.The adaptability and location make this villa a unique business.We look forward to your visit...History/ Costa de CaparicaIn the mid-eighteenth century, the first fishermen settled here, originally from Ílhavo and the Algarve. Once a small fishing village that was also beginning to give way to the cultivation of cereals, vines and vegetables in the so-called 'lands of the Coast', the Coast gradually grew.This tourist resort, which benefited greatly from the construction of the bridge over the Tagus, was elevated to town in 1985 and later, in 2004, elevated to city. Today it is very connected to sun and sea tourism and wave sports (surfing, etc.), offering very diversified services, spaces and activities, on more than 13 kms of white sand beaches, where about 8 million people pass every year.As fishing is one of the most important activities in the region, those who visit the city (especially in summer) can also watch, at the end of the day, the arrival of the typical traditional fishing boats, the 'meia-lua', whose main feature is their painted eyes on the bow. Traditional fishing with xávega art (which basically consists of letting nets ['artes'] in the sea, which catch the fish as they are pulled ashore by tractors) still survives today in Costa da Caparica as intangible heritage representative of the municipality's identity.In the city of Costa da Caparica, we invite you to walk along the famous Rua dos Pescadores, which connects the main square to the seawall and the beaches of the urban front. This pedestrian street is the most dynamic and offers a variety of restaurants, local shops, ice-cream parlours and pastry shops, combined with street entertainment. Recently, this central artery of the parish was requalified and received a commemorative column with a replica of the coat of arms of the Crown House, next to the area where this historic house once stood where, legend has it, King D. João VI ate stew and stayed overnight when he came to hunt.In the fishermen's quarter, it is also worth mentioning Rua Mestre Adrião, better known as Rua 15, which is considered the most traditional street in Costa da Caparica. With its stoves, decorations, paintings on the ground and popular saint festivals, Rua 15 reflects the simplicity and authenticity of the people of the land.Also noteworthy, in the centre of the town, is the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, which succeeded a small wooden temple with a thatched roof erected by the first inhabitants of the area.PRIVATE LUXURY REAL ESTATEWe know that buying a home is one of the most important decisions in life, involving a financial and emotional investment.For this reason, we believe in a TAILOR MADE concept: a tailor-made solution, with attention to the smallest details.Get to know our company. The best option to find luxury houses and apartments to buy, rent or invest in.
: D
Fantastic charming villa, with great sun exposure, is located in a quiet street in the centre of Costa da Caparica, a few meters from the wonderful Atlantic beaches.
Fully restored in very good condition.Property with unique characteristics due to its versatility can fit perfectly for various purposes and concepts, such as;co-living,
Boutique Hotel,
surf house,
holiday rental/ Airbnb,
private residence.35 minutes from Lisbon airport, 10 minutes from Almada
Close to all kinds of services and commerce.Property details and description:Property 327m2
Implantation area 259m2
Gross construction area 518m2Divided into two floors;
On the ground floor:
Central Courtyard
noble halls,
Outside: large patio with swimming pool, garage 4 cars.1st floor:
suites, connected by a balcony.Rooftop
a suite with independent use
Terrace, multipurpose space.The adaptability and location make this villa a unique business.We look forward to your visit...History/ Costa de CaparicaIn the mid-eighteenth century, the first fishermen settled here, originally from Ílhavo and the Algarve. Once a small fishing village that was also beginning to give way to the cultivation of cereals, vines and vegetables in the so-called 'lands of the Coast', the Coast gradually grew.This tourist resort, which benefited greatly from the construction of the bridge over the Tagus, was elevated to town in 1985 and later, in 2004, elevated to city. Today it is very connected to sun and sea tourism and wave sports (surfing, etc.), offering very diversified services, spaces and activities, on more than 13 kms of white sand beaches, where about 8 million people pass every year.As fishing is one of the most important activities in the region, those who visit the city (especially in summer) can also watch, at the end of the day, the arrival of the typical traditional fishing boats, the 'meia-lua', whose main feature is their painted eyes on the bow. Traditional fishing with xávega art (which basically consists of letting nets ['artes'] in the sea, which catch the fish as they are pulled ashore by tractors) still survives today in Costa da Caparica as intangible heritage representative of the municipality's identity.In the city of Costa da Caparica, we invite you to walk along the famous Rua dos Pescadores, which connects the main square to the seawall and the beaches of the urban front. This pedestrian street is the most dynamic and offers a variety of restaurants, local shops, ice-cream parlours and pastry shops, combined with street entertainment. Recently, this central artery of the parish was requalified and received a commemorative column with a replica of the coat of arms of the Crown House, next to the area where this historic house once stood where, legend has it, King D. João VI ate stew and stayed overnight when he came to hunt.In the fishermen's quarter, it is also worth mentioning Rua Mestre Adrião, better known as Rua 15, which is considered the most traditional street in Costa da Caparica. With its stoves, decorations, paintings on the ground and popular saint festivals, Rua 15 reflects the simplicity and authenticity of the people of the land.Also noteworthy, in the centre of the town, is the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, which succeeded a small wooden temple with a thatched roof erected by the first inhabitants of the area.PRIVATE LUXURY REAL ESTATEWe know that buying a home is one of the most important decisions in life, involving a financial and emotional investment.For this reason, we believe in a TAILOR MADE concept: a tailor-made solution, with attention to the smallest details.Get to know our company. The best option to find luxury houses and apartments to buy, rent or invest in.
Energy Rating: D
Référence: GTWW-T771
Pays: PT
Région: Setúbal
Ville: Almada
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Maison & Propriété
Surface: 518
Terrain: 327
Chambres: 11
Salles de bains: 11
Etat: Bon



Prix moyen par
Oct. 2023
3 Mois
1 An
3 652 EUR
3 603 EUR



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