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Choumen - Terrain à vendre

23 000 EUR

Terrain (Vente)

Référence: EDEN-T98914802 / 98914802
ERA Varna Trend offers for sale a yard in the center of the village of Kitka, Municipality of Kitka. Avren, 22 km southwest of the town of Avren. Varna. The property is flat, with an area of 620 sq.m, with access by asphalt road, in close proximity to a bus stop and a shop. There is electricity and water on the street in front of the plot. It is suitable for residential construction. Kitka is a village in northeastern Bulgaria, part of Avren Municipality, Varna Province. It is located 22 km southwest of the town. Varna and 12 km southeast of the village of Avren. Kitka is situated in slightly hilly terrain, surrounded on all sides by deciduous forest. The climate is temperate continental, influenced by the proximity of the Black Sea - winter is mild, spring - sunny, summer cool, and autumn - warm. In Kitka there is a beautiful church, community center, grocery stores, cafe, pensioner's club, post office. A dental office is also about to open. The village is fully electrified and water-supplied, and in its center there are two fountains with spring water. The roads are in excellent condition, regular bus transport connects the village with the town of Smolyan. Varna and the surrounding villages. On the territory of Kitka there is a digital telephone exchange, and residents have access to internet and cable TV. The village is famous for its large number of centenarians who inhabit it. Probably, the reason for their longevity are the healthy climate and the ecologically clean area in which the village is located. Offer 0219835 Voir plus Voir moins ЕРА Варна Тренд предлага за продажба дворно място в центъра на с. Китка, общ. Аврен, на 22 км югозападно от гр. Варна. Имотът е равен, с площ 620 кв.м, с достъп по асфалтов път, в непосредствена близост до автобусна спирка и магазин. Електричество и вода има на улицата пред парцела. Подходящ е за жилищно застрояване. Китка е село в Североизточна България, част от община Аврен, област Варна. Намира се на 22 км югозападно от гр. Варна и на 12 км югоизточно от с. Аврен. Китка е разположено сред леко хълмист терен, обграден от всички страни с широколистна гора. Климатът е умерено-континентален, повлиян от близостта на Черно море - зимата е мека, пролетта - слънчева, лятото прохладно, а есента - топла. В Китка има красива църква, читалище, хранителни магазини, кафене, клуб на пенсионера, поща. Предстои откриване и на зъболекарски кабинет. Селото е напълно електрифицирано и водоснабдено, а в центъра му има и две чешми с изворна вода. Пътищата са в отлично състояние, редовен автобусен транспорт свързва селото с гр. Варна и околните села. На територията на Китка функционира цифрова телефонна централа, а жителите имат достъп до интернет и кабелна телевизия. Селото е известно с големия си брой дълголетници, които го обитават. Вероятно, причина за дълголетието им са здравословният климат и екологично чистият район, в който е разположено селото. Оферта 0219835 ERA Varna Trend offers for sale a yard in the center of the village of Kitka, Municipality of Kitka. Avren, 22 km southwest of the town of Avren. Varna. The property is flat, with an area of 620 sq.m, with access by asphalt road, in close proximity to a bus stop and a shop. There is electricity and water on the street in front of the plot. It is suitable for residential construction. Kitka is a village in northeastern Bulgaria, part of Avren Municipality, Varna Province. It is located 22 km southwest of the town. Varna and 12 km southeast of the village of Avren. Kitka is situated in slightly hilly terrain, surrounded on all sides by deciduous forest. The climate is temperate continental, influenced by the proximity of the Black Sea - winter is mild, spring - sunny, summer cool, and autumn - warm. In Kitka there is a beautiful church, community center, grocery stores, cafe, pensioner's club, post office. A dental office is also about to open. The village is fully electrified and water-supplied, and in its center there are two fountains with spring water. The roads are in excellent condition, regular bus transport connects the village with the town of Smolyan. Varna and the surrounding villages. On the territory of Kitka there is a digital telephone exchange, and residents have access to internet and cable TV. The village is famous for its large number of centenarians who inhabit it. Probably, the reason for their longevity are the healthy climate and the ecologically clean area in which the village is located. Offer 0219835 ERA Varna Trend pone a la venta un patio en el centro de la aldea de Kitka, municipio. Avren, 22 km al suroeste de la ciudad de Avren. Varna. La propiedad es plana, con una superficie de 620 metros cuadrados, con acceso a través de una carretera asfaltada, muy cerca de una parada de autobús y una tienda. Hay luz y agua en la calle frente a la parcela. Es adecuado para el desarrollo residencial. Kitka es un pueblo en el noreste de Bulgaria, parte del municipio de Avren, región de Varna. Se encuentra a 22 km al suroeste de la ciudad de Sofía. Varna y a 12 km al sureste del pueblo de Avren. Kitka se encuentra en un terreno ligeramente montañoso, rodeado por todos lados por un bosque caducifolio. El clima es templado-continental, influenciado por la proximidad del Mar Negro: el invierno es suave, la primavera es soleada, el verano fresco y el otoño cálido. En Kitka hay una hermosa iglesia, un centro comunitario, tiendas de comestibles, una cafetería, un club de jubilados, una oficina de correos. También hay un consultorio dental en el mercado. El pueblo está totalmente electrificado y abastecido de agua, y en su centro hay dos fuentes con agua de manantial. Las carreteras están en excelentes condiciones, el transporte regular en autobús conecta el pueblo con la ciudad de Shumen. Varna y los pueblos de los alrededores. En el territorio de Kitka funciona una central telefónica digital y los residentes tienen acceso a Internet y a la televisión por cable. El pueblo es famoso por su gran cantidad de centenarios que lo habitan. Probablemente, la razón de su longevidad sea el clima saludable y la zona ecológicamente limpia en la que se encuentra el pueblo. Oferta 0219835 ERA Varna Trend bietet einen Hof im Zentrum des Dorfes Kitka, Gemeinde Kitka, zum Verkauf an. Avren, 22 km südwestlich der Stadt Avren. Varna. Das Anwesen ist flach, mit einer Fläche von 620 m², mit Zugang über eine asphaltierte Straße, in unmittelbarer Nähe einer Bushaltestelle und eines Geschäfts. Es gibt Strom und Wasser auf der Straße vor dem Grundstück. Es eignet sich für den Wohnungsbau. Kitka ist ein Dorf im Nordosten Bulgariens, das zur Gemeinde Avren in der Provinz Varna gehört. Er liegt 22 km südwestlich der Stadt. Varna und 12 km südöstlich des Dorfes Avren. Kitka liegt in einem leicht hügeligen Gelände, das von allen Seiten von Laubwald umgeben ist. Das Klima ist gemäßigt kontinental und wird durch die Nähe des Schwarzen Meeres beeinflusst - der Winter ist mild, der Frühling sonnig, der Sommer kühl und der Herbst warm. In Kitka gibt es eine schöne Kirche, ein Gemeindezentrum, Lebensmittelgeschäfte, ein Café, einen Rentnerclub und ein Postamt. Auch eine Zahnarztpraxis steht kurz vor der Eröffnung. Das Dorf ist vollständig elektrifiziert und mit Wasser versorgt, und in seinem Zentrum gibt es zwei Brunnen mit Quellwasser. Die Straßen sind in ausgezeichnetem Zustand, ein regelmäßiger Busverkehr verbindet das Dorf mit der Stadt Smolyan. Varna und die umliegenden Dörfer. Auf dem Territorium von Kitka gibt es eine digitale Telefonzentrale, und die Einwohner haben Zugang zu Internet und Kabelfernsehen. Das Dorf ist berühmt für seine große Anzahl von Hundertjährigen, die es bewohnen. Der Grund für ihre Langlebigkeit ist wahrscheinlich das gesunde Klima und die ökologisch saubere Gegend, in der sich das Dorf befindet. Angebot 0219835 ERA Varna Trend ponúka na predaj dvor v centre obce Kitka, obec. Avren, 22 km juhozápadne od mesta Avren. Varna. Nehnuteľnosť je rovinatá, s rozlohou 620 m², s prístupom po asfaltovej ceste, v tesnej blízkosti autobusovej zastávky a obchodu. Na ulici pred pozemkom je elektrina a voda. Je vhodný pre rezidenčnú výstavbu. Kitka je dedina v severovýchodnom Bulharsku, časť obce Avren v okrese Varna. Nachádza sa 22 km juhozápadne od mesta Sofia. Varna a 12 km juhovýchodne od dediny Avren. Kitka sa nachádza v mierne kopcovitom teréne, obklopenom zo všetkých strán listnatým lesom. Podnebie je mierno-kontinentálne, ovplyvnené blízkosťou Čierneho mora - zima je mierna, jar - slnečná, v lete chladná a jeseň - teplá. V Kitke sa nachádza krásny kostol, komunitné centrum, obchody s potravinami, kaviareň, klub dôchodcov, pošta. Pripravuje sa aj zubná ordinácia. Obec je plne elektrifikovaná a zásobovaná vodou a v jej strede sú dve fontány s pramenitou vodou. Cesty sú vo výbornom stave, pravidelná autobusová doprava spája obec s mestom Shumen. Varna a okolité dediny. Na území Kitky funguje digitálna telefónna ústredňa a obyvatelia majú prístup na internet a káblovú televíziu. Dedina je známa veľkým počtom storočných, ktorí ju obývajú. Pravdepodobne dôvodom ich dlhovekosti je zdravé podnebie a ekologicky čistá oblasť, v ktorej sa obec nachádza. Ponuka 0219835
Référence: EDEN-T98914802
Pays: BG
Ville: Varna
Code postal: 9127
Catégorie: Résidentiel
Type d'annonce: Vente
Type de bien: Terrain
Surface: 620



Prix moyen par
Oct. 2023
3 Mois
1 An
770 EUR
1 118 EUR


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