429 652 EUR
381 601 EUR
332 236 EUR
409 595 EUR
430 146 EUR
2 ch
99 m²
432 550 EUR
2 ch
100 m²
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div div It has 56 units distributed in different modules that comprise a project built on a 10 000 m2 lot.
div div We have a motor lobby for easy access to any type of transportation and also a security control to provide a comfortable but reliable access. It was born as a high end architectural project that seeks an eclectic mix of materials with decoration to achieve an innovative and luxurious concept. Local materials luxury hardware and the use of wood and stone give it an incomparable identity along with the feeling of being immersed in the jungle make this development a unique place.
div div Get to know the overpasses that connect the different levels of each building to comfortably reach the different units through incredible paths over the jungle. Find different art spaces within the tours and venture into the jungle in a different way.
div div We have included different options to take care of every aspect of your body through a space dedicated to constant care techniques. Enjoy a moment of relaxation while your body recovers with the different alternatives of therapies and massages.
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span style font weight bold font style italic LOCATION
spandiv div It is located within Region 15 a few steps from Kukulcan Avenue and 5 min from the Hotel Zone.
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spandiv div span style font style italic EXPERIENCE CENTER
span div div span style font style italic INFINITY POOL
span div div span style font style italic NATURE TRAILS
span div div span style font style italic POOL BAR
span div div span style font style italic CLINIC amp SPA
span div div span style font style italic RESTAURANT
span div div span style font style italic FIBER OPTICS
span div div span style font style italic 24 7 SECURITY
span div div span style font style italic BEACH CLUB
span div div span style font style italic GYMNASIUM
span div div span style font style italic JUNGLE MARKET
span div div span style font style italic YOGA AREA
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divPAP5989173SERVICES Sewage Electricity Pavement Drinking WaterROOMS Kitchen Dining Backyard Terrace ToiletteADDITIONALS Gym Solarium Security Pool Modern Style Under Construction 24 Hour Security Entrance Security Free parking AmenitiesBASIC INFO
Suites 2
Bathrooms 2
Antiquity Brand new
Total Surface 116.93 m2
Suites 2
Bathrooms 2
Antiquity Brand new
Expenses U s 0 Voir plus Voir moins span style font weight bold font style italic EXPERIENCE TULUM IN A NEW WAYspan
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div div
div div It has 56 units distributed in different modules that comprise a project built on a 10 000 m2 lot.
div div We have a motor lobby for easy access to any type of transportation and also a security control to provide a comfortable but reliable access. It was born as a high end architectural project that seeks an eclectic mix of materials with decoration to achieve an innovative and luxurious concept. Local materials luxury hardware and the use of wood and stone give it an incomparable identity along with the feeling of being immersed in the jungle make this development a unique place.
div div Get to know the overpasses that connect the different levels of each building to comfortably reach the different units through incredible paths over the jungle. Find different art spaces within the tours and venture into the jungle in a different way.
div div We have included different options to take care of every aspect of your body through a space dedicated to constant care techniques. Enjoy a moment of relaxation while your body recovers with the different alternatives of therapies and massages.
div div
span style font weight bold font style italic LOCATION
spandiv div It is located within Region 15 a few steps from Kukulcan Avenue and 5 min from the Hotel Zone.
div div span style font weight bold font style italic
spandiv div span style font style italic EXPERIENCE CENTER
span div div span style font style italic INFINITY POOL
span div div span style font style italic NATURE TRAILS
span div div span style font style italic POOL BAR
span div div span style font style italic CLINIC amp SPA
span div div span style font style italic RESTAURANT
span div div span style font style italic FIBER OPTICS
span div div span style font style italic 24 7 SECURITY
span div div span style font style italic BEACH CLUB
span div div span style font style italic GYMNASIUM
span div div span style font style italic JUNGLE MARKET
span div div span style font style italic YOGA AREA
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div div
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div div
divPAP5989173SERVICES Sewage Electricity Pavement Drinking WaterROOMS Kitchen Dining Backyard Terrace ToiletteADDITIONALS Gym Solarium Security Pool Modern Style Under Construction 24 Hour Security Entrance Security Free parking AmenitiesBASIC INFO
Suites 2
Bathrooms 2
Antiquity Brand new
Total Surface 116.93 m2
Suites 2
Bathrooms 2
Antiquity Brand new
Expenses U s 0