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Lucques - Fonds de commerce à vendre

Fonds de commerce (Vente)

18 p
20 sdb
Référence: RLHP-T2518 / 11986
Located in the heart of Lucca's town center, this prestigious boutique hotel is for sale. The property spans 680 sqm across four levels, featuring 18 bedrooms that blend modern comforts with historic charm, not far from the Versilia coast. Lucca, rich in millennial history, is renowned for its Renaissance walls, the elliptical Piazza dell'Anfiteatro, and an atmosphere of elegance and refinement. This hotel, housed in a historical building with Roman-era foundations, was restored in the 2000s to combine contemporary amenities with traditional elegance. The ground floor includes a welcoming entrance hall, a lounge, and a café with original exposed beams. The rooms, from double to suites with panoramic views, boast noble Lucchese style with aged parquet flooring and local marble accents. The hotel offers balconies and terraces with views of Lucca’s rooftops, Tuscan hills, and the surrounding landscape. Positioned perfectly in Lucca's center, it serves as an ideal base for exploring the city, the nearby sea, and Florence. Ref: 11986 Voir plus Voir moins Located in the heart of Lucca's town center, this prestigious boutique hotel is for sale. The property spans 680 sqm across four levels, featuring 18 bedrooms that blend modern comforts with historic charm, not far from the Versilia coast. Lucca, rich in millennial history, is renowned for its Renaissance walls, the elliptical Piazza dell'Anfiteatro, and an atmosphere of elegance and refinement. This hotel, housed in a historical building with Roman-era foundations, was restored in the 2000s to combine contemporary amenities with traditional elegance. The ground floor includes a welcoming entrance hall, a lounge, and a café with original exposed beams. The rooms, from double to suites with panoramic views, boast noble Lucchese style with aged parquet flooring and local marble accents. The hotel offers balconies and terraces with views of Lucca’s rooftops, Tuscan hills, and the surrounding landscape. Positioned perfectly in Lucca's center, it serves as an ideal base for exploring the city, the nearby sea, and Florence. Ref: 11986 Prestigioso boutique hotel in vendita immerso nel cuore del centro storico di Lucca, a pochi passi dai punti di interesse più importanti della città. La struttura dispone complessivamente di 680 mq distribuiti su quattro livelli e offre 18 camere, in un connubio perfetto tra i comfort della modernità e il fascino storico della città, non lontano dal mare della Versilia. La struttura ricettiva in vendita sorge all'interno di un edificio storico con fondamenta che risalgono all’epoca dell’impero romano, adibito a collegio di educande fino al 1800. La struttura è stata sapientemente restaurata negli anni duemila in modo da dotarla di ogni comfort conservando intatta la sua anima tradizionale, arricchita da una raffinata eleganza e un’atmosfera accogliente. Questo hotel in vendita si sviluppa su più livelli e offre 680 mq di spazi interni. Al piano terra si trovano l'accogliente hall d'ingresso e la sala lounge e caffè, dominate da alti soffitti con originali travi a vista. Le 18 camere - tra cui camere matrimoniali, triple, quadruple e suites con vista panoramica - sono dotate di tutti i comfort. Il gusto estetico richiama lo stile nobile Lucchese ed è impreziosito dai parquet invecchiati, mentre i bagni, i corridoi e gli altri ambienti vedono l’impiego di preziosi marmi e pietre locali. Numerosi balconi e terrazze danno la possibilità di ammirare i tetti della città dall'altro, le colline toscane e il meraviglioso panorama circostante a perdita d'occhio.  Rif. 11986 В самом сердце исторического центра Лукки, в нескольких шагах от достопримечательностей города, расположен престижный бутик-отель. Отель площадью 680 квадратных метров, расположенный на четырех уровнях, предлагает 18 номеров и расположен в историческом здании с фундаментом времен Римской империи, которое до 1800 года использовалось в качестве школы-интерната для школьниц. В 2000-х годах здание было искусно отреставрировано, сохранив при этом старинную атмосферу. 18 номеров, включая двухместные, трехместные, четырехместные и сьюты с панорамным видом, оснащены всеми удобствами. Отель является идеальной отправной точкой для того, чтобы насладиться городом и открыть для себя его сокровища, а также познакомиться с красотой всего региона: Флоренция находится всего в нескольких минутах езды, а морское побережье Версилии - еще ближе Ссылка: 11986
Référence: RLHP-T2518
Pays: IT
Région: Lucca
Ville: Lucca
Catégorie: Entreprise
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Fonds de commerce
Sous-type de bien: Café, Hôtel, Restaurant
Surface: 680
Pièces: 18
Salles de bains: 20


Prix moyen par
Oct. 2021
3 Mois
1 An
3 208 EUR


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