400 000 EUR
Maison & Propriété (Vente)
terrain 133 426 m²
/ 8886
This historic farm awaits you in a picturesque corner of the Arno Valley, in Tuscany. The farmhouse dates to 1700, it has been carefully restored in 2009. The house is divided over two levels for a total living area of approximately 1,031 sqm. It is surrounded by a green area of over 31 hectares that includes a varied landscape of farmland, woods, gardens, and specialized vineyards. The outdoor area offers a harmonious environment with a swimming pool, surrounded by a well-kept garden, creating the ideal setting for days of relaxation and conviviality. The panoramic views of the surrounding countryside offer an atmosphere of tranquillity. The house has an independent entrance and can be easily reached via a paved road in less than 500 metres from the main entrance. The interior of the farmhouse features large reception areas, with historic rooms characterized by traditional architectural elements. The windows invite plenty of natural light and offer a view of the surrounding landscape. Where possible, the bedrooms could be equipped with en-suite bathrooms, ensuring comfort and privacy. Although the interior finishes show a satisfactory level of quality, the modern systems, such as water and heating, fall within a maintenance range of over 20 years. The elegant and functional stairs lead to the various levels of the house. Outside, there are spaces dedicated to the stabling and resting of horses, as well as an area that could potentially be used as a riding school. This property offers multiple opportunities, including the possibility of tourist and hospitality development, given its strategic position a short distance from touristic centres and historical attractions. The large garden and land offer opportunities for cultivation and outdoor activities, making the property ideal for those who wish to fully immerse themselves in nature and rural Tuscan life. The property is characterized by a high level of privacy and represents a unique opportunity for people seeking a haven of peace and history, with incredible development potential in a context of great historical and naturalistic value.Like the typical farmhouses in the area, the external parts are finished with colours that respect the local regulations, while inside the ceilings feature the typical wooden beams, terracotta floors, and wooden window frames.Water and electricity are regularly connected to the grid, the septic tank uses a dispersion system.The property is sold as it is, a winery with the possibility of creating a touristic or agritourist facility.20 minutes from the city of Arezzo from where we can easily reach Rome, Florence, or Milan by train, or via the A1 motorway Milan-Naples, 50 minutes from Florence and its international airport, 60 minutes from Siena.For each property offered, the Great Estate group conducts – via the seller's technician – a technical due diligence. This allows us to know in detail the urbanistic planning and cadastral circumstances of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of a real interest in the property.
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In dieser malerischen Gegend des toskanischen Arnotals befindet sich dieses historische Bauernhaus aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, das im Jahr 2009 mit viel Liebe und Sorgfalt restauriert wurde. Das Bauernhaus erstreckt sich über zwei Ebenen mit einer Gesamtfläche von ca. 1031 Quadratmetern, eingebettet in eine Grünfläche von über 31 Hektar, die eine abwechslungsreiche Landschaft aus Ackerland, Wäldern, Gärten und spezialisierten Weinbergen umfasst. Im Außenbereich bietet das Anwesen eine harmonische Umgebung mit einem Swimmingpool, der von einem gepflegten Garten umgeben ist und den idealen Rahmen für Momente der Entspannung und Geselligkeit bildet. Die Lage bietet einen Panoramablick auf die umliegende Landschaft und sorgt für eine ruhige Atmosphäre. Der Zugang zum Haus ist separat und leicht über eine asphaltierte Straße zu erreichen, die weniger als 500 Meter vom Haupteingang entfernt ist. Im Inneren des Bauernhauses befinden sich großzügige Empfangsbereiche mit historischen Räumen, die durch traditionelle architektonische Elemente gekennzeichnet sind. Die Fenster bieten natürliches Licht und Ausblicke auf die umliegende Landschaft. Die Schlafzimmer könnten mit einem eigenen Bad ausgestattet werden, das Komfort und Privatsphäre bietet. Obwohl die Innenausstattungen ein gutes Qualitätsniveau aufweisen, sind die Anlagen, wie z. B. die Wasserversorgung und die Heizungsanlage, auf einem Stand von mehr als 20 Jahren. Die Treppe, elegant und funktionell, führt zu den verschiedenen Ebenen des Hauses. Im Außenbereich gibt es Stallungen und Bereiche für Pferde, sowie einen potentiellen Reitplatz. Dieses Anwesen bietet zahlreiche Perspektiven, darunter auch die Möglichkeit einer touristischen Nutzung und der Schaffung von Unterkünften, da es strategisch günstig in der Nähe von touristischen und historischen Attraktionen liegt. Der große Garten und das Land bieten Möglichkeiten für den Anbau und Aktivitäten im Freien und machen das Anwesen ideal für diejenigen, die ganz in die Natur und das ländliche Leben in der Toskana eintauchen möchten. Das Anwesen zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Maß an Privatsphäre aus und stellt eine Gelegenheit dar, die von denjenigen genutzt werden sollte, die eine Oase der Ruhe und Historie mit einem enormen Entwicklungspotenzial in einem Umfeld von großem historischen und natürlichen Wert suchen.Wie die typischen Bauernhäuser der Gegend sind die Außenwände mit den üblichen Farben verputzt, während die Innenräume mit den typischen Holzbalken, Terrakottaböden und Holzfenstern ausgestattet sind.Wasser und Strom sind ordnungsgemäß an das Netz angeschlossen, die Abwasserentsorgung erfolgt mit Dispersion.Das Anwesen wird derzeit als Weingut betrieben, wobei die Möglichkeit besteht, es im Rahmen der touristischen, agrotouristischen Vermietung zu nutzen.Es liegt 20 Minuten von der Stadt Arezzo entfernt, von wo aus man mit dem Zug leicht Rom oder Florenz-Mailand erreichen kann, während man gleichzeitig die Autobahn A1 Mailand-Neapel benutzen kann, 50 Minuten von Florenz und seinem internationalen Flughafen, 60 Minuten von Siena entfernt.Die Great Estate Gruppe erstellt über den Fachmann des Verkäufers eine Due Diligence für jede Immobilie, was es uns ermöglicht, die Situation jeder Immobilie bezüglich Städtebau und Kataster genau zu kennen. Bei ernsthaftem Interesse an der Immobilie kann die Due Diligence angefordert werden.
In questo suggestivo angolo della valle dell'Arno, in Toscana, si colloca una storica azienda agricola, risalente al 1700, che ha speso cura e attenzione in un restauro che risale al 2009. Il casale si sviluppa su due livelli per una superficie complessiva di circa 1031 mq, immerso in un'area verde di oltre 31 ettari che comprende un variegato paesaggio di seminativi, boschi, giardini e vigneti specializzati. All'esterno, la proprietà offre un ambiente armonioso con una piscina, circondata da un giardino ben curato, creando l'ideale per momenti di relax e convivialità. Il contesto è arricchito da una vista panoramica sulla campagna circostante, offrendo un'atmosfera di tranquillità. L'ingresso all'abitazione è indipendente e si raggiunge facilmente tramite una strada asfaltata che conduce a meno di 500 metri dall'ingresso principale. L’interno del casale presenta ampie zone di accoglienza, con stanze storiche caratterizzate da elementi architettonici tradizionali. Le finestre offrono una luminosità naturale e una vista sul paesaggio circostante. Se presenti, eventuali camere da letto potrebbero essere dotate di servizi en suite, garantendo comfort e privacy. Anche se le finiture interne mostrano un buon livello di qualità, la modernità dei sistemi impiantistici, come l’impianto idrico e il riscaldamento, rientrano in una fascia di manutenzione di oltre 20 anni. Le scale, eleganti e funzionali, conducono ai diversi livelli della casa. Nella parte esterna, ci sono spazi dedicati a stazionamento e riposo dei cavalli, nonché un'area potenzialmente adibita a maneggio. Questa proprietà si presta a molteplici opportunità, inclusa la possibilità di sviluppo turistico e ricettivo, data la sua posizione strategica a breve distanza da attrazioni turistiche e storiche. L’ampia superficie di giardino e terreno offre opportunità di coltivazione e attività all'aperto, rendendo la proprietà ideale per chi desidera immergersi completamente nella natura e nella vita rurale toscana. La proprietà è caratterizzata da un alto livello di privacy e rappresenta un'opportunità da cogliere per chi cerca un rifugio di pace e storicità, con un incredibile potenziale di sviluppo in un contesto di grande valore storico e naturalistico.Come i tipici casali della zona esternamente le parti si presentano intonacate con le colorazioni che rispettano i dettami, internamente i soffitti si presentano con le tipiche travature in legno, i pavimenti in cotto ed i serramenti in legno.Acqua e luce sono regolarmente allacciate alla rete, la fossa biologica è a dispersione.La proprietà si presenta come lo è ora ad essere una azienda vitivinicola con la possibilità di inserimento nel circuito degli affitti turistici, agroturistici.A 20 minuti dalla città di Arezzo da dove possiamo in treno raggiungere facilmente Roma o Firenze Milano, allo stesso tempo poter usufruire dell'autostrada A1 Milano-Napoli, a 50 minuti da Firenze e dal suo aereoporto internazionale, a 60 minuti da Siena.Il gruppo Great Estate su ogni immobile acquisito effettua, tramite il tecnico del cliente venditore, una due diligence tecnica che ci permette di conoscere dettagliatamente la situazione urbanistica e catastale di ogni proprietà. Tale due diligence potrà essere richiesta dal cliente al momento di un reale interesse sulla proprietà.
Старинный фермерский дом, датируемый XVIII веком и отреставрированный в 2009 году, расположен в живописном уголке долины Арно в Тоскане. Здание на двух уровнях общей площадью около 1031 кв.м просто утопает в зелени на территории площадью более 31 га - пахотные земли, лес, сады и специализированные виноградники. Ухоженный сад как гармоничная среда с бассейном - отличное место для моментов отдыха и общения. К дому ведет асфальтированная дорога, расположенная менее чем в 500 метров от главного входа. Интерьеры с просторными гостиными зонами и комнатами с традиционными архитектурными элементами, с естественным освещением и красивым видом на ландшафт. Из окон открывается панорамный вид на окрестности, что создает атмосферу спокойствия. Элегантные и функциональные лестницы ведут на разные уровни дома. При необходимости все спальни могут быть оборудованы ванными комнатами для комфорта и уединения. Внутренняя отделка с хорошим состоянием, однако инженерные системы, такие как система водоснабжения и отопления, находятся в эксплуатации уже более 20 лет. На территории есть места, предназначенные для конюшни, а также потенциальная площадка для верховой езды. Благодаря своему стратегическому расположению в непосредственной близости от туристических и исторических достопримечательностей, недвижимость может быть использована в различных целях, в том числе для развития туристического бизнеса и проживания. Большая площадь земельного участка предлагает возможности для выращивания продукции и активного отдыха, что делает этот дом идеальным для тех, кто хочет полностью погрузиться в природу и сельскую жизнь Тосканы. Необходимое уединение для тех, кто ищет спокойствие и ценит аутентичную атмосферу, с невероятным потенциалом использования с учетом исторической и природной ценности зоны.
This historic farm awaits you in a picturesque corner of the Arno Valley, in Tuscany. The farmhouse dates to 1700, it has been carefully restored in 2009. The house is divided over two levels for a total living area of approximately 1,031 sqm. It is surrounded by a green area of over 31 hectares that includes a varied landscape of farmland, woods, gardens, and specialized vineyards. The outdoor area offers a harmonious environment with a swimming pool, surrounded by a well-kept garden, creating the ideal setting for days of relaxation and conviviality. The panoramic views of the surrounding countryside offer an atmosphere of tranquillity. The house has an independent entrance and can be easily reached via a paved road in less than 500 metres from the main entrance. The interior of the farmhouse features large reception areas, with historic rooms characterized by traditional architectural elements. The windows invite plenty of natural light and offer a view of the surrounding landscape. Where possible, the bedrooms could be equipped with en-suite bathrooms, ensuring comfort and privacy. Although the interior finishes show a satisfactory level of quality, the modern systems, such as water and heating, fall within a maintenance range of over 20 years. The elegant and functional stairs lead to the various levels of the house. Outside, there are spaces dedicated to the stabling and resting of horses, as well as an area that could potentially be used as a riding school. This property offers multiple opportunities, including the possibility of tourist and hospitality development, given its strategic position a short distance from touristic centres and historical attractions. The large garden and land offer opportunities for cultivation and outdoor activities, making the property ideal for those who wish to fully immerse themselves in nature and rural Tuscan life. The property is characterized by a high level of privacy and represents a unique opportunity for people seeking a haven of peace and history, with incredible development potential in a context of great historical and naturalistic value.Like the typical farmhouses in the area, the external parts are finished with colours that respect the local regulations, while inside the ceilings feature the typical wooden beams, terracotta floors, and wooden window frames.Water and electricity are regularly connected to the grid, the septic tank uses a dispersion system.The property is sold as it is, a winery with the possibility of creating a touristic or agritourist facility.20 minutes from the city of Arezzo from where we can easily reach Rome, Florence, or Milan by train, or via the A1 motorway Milan-Naples, 50 minutes from Florence and its international airport, 60 minutes from Siena.For each property offered, the Great Estate group conducts – via the seller's technician – a technical due diligence. This allows us to know in detail the urbanistic planning and cadastral circumstances of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of a real interest in the property.
Castiglion Fibocchi
Type d'annonce:
Type de bien:
Maison & Propriété
Sous-type de bien:
133 426 m²