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Gabrovo - Appartement & loft à vendre

30 631 EUR

Appartement & Loft (Vente)

Référence: EDEN-T97372879 / 97372879
Sold! For other offers, you can contact us at tel ... or visit our office in Sofia. Gabrovo, ul. 'Yantra'5 'Address Real Estate' offers for sale a one-bedroom apartment located in the town of Gabrovo. The apartment is in need of renovation. The layout is as follows: entrance hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen, terrace, bathroom with toilet, adjoining basement. For more information, viewings and a free consultation, contact us at the specified phone number ... Assistance for mortgage and consumer loans through Credit Center. The agency performs all necessary technical and legal checks of the property, organizes all stages of the transaction until its finalization with a notary transfer of the property. Offer code: 609287 Voir plus Voir moins Venduto! Per altre offerte, potete contattarci al tel ... o visita il nostro ufficio a Sofia. Gabrovo, ul. 'Yantra'5 'Indirizzo Real Estate' propone in vendita un appartamento con una camera da letto situato nella città di Gabrovo. L'appartamento è da ristrutturare. La disposizione è la seguente: ingresso, soggiorno, camera da letto, cucina, terrazza, bagno con wc, annesso seminterrato. Per ulteriori informazioni, visite e una consulenza gratuita, contattaci al numero di telefono specificato ... Assistenza per mutui e prestiti al consumo tramite Centro Credito. L'agenzia esegue tutte le verifiche tecniche e legali necessarie dell'immobile, organizza tutte le fasi della transazione fino alla sua finalizzazione con un trasferimento notarile dell'immobile. Codice offerta: 609287 Продаден! За други предложения може да се свържете с нас на тел ... или да посетите нашия офис в гр. Габрово, ул. 'Янтра'5 'Адрес недвижими имоти' предлага за продажба двустаен апартамент, намиращ се в град Габрово. Жилището е за ремонт. Разпределението е следното: входно антре, всекидневна, спалня, кухня, тераса, баня с тоалетна, прилежащо избено помещение. За повече информация, огледи и безплатна консултация ни потърсете на посочения телефон ... Съдействие за ипотечни и потребителски кредити чрез Кредит Център. Агенцията извършва всички необходими технически и юридечески проверки на имота, организира всички етапи на сделката до нейното финализиране с нотариално прехвърляне на имота. Код на оферта: 609287 ¡Vendido! Para otras sugerencias puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en el tel ... o visite nuestra oficina en Sofía. Gabrovo, ul. 'Yantra'5 'Dirección inmobiliaria' ofrece a la venta apartamento de un dormitorio situado en la localidad de Gabrovo. El apartamento está para reformar. La distribución es la siguiente: hall de entrada, salón, dormitorio, cocina, terraza, baño con aseo, sótano contiguo. Para obtener más información, visitas y consultas gratuitas, contáctenos por teléfono: ... Asistencia para préstamos hipotecarios y de consumo a través del Centro de Crédito. La Agencia lleva a cabo todas las inspecciones técnicas y legales necesarias de la propiedad, organiza todas las etapas de la transacción hasta su finalización con una transferencia notarial de la propiedad. Código de oferta: 609287 Sold! For other offers, you can contact us at tel ... or visit our office in Sofia. Gabrovo, ul. 'Yantra'5 'Address Real Estate' offers for sale a one-bedroom apartment located in the town of Gabrovo. The apartment is in need of renovation. The layout is as follows: entrance hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen, terrace, bathroom with toilet, adjoining basement. For more information, viewings and a free consultation, contact us at the specified phone number ... Assistance for mortgage and consumer loans through Credit Center. The agency performs all necessary technical and legal checks of the property, organizes all stages of the transaction until its finalization with a notary transfer of the property. Offer code: 609287
Référence: EDEN-T97372879
Pays: BG
Ville: Gabrovo
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Appartement & Loft
Surface: 62



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Oct. 2023
3 Mois
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253 EUR


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