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Varna - Appartement & loft à vendre

195 000 EUR

Appartement & Loft (Vente)

Référence: EDEN-T98514675 / 98514675
About the project: a modern architectural project located in the district. Asparuhovo, Varna. A gated complex, spread out among many green spaces, in close proximity to the water with harmonious and modern architecture, designed to the highest standards and offering a quality, safe and stylish living environment. The advantage is the picturesque view of Varna and the fast road connection with the city center. It consists of residential buildings and buildings with public functions, which combine new architectural trends and up-to-date appearance with the well-organized park environment between them for walks and recreation. On the territory of the complex there is a mineral spring. The water is tested, certified and is suitable for drinking and domestic needs. The architecture is integrated in harmony with the already existing natural environment. The architecture of the complex combines a clean vision of the buildings in a color range of natural shades with a modern style and high quality materials that harmonize in a natural way with the natural resources of the area. It is planned to preserve plants planted more than 25 years ago and supplemented with a high plantation of resistant ornamental species to ennoble the environment. The spaces between the buildings in the complex are well organized. The alleys for walking and access to the individual areas, the green spaces, the mineral spring and the places for recreation are in perfect symbiosis. Call now and quote this code 561644 Voir plus Voir moins За проекта съвременен архитектурен проект ситуиран в кв. Аспарухово, Варна. Комплекс от затворен тип, разгърнат сред множество зелени пространства, в непосредствена близост до водата с хармонична и модерна архитектура, проектиран по най-високи стандарти и предлага качествена, сигурна и стилна среда на живот. Предимство е живописната гледка към Варна и бързата пътна връзка с центъра на града. Състои се от жилищни сгради и сгради с обществени функции, които съчетават новите архитектурни тенденции и актуален облик с добре уредената паркова среда между тях за разходки и отдих. На територията на комплекса има минерален извор. Водата е изследвана, сертифицирана и е подходяща за пиене и битови нужди. Архитектурата е интегрирана в съзвучие с вече съществуващата природна среда. Ландшафт Архитектурата на комплекса съчетава изчистена визия на сградите в цветова гама от естествени нюанси с модерен стил и материали с високо качество, които да хармонизират по естествен начин с природните дадености на района. Предвижда се запазване на растения, засадени преди повече от 25 години и допълнени с високо насаждение от устойчиви декоративни видове, които да облагородят средата. Пространствата между сградите в комплекса са добре организирани. Алеите за разходка и достъп до отделните зони, зелените пространства, минералният извор и местата за отдих са в идеална симбиоза. Обади се сега и цитирай този код 561644 O projekte: moderný architektonický projekt nachádzajúci sa v okrese. Asparuhovo, Varna. Uzavretý komplex, rozprestierajúci sa medzi mnohými zelenými plochami, v tesnej blízkosti vody s harmonickou a modernou architektúrou, navrhnutý podľa najvyšších štandardov a ponúkajúci kvalitné, bezpečné a štýlové životné prostredie. Výhodou je malebný výhľad na Varnu a rýchle cestné spojenie s centrom mesta. Pozostáva z obytných budov a budov s verejnými funkciami, ktoré kombinujú nové architektonické trendy a aktuálny vzhľad s dobre organizovaným parkovým prostredím medzi nimi na prechádzky a rekreáciu. Na území komplexu sa nachádza minerálny prameň. Voda je testovaná, certifikovaná a je vhodná pre pitné a domáce potreby. Architektúra je integrovaná v súlade s už existujúcim prírodným prostredím. Architektúra komplexu kombinuje čistú víziu budov vo farebnej škále prírodných odtieňov s moderným štýlom a vysoko kvalitnými materiálmi, ktoré prirodzeným spôsobom harmonizujú s prírodnými zdrojmi oblasti. Plánuje sa zachovanie rastlín vysadených pred viac ako 25 rokmi a doplnené vysokou plantážou odolných okrasných druhov s cieľom zušľachtiť životné prostredie. Priestory medzi budovami v komplexe sú dobre organizované. Turistické aleje a prístup do jednotlivých oblastí, zelené plochy, minerálny prameň a miesta na rekreáciu sú v dokonalej symbióze. Zavolajte teraz a citujte tento kód 561644 About the project: a modern architectural project located in the district. Asparuhovo, Varna. A gated complex, spread out among many green spaces, in close proximity to the water with harmonious and modern architecture, designed to the highest standards and offering a quality, safe and stylish living environment. The advantage is the picturesque view of Varna and the fast road connection with the city center. It consists of residential buildings and buildings with public functions, which combine new architectural trends and up-to-date appearance with the well-organized park environment between them for walks and recreation. On the territory of the complex there is a mineral spring. The water is tested, certified and is suitable for drinking and domestic needs. The architecture is integrated in harmony with the already existing natural environment. The architecture of the complex combines a clean vision of the buildings in a color range of natural shades with a modern style and high quality materials that harmonize in a natural way with the natural resources of the area. It is planned to preserve plants planted more than 25 years ago and supplemented with a high plantation of resistant ornamental species to ennoble the environment. The spaces between the buildings in the complex are well organized. The alleys for walking and access to the individual areas, the green spaces, the mineral spring and the places for recreation are in perfect symbiosis. Call now and quote this code 561644
Référence: EDEN-T98514675
Pays: BG
Ville: Varna
Code postal: 9003
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Appartement & Loft
Surface: 157
Etage: 7


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