
Critères de Recherche Avancée

Type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Sous-type de bien
Age des propriétaires
Surface terrain
Salles de bains
Année de construction
Année de constitution
Type de chauffage
Mode de chauffage
Performance énergétique
Gaz à effet de serre
Prix / m²
Loyer / m²/ an
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
Droit au bail

Rincón - Maison & propriété à vendre

4 519 925 EUR

Maison & Propriété (Vente)

5 p
3 ch
2 sdb
terrain 9
Référence: EDEN-T95332900 / 95332900
Seeing is believing.
This property is located on the Peninsula de Osa, on the side of Golfo Dulce. The exact locality name is Bahia Chal, approximately 36 km southwest of Chacarita, and about 6 km east of Rincon de Osa.
The property is served by an asphalted road from Chacarita and the main property entrance is just off this national road, Costa Rica National Highway 245. The property is comprised of two parts: 28 hectares of deeded land and 12 hectares governed by the Maritime Concessions Zone (under the governance of the Laws of Zona Maritima Terrestre). The property opens up to the coast line, roughly 673 meters long, and there is an existing beach roughly 150 meters wide and covered with remarkable grey volcanic sand.
The property is served with electricity, municipal water supply, and a private road descending to the beach, which connects the National Highway 245 directly to the waterfront. This road however is private and spans roughly 500 meters. The property is in direct line of sight of one of the entrances to the Corcovado National Park (about 6 km across the Golfo Dulce). The views of the bay are breathtaking. There is a large swath of the primary forest on top of the main hill where there are existing nature trails that lead to the hill's peak. Atop the peak, 50 meters above the bay, one finds a panoramic vista of the gulf -- a view that can only be described as truly spectacular.
The property features five natural water sources in the form of brooks, all five of which meet and form a single large brook that opens into the gulf. This brook is officially named and is known as "La Quebrada Honda". There is also a substantial waterfall that stretches nearly 33 feet (10 m) tall. The water sources and waterfall are not only crystalline, they are plentiful sources of freshwater year-round.
There is a large house on the property with approximately 324 square meters (approx. 3500 sq. ft.) and three bedrooms, kitchen, and indoor and outdoor bathrooms. This structure has a concrete foundation and metal-frame roof.
Situated in one of the most biodiverse areas of the world, this property is home to a wide range of flora and fauna, such as various fruit trees (cashews, almonds, coco, manzana de agua, cacao), scarlet macaws and toucans, dolphins, game fish, orcas, and killer whales that can be observed along their migratory routes near the property. The waters are deep and perfect for scuba diving or snorkeling. The property is moreover well suited for all manners of water sports and recreational fishing, as well as various attractions featuring the property's natural landscape.
A robust travel tour program can be designed for tourists based on the available local destinations. The bay is also suitable for the construction of a floating marina, for instance. The property also lends itself to the creation of an ecologically minded, sustainable development designed for today's global citizen whose values place an emphasis on the experiential aspects of life.
Currently, the drive from the San Jose area (Juan Santamaria International airport) takes about 3.5 hours. There are flights available from the Juan Santamaria International airport via Sansa national airline to Puerto Jimenez, about 30 km to the southwest via National Highway 245.
Further details upon request.
Voir plus Voir moins Sehen heißt glauben.
Dieses Anwesen befindet sich auf der Halbinsel Osa, auf der Seite von Golfo Dulce. Der genaue Ortsname lautet Bahia Chal, etwa 36 km südwestlich von Chacarita und etwa 6 km östlich von Rincon de Osa.
Das Anwesen wird von einer asphaltierten Straße von Chacarita aus bedient und der Haupteingang des Grundstücks befindet sich direkt an dieser Nationalstraße, dem Costa Rica National Highway 245. Das Konzessionsgebiet besteht aus zwei Teilen: 28 Hektar Land und 12 Hektar, die von der Zone der Seekonzessionen (unter der Verwaltung der Gesetze der Zona Maritima Terrestre) verwaltet werden. Das Anwesen öffnet sich zur Küstenlinie, ist etwa 673 Meter lang und es gibt einen bestehenden Strand, der etwa 150 Meter breit und mit bemerkenswertem grauem Vulkansand bedeckt ist.
Das Anwesen ist mit Strom, kommunaler Wasserversorgung und einer Privatstraße zum Strand versorgt, die den National Highway 245 direkt mit der Uferpromenade verbindet. Diese Straße ist jedoch privat und erstreckt sich über etwa 500 Meter. Das Anwesen befindet sich in direkter Sichtlinie zu einem der Eingänge zum Corcovado-Nationalpark (ca. 6 km über den Golfo Dulce). Die Aussicht auf die Bucht ist atemberaubend. Auf dem Haupthügel befindet sich ein großer Teil des Primärwaldes, wo es bereits Naturpfade gibt, die zum Gipfel des Hügels führen. Auf dem Gipfel des Gipfels, 50 Meter über der Bucht, bietet sich ein Panoramablick auf den Golf - ein Anblick, der nur als wirklich spektakulär bezeichnet werden kann.
Das Anwesen verfügt über fünf natürliche Wasserquellen in Form von Bächen, von denen sich alle fünf treffen und einen einzigen großen Bach bilden, der sich in den Golf öffnet. Dieser Bach trägt offiziell den Namen "La Quebrada Honda". Es gibt auch einen beträchtlichen Wasserfall, der sich fast 10 m (33 Fuß) hoch erstreckt. Die Wasserquellen und der Wasserfall sind nicht nur kristallin, sie sind das ganze Jahr über reichlich Süßwasserquellen.
Auf dem Grundstück befindet sich ein großes Haus mit ca. 324 Quadratmetern (ca. 3500 sq. ft.) und drei Schlafzimmern, Küche sowie Innen- und Außenbädern. Diese Struktur hat ein Betonfundament und ein Metallrahmendach.
Dieses Anwesen befindet sich in einem der artenreichsten Gebiete der Welt und beherbergt eine breite Palette von Flora und Fauna, wie z. B. verschiedene Obstbäume (Cashewnüsse, Mandeln, Kokos, Manzana de Agua, Kakao), scharlachrote Aras und Tukane, Delfine, Edelfische, Orcas und Schwertwale, die entlang ihrer Wanderrouten in der Nähe des Anwesens beobachtet werden können. Das Wasser ist tief und perfekt zum Tauchen oder Schnorcheln. Das Anwesen eignet sich außerdem gut für alle Arten von Wassersport und Freizeitfischen sowie für verschiedene Attraktionen, die die natürliche Landschaft des Anwesens widerspiegeln.
Ein robustes Reisereiseprogramm kann für Touristen auf der Grundlage der verfügbaren lokalen Reiseziele zusammengestellt werden. Die Bucht eignet sich zum Beispiel auch für den Bau eines schwimmenden Yachthafens. Das Anwesen eignet sich auch für die Schaffung einer ökologisch orientierten, nachhaltigen Entwicklung, die für den heutigen Weltbürger konzipiert wurde, dessen Werte den Schwerpunkt auf die Erfahrungsaspekte des Lebens legen.
Derzeit dauert die Fahrt aus der Gegend von San Jose (Juan Santamaria International Airport) etwa 3,5 Stunden. Es gibt Flüge vom internationalen Flughafen Juan Santamaria über die nationale Fluggesellschaft Sansa nach Puerto Jimenez, etwa 30 km südwestlich über die Nationalstraße 245.
Weitere Details auf Anfrage.
Seeing is believing.
This property is located on the Peninsula de Osa, on the side of Golfo Dulce. The exact locality name is Bahia Chal, approximately 36 km southwest of Chacarita, and about 6 km east of Rincon de Osa.
The property is served by an asphalted road from Chacarita and the main property entrance is just off this national road, Costa Rica National Highway 245. The property is comprised of two parts: 28 hectares of deeded land and 12 hectares governed by the Maritime Concessions Zone (under the governance of the Laws of Zona Maritima Terrestre). The property opens up to the coast line, roughly 673 meters long, and there is an existing beach roughly 150 meters wide and covered with remarkable grey volcanic sand.
The property is served with electricity, municipal water supply, and a private road descending to the beach, which connects the National Highway 245 directly to the waterfront. This road however is private and spans roughly 500 meters. The property is in direct line of sight of one of the entrances to the Corcovado National Park (about 6 km across the Golfo Dulce). The views of the bay are breathtaking. There is a large swath of the primary forest on top of the main hill where there are existing nature trails that lead to the hill's peak. Atop the peak, 50 meters above the bay, one finds a panoramic vista of the gulf -- a view that can only be described as truly spectacular.
The property features five natural water sources in the form of brooks, all five of which meet and form a single large brook that opens into the gulf. This brook is officially named and is known as "La Quebrada Honda". There is also a substantial waterfall that stretches nearly 33 feet (10 m) tall. The water sources and waterfall are not only crystalline, they are plentiful sources of freshwater year-round.
There is a large house on the property with approximately 324 square meters (approx. 3500 sq. ft.) and three bedrooms, kitchen, and indoor and outdoor bathrooms. This structure has a concrete foundation and metal-frame roof.
Situated in one of the most biodiverse areas of the world, this property is home to a wide range of flora and fauna, such as various fruit trees (cashews, almonds, coco, manzana de agua, cacao), scarlet macaws and toucans, dolphins, game fish, orcas, and killer whales that can be observed along their migratory routes near the property. The waters are deep and perfect for scuba diving or snorkeling. The property is moreover well suited for all manners of water sports and recreational fishing, as well as various attractions featuring the property's natural landscape.
A robust travel tour program can be designed for tourists based on the available local destinations. The bay is also suitable for the construction of a floating marina, for instance. The property also lends itself to the creation of an ecologically minded, sustainable development designed for today's global citizen whose values place an emphasis on the experiential aspects of life.
Currently, the drive from the San Jose area (Juan Santamaria International airport) takes about 3.5 hours. There are flights available from the Juan Santamaria International airport via Sansa national airline to Puerto Jimenez, about 30 km to the southwest via National Highway 245.
Further details upon request.
Provare per credere.
Questa proprietà si trova sulla penisola di Osa, sul lato del Golfo Dulce. Il nome esatto della località è Bahia Chal, circa 36 km a sud-ovest di Chacarita, e circa 6 km a est di Rincón de Osa.
La proprietà è servita da una strada asfaltata da Chacarita e l'ingresso principale della proprietà si trova appena fuori da questa strada nazionale, Costa Rica National Highway 245. La proprietà è composta da due parti: 28 ettari di terreno di proprietà e 12 ettari governati dalla Zona Concessioni Marittime (sotto il governo delle Leggi della Zona Marittima Terrestre). La proprietà si apre sulla linea di costa, lunga circa 673 metri, e c'è una spiaggia esistente larga circa 150 metri e ricoperta da notevole sabbia vulcanica grigia.
La proprietà è servita da energia elettrica, approvvigionamento idrico comunale e una strada privata che scende verso la spiaggia, che collega la National Highway 245 direttamente al lungomare. Questa strada, tuttavia, è privata e si estende per circa 500 metri. La proprietà si trova in linea diretta con uno degli ingressi al Parco Nazionale del Corcovado (circa 6 km attraverso il Golfo Dulce). La vista sulla baia è mozzafiato. C'è un'ampia fascia della foresta primaria in cima alla collina principale, dove ci sono sentieri naturalistici esistenti che portano alla cima della collina. In cima al picco, a 50 metri sopra la baia, si trova una vista panoramica del golfo, una vista che può essere descritta solo come veramente spettacolare.
La proprietà dispone di cinque sorgenti d'acqua naturali sotto forma di ruscelli, tutti e cinque i quali si incontrano e formano un unico grande ruscello che si apre nel golfo. Questo ruscello ha un nome ufficiale ed è conosciuto come "La Quebrada Honda". C'è anche una cascata sostanziale che si estende per quasi 33 piedi (10 m) di altezza. Le fonti d'acqua e la cascata non sono solo cristalline, ma sono abbondanti fonti di acqua dolce tutto l'anno.
C'è una grande casa sulla proprietà con circa 324 metri quadrati (circa 3500 piedi quadrati) e tre camere da letto, cucina e bagni interni ed esterni. Questa struttura ha una fondazione in calcestruzzo e un tetto con struttura metallica.
Situata in una delle aree più ricche di biodiversità del mondo, questa proprietà ospita una vasta gamma di flora e fauna, come vari alberi da frutto (anacardi, mandorle, cocco, manzana de agua, cacao), are scarlatte e tucani, delfini, pesci selvatici, orche e orche che possono essere osservati lungo le loro rotte migratorie vicino alla proprietà. Le acque sono profonde e perfette per le immersioni subacquee o lo snorkeling. La proprietà è inoltre adatta per tutti i tipi di sport acquatici e pesca ricreativa, nonché varie attrazioni che caratterizzano il paesaggio naturale della proprietà.
Un solido programma di tour di viaggio può essere progettato per i turisti in base alle destinazioni locali disponibili. La baia è adatta anche per la costruzione di un porto turistico galleggiante, ad esempio. La proprietà si presta anche alla creazione di uno sviluppo ecologico e sostenibile progettato per il cittadino globale di oggi, i cui valori pongono l'accento sugli aspetti esperienziali della vita.
Attualmente, il viaggio dalla zona di San Jose (aeroporto internazionale Juan Santamaria) dura circa 3,5 ore. Ci sono voli disponibili dall'aeroporto internazionale Juan Santamaria tramite la compagnia aerea nazionale Sansa a Puerto Jimenez, a circa 30 km a sud-ovest tramite la National Highway 245.
Ulteriori dettagli su richiesta.
Référence: EDEN-T95332900
Pays: CR
Ville: Bahia Chal
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Maison & Propriété
Surface: 325
Terrain: 9
Pièces: 5
Chambres: 3
Salles de bains: 2
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